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Created February 14, 2015 16:29
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Generic param in nested type resolve issue
# Suppose we have the following type for a rectangular array:
RectArray*[R, C: static[int], T] = distinct array[R * C, T]
var a23: RectArray[2, 3, int]
var a32: RectArray[3, 2, int]
echo "a23: ", a23.R, "x", a23.C
echo "a32: ", a32.R, "x", a32.C
# Output:
# a23: 2x3
# a32: 3x2
# Looking good. Let's add a proc:
proc transpose*[R, C, T](m: RectArray[R, C, T]): RectArray[C, R, T] =
echo "transpose"
var t32 = a23.transpose
echo "t32: ", t32.R, "x", t32.C
# Output:
# t32: 3x2
# Everything is still OK. Now let's use the rectangular array inside another
# generic type:
Matrix*[R, C: static[int], T] = object
a*: RectArray[R, C, T]
var m23: Matrix[2, 3, int]
var m32: Matrix[3, 2, int]
echo "m23: ", m23.R, "x", m23.C, " (", m23.a.R, "x", m23.a.C, ")"
echo "m32: ", m32.R, "x", m32.C, " (", m32.a.R, "x", m32.a.C, ")"
# Output:
# m23: 2x3 (2x3)
# m32: 3x2 (3x2)
# Everything is still as expected. Now let's add the following proc:
proc transpose*[R, C, T](m: Matrix[R, C, T]): Matrix[C, R, T] =
echo "transpose"
var x23: Matrix[2, 3, int]
var x32 = x23.transpose
echo "x23: ", x23.R, "x", x23.C, " (", x23.a.R, "x", x23.a.C, ")"
echo "x32: ", x32.R, "x", x32.C, " (", x32.a.R, "x", x32.a.C, ")"
# Output:
# x23: 2x3 (2x3)
# x32: 3x2 (2x3) <--- this is incorrect. R and C do not match!
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If we move the declaration of t32 BEFORE the call to transpose(), t32 will have the correct type:

  RectArray*[R, C: static[int], T] = distinct array[R * C, T]

proc transpose*[R, C, T](m: RectArray[R, C, T]): RectArray[C, R, T] =
  echo "transpose"

var a23: RectArray[2, 3, int]
var a32 = a23.transpose

echo "a23.R = ", a23.R, ", a23.C = ", a23.C
echo "a32.R = ", a32.R, ", a32.C = ", a32.C

  Matrix*[R, C: static[int], T] = object
    a*: RectArray[R, C, T]

proc transpose*[R, C, T](m: Matrix[R, C, T]): Matrix[C, R, T] =
  echo "transpose"

var t32: Matrix[3, 2, int]  # moved this variable before the call to m23.transpose

echo "t32: ", t32.R, "x", t32.C, " (", t32.a.R, "x", t32.a.C, ")"

var m23: Matrix[2, 3, int]
var m32 = m23.transpose

echo "m23: ", m23.R, "x", m23.C, " (", m23.a.R, "x", m23.a.C, ")"
echo "m32: ", m32.R, "x", m32.C, " (", m32.a.R, "x", m32.a.C, ")"

# Output:
# transpose
# a23.R = 2, a23.C = 3
# a32.R = 3, a32.C = 2
# t32: 3x2 (3x2)          <---- now correct!
# transpose
# m23: 2x3 (2x3)
# m32: 3x2 (2x3)          <---- still wrong, of course

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The above problems seem to be specific to static[T] parameters. For reference, the following example works correctly:

import typetraits

  Foo*[A, B] = object
    a: A
    b: B

proc transpose[A, B](m: Foo[A, B]): Foo[B, A] =
  echo "transpose"

var aif: Foo[int, float]
var afi = aif.transpose

echo "aif: ",, " ",
echo "afi: ",, " ",

  Bar*[A, B] = object
    a*: Foo[A, B]

proc transpose[A, B](m: Bar[A, B]): Bar[B, A] =
  echo "transpose"

var mif: Bar[int, float]
var mfi = mif.transpose

echo "mif: ",, " ",, " (",, " ",, ")"
echo "mfi: ",, " ",, " (",, " ",, ")"

var tfi: Bar[float, int]

echo "tfi: ",, " ",, " (",, " ",, ")"

# Output:
# transpose
# aif: int float
# afi: float int
# transpose
# mif: int float (int float)
# mfi: float int (float int)
# tfi: float int (float int)

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