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Created October 9, 2015 18:48
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Quadcopter MPC Controller
# Control of a quadcopter using pure casadi (version 2.4.0).
import casadi
import as ctools
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define model and get simulator.
Delta = .10
Nt = 25
Nx = 12
Nu = 4
def ode(x, w): #, extForcesRot = None, extForcesWind = None):
x[0] -> x_ned
x[1] -> y_ned
x[2] -> h_ned ( = -z_ned)
x[3] -> u
x[4] -> v
x[5] -> w
x[6] -> phi (roll)
x[7] -> theta (pitch)
x[8] -> psi (yaw)
x[9] -> p
x[10] -> q
x[11] -> r
m = 2. #masa del cuadricoptero
d = .24 #distancia desde el centro de masa al centro de un motor, tomada en el plano xy de Mf
ro = 1.2 #densidad del aire
b = 54.2e-6 #coeficiente de empuje de los rotores del quad
Ix = 8.1e-3 #momento de inercia respecto a x en Mf
Iy = 8.1e-3 #momento de inercia respecto a y en Mf
Iz = 14.2e-3 #momento de inercia respecto a z en Mf
Jr = 104e-6 #incercia rotacional de una helice
eps = 1.1e-6 #factor de arrastre para yaw
g = 9.80665 #gravedad
mu=1e-5 #coeficiente de arrastre de los motores
C=3e-4 #constante de friccion con el aire
A=.2 #area total del cuadricoptero
Ax=.05 #proyeccion del area del cuadricoptero sobre el plano yz de Mf
Ay=.05 #proyeccion del area del cuadricoptero sobre el plano xz de Mf
Az=.1 #proyeccion del area del cuadricoptero sobre el plano xy de Mf
k_amort=1e-5 #constante de amortiguacion rotacional
return [x[3]*np.cos(x[7])*np.cos(x[8]) + x[4] * (np.sin(x[6])*np.sin(x[7])*np.cos(x[8]) - np.cos(x[6])*np.sin(x[8])) + x[5] * (np.cos(x[6])*np.sin(x[7])*np.cos(x[8]) + np.sin(x[6])*np.sin(x[8])),
x[3]*np.cos(x[7])*np.sin(x[8]) + x[4] * (np.sin(x[6])*np.sin(x[7])*np.sin(x[8]) + np.cos(x[6])*np.cos(x[8])) + x[5] * (np.cos(x[6])*np.sin(x[7])*np.sin(x[8]) - np.sin(x[6])*np.cos(x[8])),
x[3]*np.sin(x[7]) - x[4]*np.sin(x[6])*np.cos(x[7]) - x[5]*np.cos(x[6])*np.cos(x[7]),
x[11]*x[4] - x[10]*x[5] - g*np.sin(x[7]) - (mu/m)*x[3] - C*Ax*ro/(2*m) * x[3]*np.fabs(x[3]),
x[9]*x[5] - x[11]*x[3] + g*np.sin(x[6])*np.cos(x[7]) - (mu/m)*x[4] - C*Ay*ro/(2*m) * x[4]*np.fabs(x[4]),
x[10]*x[3] - x[9]*x[4] + g*np.cos(x[6])*np.cos(x[7]) - b/m * (w[0]**2 + w[1]**2 + w[2]**2 + w[3]**2) - C*Az*ro/(2*m) * x[5]*np.fabs(x[5]),
x[9] + x[10]*np.sin(x[6])*np.tan(x[7]) + x[11]*np.cos(x[6])*np.tan(x[7]),
x[10]*np.cos(x[6]) - x[11]*np.sin(x[6]),
x[10]*np.sin(x[6])/np.cos(x[7]) + x[11]*np.cos(x[6])/np.cos(x[7]),
(Iy-Iz)/Ix *x[10]*x[11] + d*b/(np.sqrt(2)*Ix) * (-w[0]**2 - w[1]**2 + w[2]**2 + w[3]**2) - k_amort*ro*A/Ix * x[9] + Jr/Ix * x[10]*(w[0]-w[1]+w[2]-w[3]),
(Iz-Ix)/Iy *x[9]*x[11] + d*b/(np.sqrt(2)*Iy) * (w[0]**2 - w[1]**2 - w[2]**2 + w[3]**2) - k_amort*ro*A/Iy * x[10] - Jr/Iy * x[9]*(w[0]-w[1]+w[2]-w[3]),
(Ix-Iy)/Iz *x[9]*x[10] + eps/Iz * (w[0]**2 - w[1]**2 + w[2]**2 - w[3]**2) - k_amort*ro*A/Iz * x[11]]
# Define symbolic variables.
x = casadi.SX.sym("x",Nx)
u = casadi.SX.sym("u",Nu)
xsp = casadi.SX.sym("xsp",Nx)
# Make integrator object.
ode_integrator = casadi.SXFunction("f_int",
ode_cvodes_casadi = casadi.Integrator("F", "cvodes", ode_integrator, {"abstol":1e-8, "reltol":1e-8, "tf":Delta})
# Then get nonlinear casadi functions
# and rk4 discretization.
ode_casadi = casadi.SXFunction("f",
# ode_casadi.init()
[k1] = ode_casadi([x,u])
[k2] = ode_casadi([x + Delta/2*k1,u])
[k3] = ode_casadi([x + Delta/2*k2,u])
[k4] = ode_casadi([x + Delta*k3,u])
xrk4 = x + Delta/6*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)
ode_rk4_casadi = casadi.SXFunction("f_rk4",[x,u],[xrk4])
Q = np.diag([100,100,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
R = np.diag([10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0])
Q0 = Q.copy()*10
# Define stage cost and terminal weight.
# lfunc = (casadi.mul([x.T,Q,x])
# + casadi.mul([u.T,R,u]))
# l = casadi.SXFunction("l",[x,u],[lfunc])
lfunc = (casadi.mul([(x-xsp).T,Q,(x-xsp)])
+ casadi.mul([u.T,R,u]))
l = casadi.SXFunction("l",[x,u,xsp],[lfunc])
# Pffunc = casadi.mul([x.T,Q0,x])
# Pf = casadi.SXFunction("Pf",[x],[Pffunc])
Pffunc = casadi.mul([(x-xsp).T,Q0,(x-xsp)])
Pf = casadi.SXFunction("Pf",[x,xsp],[Pffunc])
# Bounds on u.
uub = 2000.0
ulb = -2000.0
# Make optimizers.
x0 = np.array([0,0,3.0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
# Create variables struct.
var = ctools.struct_symSX([(
# Create parameters struct
par = ctools.struct_symSX([(
# Set bounds on variables
varlb = var(-casadi.inf)
varub = var(casadi.inf)
varguess = var(0)
# Adjust the relevant constraints.
for t in range(Nt):
varlb["u",t,:] = ulb
varub["u",t,:] = uub
# Now build up constraints and objective.
obj = casadi.SX(0)
con = []
for t in range(Nt):
var["u",t]])[0] - var["x",t+1])
# obj += l([var["x",t],var["u",t]])[0]
# obj += Pf([var["x",Nt],])[0]
obj += l([var["x",t],var["u",t],par["xsp",t]])[0]
obj += Pf([var["x",Nt],par["xsp",t]])[0]
# Build solver object.
con = casadi.vertcat(con)
conlb = np.zeros((Nx*Nt,))
conub = np.zeros((Nx*Nt,))
nlp = casadi.SXFunction("NLP_Obj", casadi.nlpIn(x=var,p=par),
solver = casadi.NlpSolver("NLP", "ipopt",nlp, {"print_level":2, "print_time":False, "linear_solver":'ma27'})
# Now simulate.
Nsim = 150
times = Delta*Nsim*np.linspace(0,1,Nsim+1)
x = np.zeros((Nsim+1,Nx))
x[0,:] = x0
u = np.tile(np.array([212,212,212,212]),(Nsim,1))
x_sp = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
curr_par = par(0)
curr_par["xsp"] = x_sp
for t in range(Nsim):
# Fix initial state.
varlb["x",0,:] = x[t,:]
varub["x",0,:] = x[t,:]
varguess["x",0,:] = x[t,:]
varguess["u",0,:] = u[t,:]
# Solve nlp.
status = solver.getStat("return_status")
optvar = var(solver.getOutput("x"))
# Print stats.
print "%d: %s" % (t,status)
u[t,:] = np.array(optvar["u",0,:]).flatten()
# Simulate.
# ode_cvodes_casadi.setInput([215,215,215,215],"p")
x[t+1,:] = np.array(
# Plots.
fig = plt.figure(0)
fig2 = plt.figure(1)
Nx = 3
numrows = max(Nx,Nu)
numcols = 2
# u plots. Need to repeat last element
# for stairstep plot.
u = np.concatenate((u,u[-1:,:]))
for i in range(Nu):
ax = fig.add_subplot(numrows,
ax.set_ylabel("Control %d" % (i + 1))
# x plots.
for i in range(Nx):
ax = fig.add_subplot(numrows,
numcols,numcols*(i+1) - 1)
ax.set_ylabel("State %d" % (i + 1))
# import mpctools.plots # Need to grab one function to show plot.
# mpctools.plots.showandsave(fig,"comparison_casadi.pdf")
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