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Created October 13, 2015 20:06
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Multiple shooting with linear controls
from os.path import expanduser
home = expanduser("~")
import sys
# This file is part of CasADi.
# CasADi -- A symbolic framework for dynamic optimization.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Joel Andersson, Joris Gillis, Moritz Diehl,
# K.U. Leuven. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Greg Horn
# CasADi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# CasADi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with CasADi; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
from casadi import *
import numpy as NP
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nk = 20 # Control discretization
tf = 10.0 # End time
coll = False # Use collocation integrator
# Declare variables (use scalar graph)
t = SX.sym("t") # time
u = SX.sym("u") # control
x = SX.sym("x",3) # state
# ODE rhs function #np.sqrt(u*u)*np.sign(u), \
#ode = vertcat([(1 - x[1]*x[1])*x[0] - x[1] + u, \
# x[0], \
# x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + u*u])
ode = vertcat([x[1], \
u, \
x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + u*u])
dae = SXFunction("dae", daeIn(x=x, p=u, t=t), daeOut(ode=ode))
# Create an integrator
opts = {"tf":tf/nk} # final time
if coll:
opts["number_of_finite_elements"] = 5
opts["interpolation_order"] = 5
opts["collocation_scheme"] = "legendre"
opts["implicit_solver"] = "kinsol"
opts["implicit_solver_options"] = {'linear_solver' : 'csparse'}
opts["expand_f"] = True
integrator = Integrator("integrator", "oldcollocation", dae, opts)
opts["abstol"] = 1e-8 # tolerance
opts["reltol"] = 1e-8 # tolerance
opts["steps_per_checkpoint"] = 1000
integrator = Integrator("integrator", "cvodes", dae, opts)
# Total number of variables
nv = 1*nk + 3*(nk+1)
# Declare variable vector
V = MX.sym("V", nv)
# Get the expressions for local variables
U = V[0:nk]
X0 = V[nk+0:nv:3]
X1 = V[nk+1:nv:3]
X2 = V[nk+2:nv:3]
# Variable bounds initialized to +/- inf
VMIN = -inf*NP.ones(nv)
VMAX = inf*NP.ones(nv)
# Control bounds
VMIN[0:nk] = -1.75
VMAX[0:nk] = 1.0
# Initial condition
VMIN[nk+0] = VMAX[nk+0] = -3
VMIN[nk+1] = VMAX[nk+1] = 1
VMIN[nk+2] = VMAX[nk+2] = 0
# Terminal constraint
VMIN[nv-3] = VMAX[nv-3] = 0
VMIN[nv-2] = VMAX[nv-2] = 0
# Initial solution guess
VINIT = NP.zeros(nv)
# Constraint function with bounds
g = []; g_min = []; g_max = []
# Build up a graph of integrator calls
for k in range(nk):
# Local state vector
Xk = vertcat((X0[k],X1[k],X2[k]))
Xk_next = vertcat((X0[k+1],X1[k+1],X2[k+1]))
# Call the integrator
Xk_end = integrator({'x0':Xk,'p':U[k]})["xf"]
# append continuity constraints
g.append(Xk_next - Xk_end)
# Objective function: L(T)
f = X2[nk]
# Continuity constraints: 0<= x(T(k+1)) - X(T(k)) <=0
g = vertcat(g)
# Create NLP solver instance
nlp = MXFunction("nlp", nlpIn(x=V), nlpOut(f=f,g=g))
solver = NlpSolver("solver", "ipopt", nlp)
# Solve the problem
sol = solver({"lbx" : VMIN,
"ubx" : VMAX,
"x0" : VINIT,
"lbg" : NP.concatenate(g_min),
"ubg" : NP.concatenate(g_max)})
# Retrieve the solution
v_opt = sol["x"]
u_opt = v_opt[0:nk]
x0_opt = v_opt[nk+0::3]
x1_opt = v_opt[nk+1::3]
x2_opt = v_opt[nk+2::3]
# Get values at the beginning of each finite element
tgrid_x = NP.linspace(0,10,nk+1)
tgrid_u = NP.linspace(0,10,nk)
# Plot the results
plt.title("Van der Pol optimization - multiple shooting")
plt.legend(['x0 trajectory','x1 trajectory','u trajectory'])
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