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Last active November 12, 2017 13:17
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Classification of movie reviews
# Text Classification with Perceptron
# Dataset: Review polarity - Cornell University
# Author: Giorgos Myrianthous
# February, 2017
import sys, os, random
import numpy as np
# np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf)
from collections import Counter
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import collections
# features' vectorisation.
def vectorise_features(data):
# Tokenisation - split on whitespace.
tokens = data.split(" ")
counter = Counter()
counter += features_all(tokens)
# Bias term
bias = Counter()
bias["bias"] = 1
counter += bias
return counter
def features_all(tokens):
counter = Counter()
# stopwords list.
cached_stopwords = stopwords.words("english")
for token in tokens:
# Stop-word removal
if token not in cached_stopwords:
counter[token] = 1
return counter
def read_data(directory):
total_counts = Counter()
documents = collections.OrderedDict() # (filename:counts)
labels = collections.OrderedDict() # (filename:label)
feature_names = []
hashed = collections.OrderedDict()
for label in ["pos", "neg"]:
subdirectories = os.path.join(directory, label)
for filename in os.listdir(subdirectories):
full_path = os.path.join(subdirectories, filename)
data = open(full_path).read().lower()
counter = vectorise_features(data)
total_counts += counter
documents[filename] = counter
labels[filename] = label
feature_count = 0
for (word, count) in total_counts.most_common(1000000):
hashed[word] = feature_count
feature_count += 1
docs_tmp = collections.OrderedDict()
for filename in documents:
tmp = collections.OrderedDict()
for count in documents[filename]:
if count in hashed:
tmp[hashed[count]] = 1
docs_tmp[filename] = tmp
# Split the dataset (1600 training - 400 testing - fully balanced)
no_training_pos = 0
total_training = 0
no_training_neg = 0
training = collections.OrderedDict()
testing = collections.OrderedDict()
for filename in docs_tmp:
if (labels[filename] == "pos"):
if (no_training_pos < 800 and total_training < 1600):
training[filename] = docs_tmp[filename]
no_training_pos += 1
total_training += 1
testing[filename] = docs_tmp[filename]
if (no_training_neg < 800 and total_training < 1600):
training[filename] = docs_tmp[filename]
no_training_pos += 1
total_training += 1
testing[filename] = docs_tmp[filename]
return training, testing, feature_names, labels
def dot_product(a, b, filename):
dot = 0
for i in b[filename]:
dot += a[i] * b[filename][i]
return dot
def shuffle(data):
keys = list(data.keys())
# Fix the random seed so that results are reproducible.
shuffled_dictionary = collections.OrderedDict()
for key in keys:
shuffled_dictionary[key] = data[key]
return shuffled_dictionary
# Plot: uncomment, comment out plt.savefig()
# Save: uncomment plt.savefig(), comment out
def plot_learning_progress(training_accuracies):
plt.title("Learning progress during multiple passes")
plt.ylabel('Training accuracy')
def train(data, features, labels):
# Initialise weights
w_0 = np.zeros(len(features))
w_1 = np.zeros(len(features))
classes = collections.OrderedDict()
classes["pos"] = 1
classes["neg"] = -1
training_accuracy_list = []
c = 1
weights_averaged_0 = []
weights_averaged_1 = []
for i in range(100):
correctly_classified = 0
data = shuffle(data)
for filename in data:
dot_0 = dot_product(w_0, data, filename)
dot_1 = dot_product(w_1, data, filename)
# Predict label y_hat
y_hat = 1
if (dot_0 > dot_1):
y_hat = -1
y = classes[labels[filename]]
# Update weights
if y_hat != y:
# Subtract f(x) from the weight of the incorrect label
# Add f(x) to the weight of the correct label
if (y_hat == -1):
for i in data[filename]:
w_0[i] -= data[filename][i]
for i in data[filename]:
w_1[i] += data[filename][i]
for i in data[filename]:
w_0[i] += data[filename][i]
for i in data[filename]:
w_1[i] -= data[filename][i]
correctly_classified += 1
# Compute the training accuracy
training_accuracy = correctly_classified / len(data) * 100
# Store the weight vectors
# Increment variable c
c += 1
# Repeat until convergence.
if (training_accuracy == 100):
# Plot learning progress
# Average the weight vectors
w_0_averaged = np.sum(weights_averaged_0 ,axis=0) / c
w_1_averaged = np.sum(weights_averaged_1, axis=0) / c
return w_0_averaged, w_1_averaged, classes
# Average the weight vectors
w_0_averaged = np.sum(weights_averaged_0 ,axis=0) / c
w_1_averaged = np.sum(weights_averaged_1, axis=0) / c
# Plot learning progress
return w_0_averaged, w_1_averaged, classes
def test(data, w_0, w_1, values, labels):
correctly_classified = 0
TP = 0
FN = 0
FP = 0
data = shuffle(data)
for filename in data:
dot_0 = dot_product(w_0, data, filename)
dot_1 = dot_product(w_1, data, filename)
# Predict the label y_hat (argmax)
y_hat = 1
if (dot_0 > dot_1):
y_hat = -1
y = values[labels[filename]]
# Compare the prediction with the true label.
if (y == y_hat):
correctly_classified += 1
# Update TP, FN and FP
if (y == y_hat and y == 1):
TP += 1
if (y == 1 and y_hat == 0):
FN += 1
if (y == -1 and y_hat == 1):
FP += 1
# testing accuracy.
print("Testing accuracy: ", correctly_classified / len(data) * 100)
precision = TP / (TP + FP)
print("Precision: ", precision)
recall = TP / (TP + FN)
print("Recall: ", recall)
print("F-measure: ", 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall))
def report_most_positively_weighted_terms(w_0, w_1, features):
# Positive class
zipped = list(zip(w_1, features))
zipped.sort(key = lambda t: t[0], reverse=True)
print ("Most positively weighted terms for Class = 1 (pos):")
for (weight, word) in zipped[:10]:
print ("Word: {}, Weight: {}".format(weight, word))
# Negative class
zipped = list(zip(w_0, features))
zipped.sort(key = lambda t: t[0], reverse=True)
print ("Most positively weighted terms for Class = -1 (neg):")
for (weight, word) in zipped[:10]:
print ("Word: {}, Weight: {}".format(weight, word))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Prepare the data (assume same directory with /pos and /neg subdirectories)
training_dataset, testing_dataset, features, labels = read_data("./")
weights_0, weights_1, vals = train(training_dataset, features, labels)
test(testing_dataset, weights_0, weights_1, vals, labels)
report_most_positively_weighted_terms(weights_0, weights_1, features)
print("Learning progress graph has been generated as Learning_progress.png")
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