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Last active May 23, 2018 21:58
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acmetool hook for manual certificate addition to plesk

acmetool hook for manual certificate addition to plesk

This is a modified haproxy-hook from acmetool v0.0.67 to allow the addition of LetsEncrypt certificates to plesk panel, and to create, renew, assign certificates to domains

Usage in general:

  • You should rename the attached script and overwrite the installed haproxy hook, which is usually placed into /usr/lib/acme/hooks
  • The haproxy hook has to be enabled with HAPROXY_ALWAYS_GENERATE=yes in /etc/default/acme-reload /etc/default/acme-reload
  • You can specify the plesk panel hostname, if it differs from the server hostname with PLESK_HOSTNAME=your-own-panel-hostname.tld in
  • To make sure this hook is not overwritten, you could remove #!acmetool-managed!# but i changed it to say ##!DO-NOT-LET-acmetool-managed!##
  • You can request a certificate with acmetool want <hostname> but make sure the first hostname is either the panel hostname, or the primary hostname of a webspace
## This file was installed by acmetool. Any updates to this script will
## overwrite changes you make. If you don't want acmetool to manage
## this file, remove the following line.
# This file generates combined certificate+private key files for daemons which
# require them. It is called haproxy for legacy reasons, HAProxy being a common
# example of such a daemon, but can also be used with other daemons taking the
# same input format such as Hitch and Quasselcore.
# This is done outside of acmetool, because it is desired to avoid making
# unnecessary copies of private keys except in environments where it is
# necessary. This also demonstrates the power and flexibility of the hooks
# system.
# The files consist of the private key, followed by the certificate and
# certificate chain, followed by any data placed in conf/dhparams.
# This script is a no-op unless a daemon known to require combined files is
# found. You can override this by setting $HAPROXY_ALWAYS_GENERATE or
# $HAPROXY_DAEMONS in /etc/{default,conf.d}/acme-reload.
# (This file should be executed before 'reload'. So long as it is named
# 'haproxy' and reload is named 'reload', that is assured.)
# DEBUGGING NOTE: If you make changes to the configuration this will not
# be reflected simply by rerunning 'acmetool', because this script is only
# called when a symlink in 'live' is updated. You can force this script to
# be rerun by deleting all symlinks in 'live' and running 'acmetool'.
# Output:
# $ACME_STATE_DIR/live/$HOSTNAME/haproxy
# The combined certificate file for a hostname.
# Symlinked to the combined certificate file. Daemons such as HAProxy
# can prefer directories such as these, where each file is a hostname
# containing combined data.
# Configuration options:
# /etc/{default,conf.d}/acme-reload
# Sourced if they exist. Specify variables here.
# Please note that most of the time, you don't need to specify anything.
# If non-empty, always generate combined files.
# Space-separated list of binaries to search for in path. If any are found
# (or $HAPROXY_ALWAYS_GENERATE is set), generate combined files.
# Append with HAPROXY_DAEMONS="$HAPROXY_DAEMONS mydaemon".
# Defaults: see below.
# Defaults to "$ACME_STATE_DIR/conf/dhparams". If the file exists, it is
# appended verbatim to combined certificate files. Commonly used to attach
# custom Diffie-Hellman parameters.
# Don't change this unless you know what you're doing.
# If you change this, you must create a conf/perm file to reconfigure
# acmetool's permissions enforcement. See _doc directory in repository.
# Override path "certs/*/haproxy".
set -e
[ "$EVENT_NAME" = "live-updated" ] || exit 42
# List of services. If any of these are in PATH (or HAPROXY_ALWAYS_GENERATE is
# set), assume we need to generate combined files.
HAPROXY_DAEMONS="haproxy hitch quasselcore quassel lighttpd"
[ -e "/etc/default/acme-reload" ] && . /etc/default/acme-reload
[ -e "/etc/conf.d/acme-reload" ] && . /etc/conf.d/acme-reload
[ -z "$ACME_STATE_DIR" ] && ACME_STATE_DIR="/var/lib/acme"
[ -z "$HAPROXY_DH_PATH" ] && HAPROXY_DH_PATH="$ACME_STATE_DIR/conf/dhparams"
# Don't do anything if no daemon requiring combined files is found.
for exe in $HAPROXY_DAEMONS; do
which "$exe" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && ok=1 && break
[ -z "$ok" ] && exit 0
# Create coalesced files and a haproxy repository.
umask 0022
mkdir -p "$ACME_STATE_DIR/haproxy"
while read name; do
if [ -z "$name" -o ! -e "$certdir" ]; then
if [ -n "$HAPROXY_DH_PATH" -a -e "$HAPROXY_DH_PATH" ]; then
cat "$certdir/privkey" "$certdir/fullchain" "$HAPROXY_DH_PATH" > "$certdir/haproxy"
cat "$certdir/privkey" "$certdir/fullchain" > "$certdir/haproxy"
[ -h "$ACME_STATE_DIR/haproxy/$name" ] || ln -fs "../live/$name/haproxy" "$ACME_STATE_DIR/haproxy/$name"
# plesk extension starts here
# if no plesk command available, skip to the next loop
[ $(which plesk) ] || continue
LOGHOOKNAME="$(basename $0)-hook"
# The primary hostname used to access the plesk web interface without the port, usually the FQDN hostname of the server
# Example from https://THIS-IS-THE-HOSTNAME:8443 -> THIS-IS-THE-HOSTNAME
[ -z "$PLESK_HOSTNAME" ] && PLESK_HOSTNAME=$(hostname --fqdn)
if [ "$name" = "${PLESK_HOSTNAME}" ]; then
logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "Server Cert"
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/certmng --setup-cp-certificate --certificate=/var/lib/acme/haproxy/${PLESK_HOSTNAME}; logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "plesk cert updated";
/usr/sbin/plesk bin certificate -u "default certificate" -admin -key-file ${certbase}/privkey -cert-file ${certbase}/cert -cacert-file ${certbase}/chain && logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "default certificate updated"
/usr/sbin/plesk bin certificate -u "${PLESK_HOSTNAME}" -admin -key-file ${certbase}/privkey -cert-file ${certbase}/cert -cacert-file ${certbase}/chain && logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "Certificate ${PLESK_HOSTNAME}"
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-server
logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "${name} Cert"
if [ -e "${certbase}" ]; then
logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "${name} Certbase ${certbase} exsist"
if [ "$(/usr/sbin/plesk bin certificate -l -domain ${name} 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "${name} domain exsist in plesk"
if [ "$(/usr/sbin/plesk bin certificate -l -domain ${name} | grep ${name})" ]; then
logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "${name} domain SSL updating in plesk"
/usr/sbin/plesk bin certificate -u "${name}" -domain ${name} -key-file ${certbase}/privkey -cert-file ${certbase}/cert -cacert-file ${certbase}/chain && logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "Certificate ${name}"
logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "${name} domain SSL creating in plesk"
/usr/sbin/plesk bin certificate -c "${name}" -domain ${name} -key-file ${certbase}/privkey -cert-file ${certbase}/cert -cacert-file ${certbase}/chain && logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "Certificate ${name}"
/usr/sbin/plesk bin subscription -u ${name} -certificate-name ${name}
logger -t ${LOGHOOKNAME} "${name} domain reconfiguring in plesk"
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-domain ${name}
# plesk extension ends here
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