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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Some features implemented with and without reactive programming
Kefir.Observable.prototype.withIndex = (mapType, fn) ->
index = 0
this[mapType]((value) -> fn(value, index++))
ApiController = Ember.Controller.extend
# With reactive programming
# (also needs the function withIndex in the top of this file)
postNotifications: (startCallback) ->
Kefir.fromPromise(@store.find('notification')).flatMapConcat (notifications) =>
notifications = notifications.filterBy('completed', true).toArray()
total = notifications.length
startCallback(total) if startCallback
Kefir.sequentially(5, notifications).withIndex 'flatMapConcat', (notification, index) =>
.errorsToValues -> { success: false }
.map (response) -> { total: total, index: index, notification: notification, success: response.success, response: response }
# Without reactive programming
postNotifications: (startCallback) ->
deferred = $.Deferred()
@store.find('notification').then (notifications) =>
notifications = notifications.filterBy('completed', true)
@serialize(notifications, deferred, startCallback)
serialize: (notifications, deferred, startCallback) ->
deferred = $.Deferred() unless deferred
total = notifications.get('length')
results = Array(total)
fn = (index) =>
if index == total
notification = notifications.objectAt(index)
.then (response) ->
results[index] = { success: response.success, notification: notification, response: response }
.fail (p, x, error) ->
results[index] = { success: false, notification: notification, response: { success: false, error: error } }
.always ->
deferred.notify(index, total, results[index])
startCallback(total) if startCallback
SignatureInputComponent = Ember.Component.extend
# extra code here...
# With reactive programming
initReactiveCanvas: (->
canvas = @$('canvas')
mouseDowns = Kefir.fromEvent(canvas, 'mousedown')
mouseMoves = Kefir.fromEvent(canvas, 'mousemove')
dragEnds = Kefir.fromEvent(canvas, 'mouseup').merge(Kefir.fromEvent(canvas, 'mouseleave'))
mouseDrags = mouseDowns.flatMap -> mouseMoves.takeUntilBy(dragEnds)
mouseDowns.onValue (event) => @addPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY, false)
mouseDrags.onValue (event) => @addPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY, true)
# Without reactive programming
initRegularCanvas: (->
isPainting = false
canvas = @$('canvas')
canvas.mousedown (event) =>
isPainting = true
@addPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY, false)
canvas.mousemove (event) =>
if isPainting
@addPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY, true)
canvas.mouseup (event) => isPainting = false
canvas.mouseleave (event) => isPainting = false
# extra code here...
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