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Last active June 14, 2024 19:48
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  • Save gnat/774bc540c0b300146cdedb0744bad081 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gnat/774bc540c0b300146cdedb0744bad081 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
64 bit ordered unique id.

Better Primary Keys / PK / id

Why not just use sequential ID's (SERIAL or AUTO INCREMENT) ?

  • Scaling writes require partitions / shards at some level.
    • Avoid SERIAL and AUTO INCREMENT from start.
      • Servers have to ask "what's the next available id in the sequence?" = huge global contention / slow down.
      • Turns into a queue. OK for 1 server. Bad for many servers.
        • Vitess and FoundationDB can work around this using sequence counters per server. Vitess one has an awful DX. Not sure about FoundationDB.
    • Alternative: Use time or random.
      • UUID bonus: Split, merge tables, and load any rows any time you wish, since rows are globally unique.

Up front reading.

Why this implementation?

  • Universal compatibility with all major databases.
    • No datatype converstions. Fits in 64 bit signed int.
      • Max value for Postgres, CockroachDB, SQLite, MySQL BIGINT is 9223372036854775807 (19 digit)
      • Enables unix timestamps to go up to 9223372036 (10 digits).
        • 9223372036 = Fri Apr 11 2262 23:47:16 GMT+0000
      • Similar to CockroachDB's unique_rowid(), but additionally allows you to extract the created_at time. Works with CockroachDB's INT type.
  • Easy selection with double clicking.
    • Copy and paste your ID's from your database/app and back!
  • ✅ Contains creation timestamp.
    • created_at in unix time is just the first 10 digits! No more extra column.
  • ✅ Base64 encode to get YouTube-esque id's instantly.
  • ✅ Configuration-free.
    • 🟠 Below 1 ms, 1 in 1,000,000 chance of collision, per table.
      • Downside of only 8 bytes.
      • ⚪ Solution A (Easy): Retry on collision. Good if IF NOT EXIST is not expensive. (Rare but will happen on high writes: 100,000 INSERT per second per table).
        • No worker / machine ID required!
        • Ideal solution at early scale. Can convert to Solution B or C or UUID later.
          • UUID would need table migration / backfill, but your timestamps would fit cleanly into UUID.
        • ScyllaDB 3.2+ can optionally fall back to Paxos / Raft for IF NOT EXIST (expensive).
      • 🔵 Solution B: Replace the random sequence with a worker ID from your environment (or database query on startup), and higher res time, so you get a legitimately unique sequence.
        • Only advantage is better collision prevention. Like Instagram's Snowflake.
        • Workers on the same server need to be unique... complexity.
      • 🟣 Solution C: Composite keys (Ex: server/day, server/channel) Discord uses ScyllaDB with INT8.

When to migrate to full 128 bit UUID v7 ?

  • UUIDv7 has 74 bits of randomness. The collision chance per millisecond is 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 to 1.
  • Only downside is ability to fit pages into RAM, and disk usage.
  • Are unique checks or retries or quorum very expensive in your database? ✅ Use 128 bit.
  • Planning over 100 database servers? ✅ Use 128 bit.
  • Are you running a cluster of ScyllaDB / Cassandra? ✅ Use 128 bit.
  • Planning a table to INSERT more than 10,000 / second? ✅ Use 128 bit.
  • Really want unique id's across all tables? ✅ Use 128 bit.

Key Sizes. Storage is the biggest reason to not use 128 bit primary keys right away.

Type Type Size Estimated Row Size Estimated Rows to Fill 1 TB Relative Size
INT / Classic Primary Key 32-bit
(4 byte)
4 byte * 5 columns * 50 tables = 1,000 bytes 1,000,000,000,000 bytes / 1,000 = 1,000,000,000 rows per table. 1x 🔳⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜
BIGINT / Snowflake 64-bit
(8 byte)
8 byte * 5 columns * 50 tables = 2,000 bytes 1,000,000,000,000 bytes / 2,000 = 500,000,000 rows per table. 2x 🔳🔳⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜
(16 byte)
16 byte * 5 columns * 50 tables = 4,000 bytes 1,000,000,000,000 bytes / 4,000 = 250,000,000 rows per table. 4x 🔳🔳🔳🔳⬜⬜⬜⬜
BASE64 (Push ID)
(20 byte)
20 byte * 5 columns * 50 tables = 5,000 bytes 1,000,000,000,000 bytes / 5,000 = 200,000,000 rows per table. 5x 🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳⬜⬜⬜
BASE62 (Remove _-)
(22 byte)
22 byte * 5 columns * 50 tables = 5,500 bytes 1,000,000,000,000 bytes / 5,500 = 182,000,000 rows per table. 6x 🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳⬜⬜
(26 byte)
26 byte * 5 columns * 50 tables = 6,500 bytes 1,000,000,000,000 bytes / 6,500 = 154,000,000 rows per table. 7x 🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳⬜
(32 byte)
32 byte * 5 columns * 50 tables = 8,000 bytes 1,000,000,000,000 bytes / 8,000 = 125,000,000 rows per table. 8x 🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳

Proposed Format Breakdown


  • 🟦 Seconds. 10 digits. (Unix timestamp)
  • 🟩 Milliseconds. 3 digits.
  • 🟪 Nanoseconds (or random). 6 digits.
  • 64-bit signed for CockroachDB, Sqlite, Postgres compatibility.
  • Example Value: 1679261771328879830
  • 19 digits max. Max value: 9223372036854775807
  • Max Unix timestamp: 9223372036 (Fri Apr 11 2262 23:47:16 GMT+0000)
  • NTP generally isn't more accurate than 1 ms over a network.

ULID / UUIDv7 Format Breakdown


  • 🟦 Timestamp. 48 bits.
  • 🟪 Random. 80 bits.


function unique_id() {
	# Goes up to 9223372036854775807 so we're safe until year 2262 unix time (9223372036).
	# T = Unix time.
	# M = Sub-second (Millisecond / nanosecond).
	# R = Random.
	# 9223372036854775807
	# 1679261771328879830 = Typical output.
	# Fits inside SQLite int (64 bit signed) (max: 9223372036854775807)
	# 1 in 99,999 collision chance per millisecond.
	# Warning: Do NOT use hrtime(). That's just arbitrary from system bootup.
	return str_replace('.', '', (number_format(microtime(true), 4, '.', '')).sprintf("%05d", rand(0,99999)));
  • Warning: Do NOT use PHP hrtime(). It's relative to system bootup, not a timestamp.


def unique_id():
	# Goes up to 9223372036854775807 so we're safe until year 2262 unix time (9223372036).
	# T = Unix time.
	# M = Milliseconds.
	# R = Random.
	# 9223372036854775807
	# 1679261771328879830 = Typical output.
	# Fits inside SQLite int (64 bit signed) (max: 9223372036854775807)
	# 1 in 99,999 collision chance per millisecond.
	# time_ns() is ok to use!
	return f"{str(time.time_ns())[:14]}{str(random.randrange(0,99999)).rjust(5, '0')}"
  • Python time.time_ns() is okay, as it's from epoch.


def unique_id()
	# Goes up to 9223372036854775807 so we're safe until year 2262 unix time (9223372036).
	# T = Unix time.
	# M = Milliseconds.
	# R = Random.
	# 9223372036854775807
	# 1679261771328879830 = Typical output.
	# Fits inside SQLite int (64 bit signed) (max: 9223372036854775807)
	# 1 in 99,999 collision chance per millisecond.
	# Warning: Do NOT use hrtime(). That's just arbitrary from system bootup.
	return str_replace('.', '', (number_format(microtime(true), 4, '.', '')).sprintf("%05d", rand(0,99999)))

Other alternatives to consider.

Name Binary Size String Size Features
UUID 16 bytes 36 chars configuration free, not sortable
shortuuid 16 bytes 22 chars configuration free, not sortable
Snowflake 8 bytes up to 20 chars needs machine/DC configuration, needs central server, sortable
MongoID 12 bytes 24 chars configuration free, sortable
xid 12 bytes 20 chars configuration free, sortable
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