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Last active September 9, 2023 07:28
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Inline Stylus CSS demo
<title>Inline real time stylus demo</title>
function stylus_to_css(string){
var cursor=0
// Remove excess indentation (dedent).
var indent=''
while (cursor < string.length) {
if (string[cursor] == "\n") { // Line.
cursor += 1 // Next.
if (string[cursor] == "\t" || string[cursor] == " ") {
indent += string[cursor]
cursor += 1 // Next.
string = string.replaceAll("\n"+indent, "\n") // Remove.
// Add curly braces.
var level_from=0
var level_to=0
while (cursor < string.length) {
if (string[cursor] == "\n") { // Line.
level_to = 0
cursor += 1 // Next.
if (string[cursor] == "\t") { // Indent.
level_to += 1
cursor += 1 // Next.
while (level_to > level_from) { // Real start.
level_from += 1
// Cursor #2 finds last real character for the insert.
var cursor_2 = cursor-1
while (cursor_2 > 0 && ["\n", "\t", " "].includes(string[cursor_2])) {
cursor_2 -= 1
cursor_2 += 1
string = string.slice(0, cursor_2) +' {'+ string.slice(cursor_2)
cursor += 2 // Skip ' {'
//cursor += 1 // Next.
while (level_from > level_to) { // Real start.
level_from -= 1
// Cursor #2 finds last real character for the insert.
var cursor_2 = cursor-1
while (cursor_2 > 0 && ["\n", "\t", " "].includes(string[cursor_2])) {
cursor_2 -= 1
cursor_2 += 1
string = string.slice(0, cursor_2) +'} '+ string.slice(cursor_2)
cursor += 2 // Skip '} '
//cursor += 0 // Next.
cursor += 1 // Next.
// End of file. Close remaining levels.
while (level_from > 0) {
string += '}'
level_from -= 1
function alphanum(c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
// Add semicolons.
cursor = 0
while (cursor < string.length) {
if (string[cursor] === "\n") { // Line.
if (cursor > 2) { // Should we add a semicolon?
var c = string[cursor-1]
if (c !== '{' && c !== '}' &&
(c === "\'" || c === '"' || c === ')' || c === '-' || c === '_' || alphanum(c))) {
string = string.slice(0, cursor) +';'+ string.slice(cursor)
cursor += 1 // Next.
return string
// 🌘 CSS Scope Inline (
window.cssScopeCount ??= 1 // Let extra copies share the scope count.
new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
var cssScopePattern = new RegExp('(\\.me|\\.this|\\.self)(?![A-Za-z0-9\_\-])', 'g') // Can use: .me .this .self
for (var mutation of mutations) {
if (mutation.type !== "childList") continue // Skip if not mutating nodes.
var nodes = [...mutation.addedNodes] // Get new nodes.
for (var node = nodes.shift(); node != null; node = nodes.shift()) { // Process nodes.
nodes.push(...node.childNodes) // Also process children.
if (node.nodeName !== 'STYLE') continue // Skip if not a <style>
if (!node.parentNode || node.parentNode?.nodeName === 'HEAD') continue // Skip if no parent. Don't style <head>
if (node.textContent.includes('.self__')) continue // Skip if already processed.
var scope = 'self__'+(window.cssScopeCount++) // Ready. Make unique scope, example: .self__1234
node.textContent = stylus_to_css(node.textContent).replace(cssScopePattern, '.'+scope)
}).observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true, subtree: true})
<h1>Inline real time stylus demo</h1>
font-family: Noto Sans, sans-serif
h1, h2, h3
font-size: 3rem
margin: 10px
border: none
color: black
font-family: Noto Sans, sans-serif
background: hsl(100 20% 70%)
border: none
border-radius: 12px
box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #00000044
padding: 10px 20px
color: #222
margin: 20px
animation: bounce 4s ease-in-out infinite
& span
background: hsl(200 50% 70%)
padding: 12px
border-radius: 4px
color: #fff
& ::before
padding: 0 4px 0 0
list-style: disc
padding: 4px
border-radius: 12px
margin: 4px 20px
@keyframes bounce
transform: translateY(0px)
transform: translateY(20px)
transform: translateY(0px)
Testing.. testing.. <span>Nested CSS</span>
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