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Last active January 12, 2021 13:07
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Kubernetes Cluster Backup Script
## Run on Master/Control Plane!
arr1=($(kubectl get -o=name namespace))
for ns in "${arr1[@]}"; do
echo "$names"
arr2=($(kubectl get -o=name pvc,configmap,serviceaccount,secret,ingress,service,deployment,statefulset,hpa,job,cronjob,daemonset -n $names))
for rs in "${arr2[@]}"; do
echo "..$rs"
mkdir -p "$names/$(dirname $rs)"
kubectl get -o=yaml $rs -n $names > "$names/$rs.yaml"
arr3=($(kubectl get -o=name storageclass,persistentvolume,clusterrolebinding,clusterrole,rolebinding,role,serviceaccount))
for rl in "${arr3[@]}"; do
echo "$rl"
mkdir -p "$(dirname $rl)"
kubectl get -o=yaml $rl -n $names > "$rl.yaml"
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I needed a quick and easy way to export my k8s configs to yaml for a migration, so I wrote this script.

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