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Last active October 24, 2016 19:59
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@Data(flavour = Flavour.FJ)
public abstract class Free<f, A> implements __2<Free.µ, f, A> {
Free() {}
interface Cases<f, A, R> {
R Return(A a);
R Suspend(__<f, A> fa);
R Gosub(Sub<f, A, ?> sub);
abstract <R> R match(Cases<f, A, R> cases);
static final class Sub<f, B, C> {
final Free<f, C> a;
final F<C, Free<f, B>> f;
Sub(Free<f, C> a, F<C, Free<f, B>> f) {
this.a = a;
this.f = f;
public <B> Free<f, B> map(F<A, B> f) { return bind(f.andThen(Frees::Return)); }
public <B> Free<f, B> bind(F<A, Free<f, B>> f) { return Gosub(new Sub<>(this, f)); }
public <B> B fold(Functor<f> F, F<A, B> r, F<__<f, Free<f, A>>, B> s) { return resume(F).fold(s, r); }
public Either<__<f, Free<f, A>>, A> resume(Functor<f> F) {
Free<f, A> self = this;
while (true) {
final Either<Free<f, A>, Either<__<f, Free<f, A>>, A>> either =
cases(a -> Right(Right(a))
, fa -> Right(Left(F.fmap(fa, Frees::Return)))
, sub -> resumeGosub(F, sub)));
if (either.isLeft()) self = either.left();
else return either.right();
private static <f, A, C> Either<Free<f, A>, Either<__<f, Free<f, A>>, A>> resumeGosub
(Functor<f> F, Sub<f, A, C> b) {
return b.a.match(Frees.
cases(a -> Left(b.f.f(a))
, fa -> Right(Left(F.fmap(fa, b.f)))
, c -> resumeSubGosub(b, c)));
private static <f, A, C, D> Either<Free<f, A>, Either<__<f, Free<f, A>>, A>> resumeSubGosub
(Sub<f, A, C> b, Sub<f, C, D> c) {
return Left(c.a.bind(z -> c.f.f(z).bind(b.f)));
public Free<f, A> step() {
Free<f, A> self = this;
while (true) {
final Free<f, A> fSelf = self;
final Either<Free<f, A>, Free<f, A>> either = Frees.<f, A>cases()
.Gosub(x -> stepGosub(fSelf, x))
.otherwise(() -> Right(fSelf))
if (either.isLeft()) self = either.left();
else return either.right();
private static <f, A, C> Either<Free<f, A>, Free<f, A>> stepGosub(Free<f, A> self, Sub<f, A, C> x) {
return Frees.<f, C>cases().<Either<Free<f, A>, Free<f, A>>>
Return(b -> Left(x.f.f(b)))
.Gosub(sub -> stepSubGosub(x, sub))
.otherwise(() -> Right(self))
private static <f, A, C, D> Either<Free<f, A>, Free<f, A>> stepSubGosub(Sub<f, A, C> x, Sub<f, C, D> b) {
return Left(b.a.bind(a -> b.f.f(a).bind(x.f)));
public A go(Functor<f> F, F<__<f, Free<f, A>>, Free<f, A>> f) {
Free<f, A> self = this;
while (true) {
final Either<__<f, Free<f, A>>, A> res = self.resume(F);
if (res.isLeft()) self = f.f(res.left());
else return res.right();
public <m> __<m, A> foldMap(Monad<m> M, NF<f, m> f) {
return Frees.<f, A>cases()
.Return(a -> M.pure(() -> a))
.Gosub(a -> foldMapGosub(M, f, a))
private static <m, f, A, C> __<m, A> foldMapGosub(Monad<m> M, NF<f, m> f, Sub<f, A, C> a) {
return M.bind(a.a.foldMap(M, f), c -> a.f.f(c).foldMap(M, f));
public static <f, A> Free<f, A> point(A a) { return Return(a); }
public static <f, A> Free<f, A> liftF(__<f, A> fa) { return Suspend(fa); }
public static <f, A> Free<f, A> suspend(Applicative<f> A, F0<Free<f, A>> f0) {
return liftF(A.pure(Unit::unit)).bind(__ -> f0.f());
public static <f> Instances<f> instances() { return (Instances<f>) Instances.self; }
public static class Instances<f> implements Monad<__<Free.µ, f>> {
private static final Instances<?> self = new Instances<>();
private Instances() {}
public <A> Free<f, A> pure(F0<A> a) { return Free.point(a.f()); }
public <A, B> Free<f, B> bind(__<__<Free.µ, f>, A> fa, F<A, __<__<Free.µ, f>, B>> f) {
return coerce(fa).bind(a -> coerce(f.f(a)));
public static <f, R> Free<f, R> coerce(__2<Free.µ, f, R> free) { return (Free<f, R>) free; }
public static <f, R> Free<f, R> coerce(__<__<Free.µ, f>, R> free) { return (Free<f, R>) free; }
public static final class µ {}
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