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Last active August 11, 2018 11:23
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Inefficient DCTs in pytorch.
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import dct
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
# based on DCT matrix functions from:
def dft_dct_matrix(n):
"""DCT-I (equal to DFT on real numbers with even symmetry"""
ret = torch.Tensor(n, n)
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
if i == 0:
ret[k, i] = 1.
elif i == (n-1):
ret[k, i] = (-1.)**k
ret[k, i] = 2.*math.cos(math.pi*k*i/(n-1.))
return ret
def dumb_dct_loop(x):
"""Expect input vector, then does DCT in a loop, according to the
definition in the scipy docs."""
y = np.zeros_like(x)
n = len(x)
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
f = math.sqrt(1./(2.*n)) if k > 0 else math.sqrt(1./(4.*n))
y[k] += x[i]*f*math.cos(math.pi * k * (2.*i + 1.) / (2.*n))
return 2.*y
def dct_matrix(n):
ret = torch.Tensor(n, n)
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
f = math.sqrt(1./(2.*n)) if k > 0 else math.sqrt(1./(4.*n))
ret[k, i] = f*math.cos(math.pi * k * (2.*i + 1.) / (2.*n))
return 2.*ret
def dumb_idct_loop(x):
"""Expect input vector, then does IDCT in a loop, according to the definition in the scipy docs."""
y = np.zeros_like(x)
n = len(x)
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
f = math.sqrt(2./n)
z = 1./math.sqrt(1.*n) if i == 0 else f*math.cos(math.pi * (k + .5) * float(i)/float(n))
y[k] += x[i]*z
return y
def idct_matrix(n):
ret = torch.Tensor(n, n)
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
f = math.sqrt(2./n)
ret[k, i] = 1./math.sqrt(1.*n) if i == 0 else f*math.cos(math.pi * (k + .5) * float(i)/float(n))
return ret
def symmetric_dct_matrix(n):
ret = torch.Tensor(n, n)
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
ret[k, i] = math.sqrt(2./n)*math.cos((math.pi / n) * (i + .5) * (k + .5))
return ret
class DCTlayer(nn.Linear):
"""A linear layer with no bias, and fixed transformation using the DCT
def __init__(self, in_features, type='II'):
if type == 'I':
self.coef = dft_dct_matrix(in_features) # dct coefficients
elif type == 'II':
self.coef = dct_matrix(in_features) # dct coefficients
elif type == 'III':
self.coef = idct_matrix(in_features) # dct coefficients
elif type == 'IV':
self.coef = symmetric_dct_matrix(in_features) # dct coefficients
super().__init__(in_features, in_features, bias=False)
def reset_parameters(self): = self.coef#.permute(1,0)
self.weight.requires_grad = False # never update this parameter
def forward(self, input):
"""Expecting 4D standard image tensor input, deal with colour channels
n, c, w, _ = input.size()
input = input.view(n*c*w, w)
# 2D DCT decomposes into two linear operations
dct_1 = F.linear(input,self.weight,None)
dct_1 = dct_1.view(n*c,w,w).permute(0,2,1).contiguous().view(n*c*w,w)
dct_2 = F.linear(dct_1,self.weight,None)
dct_2 = dct_2.view(n*c,w,w).permute(0,2,1).contiguous()
# unpack the channels again
dct_out = dct_2.view(n,c,w,w)
return dct_out
def extra_repr(self):
return 'in_features/out_features={}'.format(self.in_features)
def test():
# sample random matrix, take DCT with fftpack
D = 4
rng = np.random.RandomState(1)
# test without layer
X = rng.randn(D).astype(np.float32)
dctmat = dct_matrix(D)
Y_pytorch =, torch.from_numpy(X).view(D,1))
Y_scipy = dct(X,axis=0,norm='ortho')
assert np.abs(Y_scipy - dumb_dct_loop(X)).sum() < 0.001
assert np.abs(Y_pytorch.squeeze().data.numpy() - Y_scipy).sum() < 0.001
# check type IV is symmetric in 1D
dctmat = symmetric_dct_matrix(D)
Y_pytorch =, torch.from_numpy(X).view(D,1))
X_recon =, Y_pytorch)
assert np.abs(X_recon.squeeze().data.numpy()-X).sum()
# now 2D checks
X = rng.randn(D,D).astype(np.float32)
print("Type I")
torch_dct = DCTlayer(D, type='I')
Y_pytorch = torch_dct(torch.from_numpy(X).view(1,1,D,D))
# DCT type 2 with scipy
Y_scipy = dct(dct(X,type=1,axis=1).T,type=1,axis=1).T
error = np.abs(Y_scipy - Y_pytorch.view(D,D).data.numpy()).sum()
print(" Error between scipy and pytorch implementation: {}".format(error))
assert error < 0.001
print("Type II")
torch_dct = DCTlayer(D)
Y_pytorch = torch_dct(torch.from_numpy(X).view(1,1,D,D))
# DCT type 2 with scipy
Y_scipy = dct(dct(X,axis=1,norm='ortho').T,axis=1,norm='ortho').T
error = np.abs(Y_scipy - Y_pytorch.view(D,D).data.numpy()).sum()
print(" Error between scipy and pytorch implementation: {}".format(error))
assert error < 0.001
print("Type III")
torch_dct = DCTlayer(D, type='III')
Y_pytorch = torch_dct(torch.from_numpy(X).view(1,1,D,D))
# DCT type 2 with scipy
Y_scipy = dct(dct(X,type=3,axis=1,norm='ortho').T,type=3,axis=1,norm='ortho').T
error = np.abs(Y_scipy - Y_pytorch.view(D,D).data.numpy()).sum()
print(" Error between scipy and pytorch implementation: {}".format(error))
assert error < 0.001
print("Error Type II -> Type III reconstruction")
# Test if III can reconstruct from result of III
X = torch.from_numpy(X).view(1,1,D,D)
torch_dct = DCTlayer(D, type='II')
torch_idct = DCTlayer(D, type='III')
Y_pytorch = torch_dct(X)
error = np.abs((X - torch_idct(Y_pytorch)).data.numpy()).sum()
print(" Reconstruction error: {}".format(error))
assert error < 0.001
# Can only test that IV reconstructs from itself
print("Type IV")
torch_dct = DCTlayer(D, type='IV')
Y_pytorch = torch_dct(X)
error = np.abs((X - torch_dct(Y_pytorch)).data.numpy()).sum()
print(" Reconstruction error: {}".format(error))
assert error < 0.001
if __name__ == '__main__':
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