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Created August 17, 2018 13:54
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Log training using your progress bar object; after `pbar.update` call `pbar.log` with whatever you want to store as kwargs.
from tqdm import tqdm
class TrainingProgress(tqdm):
"""Make the progress bar store progress as it displays it when the log method is called."""
def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'trace' not in self.__dict__.keys():
self.trace = {}
# store anything with an integer or float datatype in the trace dictionary
# with global index as the key
for k in kwargs:
if type(kwargs[k]) == float or type(kwargs[k]) == int:
if k not in self.trace:
self.trace[k] = [] # start logging this kwarg
self.trace[k].append((self.n, kwargs[k]))
# unpack all the most recent values stored into kwargs
# so they're always displayed
for k in self.trace:
if k not in kwargs:
kwargs[k] = self.trace[k][-1][1]
super(TrainingProgress, self).set_postfix(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
# cannot catch KeyboardInterrupt when using manual tqdm
# as the interrupt will most likely happen on another statement
raise exc
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