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Last active August 9, 2022 16:30
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How to revive Intel Compute Stick 8GB (STCK1A8LFC) with Ubuntu 20.04 Focal

How to revive Intel Compute Stick 8GB (STCK1A8LFC) with Ubuntu 20.04 Focal

Most recent Linux distributions require about 20gb of storage space, so they are not installed on devices with only 8GB of capacity. This article guides you on how to install Ubuntu Linux on low-capacity devices.

  1. Install Ubuntu Server -

  2. Update list of packages and upgrade

I recommend using the usb network card because Wi-Fi is not caught during Ubuntu server installation.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
  1. Install window manager (i3wm)
$ sudo install i3 xinit

For example, if you want to open a terminal, press the Windows + Enter key.

  1. Set up wifi
$ sudo apt install network-manager wpasupplicant
$ sudo service network-manager start
$ sudo systemctl enable network-manager
$ sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml

content of 01-netcfg.yaml

  renderer: NetworkManager
    <interface name>:
      dhcp4: yes
        "<access point name>":
          password: "<access point password>"

apply configuration

$ sudo netplan generate
$ sudo netplan apply
  1. Start X Window
$ startx
  1. Install office packages

LibreOffice is not recommended because it has more than 1 gigabyte of capacity.

$ sudo apt install abiword gnumeric sqlite
  • abiword: wordprocessor
  • gnumeric: spreadsheet
  • sqlite: database
  1. Install additional packages
$ sudo apt install gparted pcmanfm firefox
  • gparted: partition manager
  • pcmanfm: file browser
  • firefox: web browser
  1. When you're done, you'll see that there's about 20% free space left.

  2. Try to play videos on YouTube to test multimedia performance. If everything is good, the video should be played well.

Guide: for East Asian and other language users

  1. Install language pack
$ sudo apt install language-pack-<2 letters language code (ex: language-pack-ko)>
$ sudo locale-gen <5 letters language code (ex: ko_KR)>.UTF-8
  1. Edit /etc/default/locale
LANG="<5 letters language code (ex: ko_KR)>.UTF-8"

Append to bottom of file, and save it.

  1. Edit /etc/environment
LANG="<5 letters language code (ex: ko_KR)>.UTF-8"
LANGUAGE="<5 letters language code (ex: ko_KR)>:<2 letters language code (ex: ko)>:en_US:en"

Append to bottom of file, and save it.

  1. Install fonts
$ sudo apt install fonts-<you known font name (ex: fonts-nanum)>
  1. (For example) Install and configure the input system
$ sudo apt install im-config <you known the input system (ex: nabi)>
$ im-config
  1. Reboot
$ sudo reboot
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