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Last active December 26, 2019 13:46
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import_short_classes: false
kernel_class: App\Kernel
kernel_environment: test
# This comes from running `rector sets` (in 0.6.1), and then I removed some Rectors we don't need for our codebase.
- 'array-str-functions-to-static-call'
- 'celebrity'
- 'code-quality'
# - 'coding-style' # WARNING: This one should not be used. It conflicts with ECS and our codebase a lot.
- 'constructor-injectin-to-action-injection'
- 'dead-code'
- 'doctrine'
- 'doctrine-code-quality'
- 'doctrine-repository-as-service'
- 'doctrine-services'
- 'doctrine25'
- 'framework-extra-bundle-30'
- 'framework-extra-bundle-50'
- 'php52'
- 'php53'
- 'php54'
- 'php55'
- 'php56'
- 'php70'
- 'php71'
- 'php72'
# - 'php73' # That's a next step :)
# - 'php74' # That's a next step :)
- 'phpstan'
- 'phpunit-code-quality'
- 'phpunit-exception'
- 'phpunit-injector'
- 'phpunit-mock'
- 'phpunit-specific-method'
- 'phpunit-yield-data-provider'
- 'phpunit50'
- 'phpunit60'
- 'phpunit70'
- 'phpunit75'
- 'phpunit80'
- 'phpunit80-dms'
- 'phpunit90'
# - 'psr-4' # This currently breaks with : Could not process "%s" file, due to: "Unable to read file '//composer.json'. failed to open stream: No such file or directory".
- 'solid'
# - 'symfony-code-quality' # This currently breaks with : Could not process "/app/tests/unit/Utils/AppKernelTestCase.php" file, due to: "Kernel class "App\Kernel" provided in "parameters > kernel_class" is not instance of "_HumbugBox655fe0f4d050\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel". Make sure it is.".
- 'symfony-constructor-injection'
- 'symfony-phpunit'
- 'symfony26'
- 'symfony28'
- 'symfony30'
- 'symfony31'
- 'symfony32'
- 'symfony33'
- 'symfony34'
- 'symfony40'
- 'symfony41'
- 'symfony42'
- 'symfony43'
- 'symfony44'
- 'twig-underscore-to-namespace'
- 'twig112'
- 'twig127'
- 'twig134'
- 'twig140'
- 'twig20'
- 'twig240'
# - 'type-declaration' # This currently breaks with : Could not process "%s" file, due to: "Rector\NodeTypeResolver\StaticTypeMapper::mapPHPStanPhpDocTypeNodeToPHPStanType for Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\Attributes\Ast\PhpDoc\Type\AttributeAwareGenericTypeNode".
# We have a lot of these in src/Domain
- 'Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Property\RemoveUnusedPrivatePropertyRector'
- 'Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Class_\RemoveSetterOnlyPropertyAndMethodCallRector'
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