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Last active January 22, 2024 07:29
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Script which downloads all mixamo animations for one character.
// Mixamo Animation downloadeer
// Author: Antonio Aloisio <>
// Contributions: kriNon
// The following script make use of mixamo2 API to download all anims for a single character that you choose.
// The animations are saved with descriptive long names instead of the short ones used by default by mixamo UI.
// This script has been written by and the author is not responsible of its usage
// How to use this script
// 1. Browse
// 2. Log in
// 3. Open JS console (F12 on chrome)
// 4. Download an animation and get the character ID from the Network tab
// 5. Then past the character id in the "character" variable at beginning of this script
// 6. Copy and paste the full script in the javascript console
// 7. The script will open a new blank page.. you will start to see animations downloading
// 8. keep the blank page opened and keep on pressing "Allow multiple downlaods"
// NOTE. This doesn't really work for me, but it was supposed too
// Chrome will ask you all the time to allow multiple downloads
// You can disable this as follow:
// chrome://settings/ > Advanced > Content > Automatic downloads > uncheck "Do not allow any site to download multiple file automatically"
// const character = 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee'
const character = 'ef7eb018-7cf3-4ae1-99ac-bab1c2c5d419'
const bearer = localStorage.access_token
var oldAnimId = ""
const getAnimationList = (page) => {
console.log('getAnimationList page=', page);
const init = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
const listUrl = `${page}&limit=96&order=&type=Motion%2CMotionPack&query=`;
return fetch(listUrl, init).then((res) => res.json()).then((json) => json).catch(() => Promise.reject('Failed to download animation list'))
// retrieves json.details.gms_hash
const getProduct = (animId, character) => {
console.log('getProduct animId=', animId, ' character=', character);
const init = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
const productUrl = `${animId}?similar=0&character_id=${character}`;
return fetch(productUrl, init).then((res) => res.json()).then((json) => json).catch(() => Promise.reject('Failed to download product details'))
const downloadAnimation = (animId, character, product_name) => {
console.log('downloadAnimation animId=', animId, ' character=', character, ' prod name=', product_name);
// skip packs
if (product_name.indexOf(',') > -1) {
console.log('Skipping pack ', product_name);
return Promise.resolve('Skip pack!');
} else {
return getProduct(animId, character)
.then((json) => json.details.gms_hash)
.then((gms_hash) => {
const pvals = => param[1]).join(',')
const _gms_hash = Object.assign({}, gms_hash, { params: pvals }) // Anim is baked with default param values
return exportAnimation(character, [_gms_hash], product_name)
.then((json) => monitorAnimation(character,animId))
.catch(() => Promise.reject("Unable to download animation " + animId))
const downloadAnimLoop = (o) => {
if (!o.anims.length) {
return downloadAnimsInPage(o.currentPage + 1, o.totPages, o.character); // no anims left, get a new page
const head = o.anims[0];
const tail = o.anims.slice(1);
o.anims = tail;
return downloadAnimation(, o.character,
.then(() => downloadAnimLoop(o)) //loop
.catch(() => {
console.log("Recovering from animation failed to downlaod");
return downloadAnimLoop(o) // keep on looping
var downloadAnimsInPage = (page, totPages, character) => {
console.log('downloadAnimsInPage page=', page, ' totPages', totPages, ' character=', character);
if (page >= totPages) {
console.log('All pages have been downloaded');
return Promise.resolve('All pages have been downlaoded');
return getAnimationList(page)
.then((json) => (
anims: json.results,
totPages: json.pagination.num_pages,
.then((o) => downloadAnimLoop(o))
.catch((e) => Promise.reject("Unable to download all animations error ", e))
const start = () => {
if (!character) {
console.error("Please add a valid character ID at the beginnig of the script");
downloadAnimsInPage(1, 100, character);
const exportAnimation = (character_id, gmsHashArray, product_name) => {
console.log('Exporting Anim´:' + character_id + " to file:" + product_name)
const exportUrl = ''
const exportBody = {
gms_hash: gmsHashArray, //[{ "model-id": 103120902, "mirror": false, "trim": [0, 100], "overdrive": 0, "params": "0,0,0", "arm-space": 0, "inplace": false }],
preferences: { format: "fbx7", skin: "false", fps: "30", reducekf: "0" }, // To download collada use format: "dae_mixamo"
type: "Motion"
const exportInit = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
body: JSON.stringify(exportBody)
return fetch(exportUrl, exportInit)
.then((res) => {
switch (res.status) {
case 429:{
console.log('ERROR 429, Too many requests, looping');
return exportAnimation(character_id, gmsHashArray, product_name);
} break;
res.json().then((json) => json)
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date =;
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate =;
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
const monitorAnimation = (characterId,animId) => {
if (true)
const monitorUrl = `${characterId}/monitor`;
const monitorInit = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
return fetch(monitorUrl, monitorInit)
.then((res) => {
switch (res.status) {
case 404: {
const errorMsg = ('ERROR: Monitor got 404 error: ' + res.error + ' message=' + res.message);
throw new Error(errorMsg);
} break
case 429:{
console.log('ERROR 429, Too many requests, looping');
return monitorAnimation(characterId,animId);
} break;
case 202:
case 200: {
return res.json()
} break
throw new Error('Response not handled', res);
}).then((msg) => {
switch (msg.status) {
case 'completed':
if (oldAnimId != msg.job_result)
oldAnimId = msg.job_result
console.log('Downloading: ', msg.job_result);
downloadingTab.location.href = msg.job_result;
return msg.job_result;
case 'processing':
console.log('Animation is processing... looping');
return monitorAnimation(characterId,animId);
break;// loop
case 'failed':
const errorMsg = ('ERROR: Monitor status:' + msg.status + ' message:' + msg.message + 'result:' + JSON.stringify(msg.job_result));
throw new Error(errorMsg);
}).catch((e) => Promise.reject("Unable to monitor job for character " + characterId + e))
// Workaround for downloading files from a promise
// NOTE that chrome will detect you are downloading multiple files in a single TAB. Please allow it!
const downloadingTab ='', '_blank');
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GOvEy1nw commented Sep 2, 2021

@gnuton please can you update the script to include a delay in downloading the next animation? I've tried using this multiple times & while it's great, the duplicate downloads are causing it to bypass some downloads, leaving around 1000 animations unobtainable via this method. Unfortunately I don't know JS enough to add this in.

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kriNon commented Jan 9, 2022

Yo. I made a few fixes to the original script. Posting it here in case it helps people.
This version prevents the script from downloading multiple copies of a file, and when the API throws a 429 error it will wait 0.5 seconds and try again (until it eventually works).

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For inplace animations add this before line 155:
gmsHashArray[0].inplace = true;

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Hi, actually I changed it to 104 since I saw this is the last page number, and the problem occurs with that number. Another issue I now noticed is that it downloads a lot of duplicates, i.e it sometimes downloads the same animation several times. Thank you for your help!

I think it does that cause there's more than one like "jumping down" for example

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If anybody is using this script try it in Microsoft Edge I did it in windows 11 and it worked just fine I got them all in Chrome it was a little hairy

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