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Last active December 13, 2019 13:33
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Compatible and TryCompatible traits


This proposal introduces two traits, Compatible and TryCompatible, which allows specifying safe mem::transmute relationships and performing them in an ergonomic way.


Design goals and constraints

These design goals and constraints are derived from the examples below:

  • performance: users that do not care about performance can just deconstruct a value into its fields and use those to construct a new value without using any unsafe code. Going from one value to another in a single (or no) memcpy is the main advantage of this feature.

  • complete: it must be possible to encode safety invariant using this feature, if

    • transmute::<T, U> is provably safe,
    • transmute::<T, U> is only safe for some values of U.
  • sound: safe_transmute<T, U> must not type check for a T-U-pair for which a transmute is unsound.

  • consistent: if safe_transmute::<T, U> is safe, it must be possible to replace that with transmute::<T, U>.

  • ergonomic: the feature should be more ergonomic than mem::transmute. In particular, if transmute::<T, U> is provably safe, then safe_transmute::<T, U> must just work.


These examples require unsafe code today but they are safe and should work with safe_transmute and try_safe_transmute:

Example: bi-directional safe transmute

let x: [u8; 4];
let y: u32 = safe_transmute(x);
let z: [u8; 4] = safe_transmute(y);

Example: uni-directional transmute

let x: bool = true;
let y: u8 = safe_transmute(x);

Example: try transmute

let x: u8 = 1;
let y: bool = try_safe_transmute(x)?; // Ok
let x: u8 = 42;
let y: bool = try_safe_transmute(x)?; // Err

Example: slice

let a: [i32; 2] = [1, 2];
let x: &[i32] = &a;
let y: &[i32; 2] = try_safe_transmute(x)?; // Ok
let y: &[i32; 3] = try_safe_transmute(x)?; // Err
let y: &[i32; 1] = try_safe_transmute(x)?; // Ok or Err ? (leaks one element)

Example: try_safe_transmute cannot be collapsed

let x: &[u32];
let y: [u8; 3] = try_safe_transmute(*x)? // Err(LengthErr)
let z: [bool; 3] = try_safe_transmute(y)?; // Err(InvalidValue)

Example: references

#[repr(C)] struct S { x: u8, y: u16 }
let x: &mut S;
let y: &mut u8 = safe_transmute(x);

#[repr(C)] struct S { x: u16, y: u16 }
let x: &mut S;
let y: &mut u8 = safe_transmute(x);
let y: &mut u32 = safe_transmute(x);
let y: &mut [u8; 4] = safe_transmute(x);
// note: &mut [u8] does not fit, size larger than &mut S

Example: sound "if fits" transmutes

If the transmute compiles (because both types have the same size), these are sound:

struct X(u8, u8);
transmute::<[u8; 2], X>();

struct Y(u8, u16);
transmute::<MaybeUninit<[u8; 4]>, Y>();

transmute::<*mut T, *mut U>(T);

Example: unsound transmutes

These transmutes are not sound even if they compile:

transmute::<bool, u8>(); // unsound validity

struct X(u8, MaybeUninit<u8>);
transmute::<[u8; 2], X>(); // unsound: validity

struct Y(u8, u16);
transmute::<[u8; 4], Y>(); // unsound: validity (due to padding)

#[repr(C)] struct Z(u8, u16);
transmute::<[u8; 4], Z>(); // unsound validity (due to padding)

union U { u: [u8; 4] } 
transmute::<[u8; 4], U >(); // unsound validity (due to union validity)

#[repr(C)] struct S { x: u8, y: u16 }
transmute::<&mut [u8; 4], &mut S>(); // unsound validity 
transmute::<&mut [u8], &mut S>(); // unsound validity 
transmute::<&[u8; 4], &S>(); // unsound validity 
transmute::<&[u8], &S>(); // unsound validity 

TODO: more examples


Guide-level explanation

Given a user defined type:

struct Dog {
  age: u32,

and a value of this type dog: Dog, then all of these are safe:

let bytes: [u8; 4] = safe_transmute(dog.clone());
let also_bytes: (u8, u8, u8, u8) = safe_transmute(dog.clone());
let also_bytes: Simd<u8, 4> = safe_transmute(dog.clone();

and work if the only thing the user implements for Dog is:

unsafe impl Compatible<[u8; 4]> for Dog {}

This allows Dog to be safely transmuted into a [u8; 4], and since [u8; 4] can be safely transmuted into (u8, u8, u8, u8) and Simd<u8, 4>, Dog can also be safely transmuted into these as well.

Changing Dog to:

struct Dog {
  friendly: bool,

produces a compilation error:

error[E0XYZ]: types with different sizes cannot be compatible
 --> src/
1 | unsafe impl Compatible<[u8; 4]> for Dog
  |                        ^^^^^^^      ^^^
  = note: source type: `Dog` (8 bits)
  = note: target type: `[u8; 4]` (32 bits)

and requires us to change the impl to, e.g., :

unsafe impl Compatible<u8> for Dog {}

Trying to transmute an u8 into a Dog also fails to compile since the bound u8: Compatible<Dog> is not satisfied.

Changing Dog to:

struct Dog {
    friendly: bool,
    age: u32,

and the implementation of Compatible to

unsafe impl Compatible<[u8; 8]> for Dog {}

also fails to compile:

error[E0XYZ]: implementation of Compatible violates validity invariant
 --> src/
1 | unsafe impl Compatible<[u8; 8]> for Dog
  |                        ^^^^^^^      ^^^
  = note: source type: `Dog` has padding bytes that can be uninitialized
  = note: target type: `[u8; 8]` does not support uninitialized bit-patterns
  = note: change target type to `MaybeUninit<[u8; 8>` instead

and indeed, changing the impl to

unsafe impl Compatible<MaybeUninit<[u8; 8]>> for Dog {}


For some types, whether a transmute is safe or not depends on the data contained in the type. These transmutes can be safely attempted using the try_safe_transmute API.

For example, given this definition of Dog:

struct Dog {
  friendly: bool,

we can implement:

unsafe impl TryCompatible<Dog> for u8 {
    type Error = ();
    fn try_compatible(self) -> Result<(), ()> {
        if self == 0 || self == 1 {
        } else {

to be able to safely transmute an u8 back to a dog:

let dog: Dog;
let raw: u8 = safe_transmute(dog);
let dog = try_safe_transmute(raw)?;

Notice however, that the following fails to compile

let dog: Dog;
let raw: bool = try_safe_transmute(dog)?;
let dog = try_safe_transmute(raw)?;

Differently than for Compatible, TryCompatible requires an impl Compatible<U> for T to exist. The reason is that for TryCompatible the actual conversion chain picked matters and while one particular chain might not produce any errors, a different chain might.

Reference-level explanation

Add to libcore the following:

// Trait impls
#[lang_item = "compatible_trait"]
pub unsafe trait Compatible<T> {}
pub unsafe trait TryCompatible<T> { 
    type Error;
    fn try_compatible(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>; 

// Blanket impl of TryCompatible for Compatible:
unsafe impl<U, T: Compatible<U>> TryCompatible<U> for T { 
    type Error = !; 
    fn try_compatible(&self) -> Result<(), !> {

// APIs
pub const fn safe_transmute<T, U>(x: T) -> U where T: Compatible<U> {
    unsafe { const_transmute(x) }
pub fn try_safe_transmute<T, U>(x: T) -> Result<U, T::Error> where T: TryCompatible<U> {
    x.try_compatible().map(|_| unsafe { transmute(x) })

// Manual unsafe impls for the primitive types: ints, refs, pointers, 
// Non..-types, SIMD, arrays, ...
unsafe impl Compatible<u8> for bool {}
unsafe impl TryCompatible<bool> for u8 {}

unsafe impl<T> Compatible<MaybeUninit<T>> for T {}

// impl for slices
unsafe impl<T> TryCompatible<&[u8; {size_of::<T>()}]> for &[T] 
    where T: Compatible<[u8; {size_of::<T>}>
    fn try_compatible(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() >= size_of::<T>() && self.as_ptr() % align_of::<T>() == 0

A trait bound of the form T: Compatible<U> is "satisfied" iff given any T: Compatible<U0> there is a type sequence [U_0, U_1, ..., U_N] such that for i in range [1, N) the query U_{i}: Compatible<U_{i+1}> is satisfied and there is a impl of Compatible<U> for U_N. Notice that multiple such sequences could exist, but it suffices that one exists for the query to be satisfied.


Complicates the trait system (TODO: adds a new kind of query to the trait system).

Rationale and alternatives

  • Why is this design the best in the space of possible designs?
  • What other designs have been considered and what is the rationale for not choosing them?

Given N types that can be safely transmuted to u8, and M types that can be safely transmuted from u8, this approach requires N + M trait impls for Compatible. Some alternatives discussed below require N x M trait impls.

This is a big ergonomic downside for users, which either need to provide N x M impls, or perform sequences of transmutes. It also significantly impact compile times.

  • What is the impact of not doing this?

People will either unnecessarily write unsafe code, or roll their own alternatives which suffer from the N x M problem.

Prior art

This RFC is compared with the following proposals below:

Pre-RFC Safe Transmute v2

Safe Transmute v2 only requires N + M trait implementations, and it provides a very handy ::cast operation, even for fallible conversions, by not allowing users to define their own conversion error types.

This pre-RFC does not satisfy some constraints:

performance: some transmute: * unnecessarily require run-time checks, e.g. bool -> #[repr(transparent)] struct Bool(bool) must be expressed as bool -> [u8] -> Bool where the [u8] -> Bool step requires generating Rust code to perform a run-time check of the validity invariant. These run-time checks might be removed by backend optimizations. * allows ""transmutes"" that are not replacable with a bare std::mem::transmute

completeness: some transmutes are not expressable, e.g., one can't directly express bool -> Bool, and one cannot transmute, e.g., #[repr(C)] struct A(Bool, u16) to #[repr(C)] struct B(bool, u16); due to padding even though transmute::<B, A> is safe.

consistency: some ""transmutes"" allowed / encouraged aren't actually transmutes, e.g., &[u8] -> &T, where &[u8] has a different size than &T, and cannot therefore be replaced with a call to transmute.

zerocopy / FromBits

This crate and its RFC do not satisfy the constraints in a similar way as the Pre-RFC safe transmute v2.

Pre-RFC FromBits/IntoBits

This pre-RFC does not satisfy some constraints

completeness: it does not allow expressing transmutes that depend on the validity invariant for correctness, e.g., u8 -> bool

ergonomics: it suffers from the N x M problem

Unresolved questions

  • Should the compiler error on implementations of Compatible for types with an unspecified layout ? (e.g. repr(Rust)).

  • Not an unresolved question, but it is possible that before stabilization the list of impls of these traits for types within the standard library would increase.

Future possibilities

  • try_safe_transmute should become a const fn when these support const traits.
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