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Last active February 21, 2021 09:41
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Black-Scholes Equations for Google Sheets
Source: ϴ gang
Open a new or existing Google Sheets spreadsheet
Navigate to Tools > Script Editor
Paste the code below into the empty "" file and save it
Return the to spreadsheet and use your new functions OPTIONDELTA, OPTIONGAMMA,
All of the functions are documented with autocomplete to assist when entering
the functions.
* Calculates an Option's Delta using the Black-Scholes Model.
* @param {number} price - The spot price of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} strike - The strike price of the option.
* @param {number} volatility - The volatility of returns of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} interest - The input the risk-free interest rate.
* @param {number} dividend - The dividend rate as a percentage.
* @param {number} days - The time to maturity in days.
* @param {string} optiontype - The the type of option, Call or Put.
* @return the Black-Scholes calculation for an option's Delta.
* @customfunction
function OPTIONDELTA(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days, optiontype) {
var eqt = Math.exp(-dividend *(days/365));
var nd1 = NORMDIST_(D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days));
if (optiontype == "Put")
nd1 = nd1 - 1;
return eqt * nd1;
* Calculates an Option's Gamma using the Black-Scholes Model.
* @param {number} price - The spot price of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} strike - The strike price of the option.
* @param {number} volatility - The volatility of returns of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} interest - The input the risk-free interest rate.
* @param {number} dividend - The dividend rate as a percentage.
* @param {number} days - The time to maturity in days.
* @return the Black-Scholes calculation for an option's Gamma.
* @customfunction
function OPTIONGAMMA(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days) {
var d1 = D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days);
var time = days/365;
var eqt = Math.exp(-dividend * time);
var asqrtT = volatility * Math.sqrt(time);
return Math.exp(-1 * Math.pow(d1, 2)/2)/Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI)*eqt/(price*asqrtT);
* Calculates an Option's Theta using the Black-Scholes Model.
* @param {number} price - The spot price of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} strike - The strike price of the option.
* @param {number} volatility - The volatility of returns of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} interest - The input the risk-free interest rate.
* @param {number} dividend - The dividend rate as a percentage.
* @param {number} days - The time to maturity in days.
* @param {string} optiontype - The the type of option, Call or Put.
* @return the Black-Scholes calculation for an option's Theta.
* @customfunction
function OPTIONTHETA(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days, optiontype) {
var d1 = D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days);
var time = days/365;
var eqt = Math.exp(-dividend * time);
var xert = Math.exp(-interest * time) * strike;
var nd1 = NORMDIST_(D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days));
if (optiontype == "Put")
return (-(price*Math.exp(-1*Math.pow(d1,2)/2)/Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI)*volatility*eqt/(2*Math.sqrt(time)))+(interest*xert*nd1)-(dividend*price*nd1*eqt))/365;
return (-(price*Math.exp(-1*Math.pow(d1,2)/2)/Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI)*volatility*eqt/(2*Math.sqrt(time)))-(interest*xert*nd1)+(dividend*price*nd1*eqt))/365;
* Calculates an Option's Vega using the Black-Scholes Model.
* @param {number} price - The spot price of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} strike - The strike price of the option.
* @param {number} volatility - The volatility of returns of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} interest - The input the risk-free interest rate.
* @param {number} dividend - The dividend rate as a percentage.
* @param {number} days - The time to maturity in days.
* @param {string} optiontype - The the type of option, Call or Put.
* @return the Black-Scholes calculation for an option's Vega.
* @customfunction
function OPTIONVEGA(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days) {
var d1 = D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days);
var time = days/365;
var eqt = Math.exp(-dividend * time);
return Math.exp(-1*Math.pow(d1,2)/2)/Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI)*eqt*price*Math.sqrt(time)/100;
* Calculates an Option's Rho using the Black-Scholes Model.
* @param {number} price - The spot price of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} strike - The strike price of the option.
* @param {number} volatility - The volatility of returns of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} interest - The input the risk-free interest rate.
* @param {number} dividend - The dividend rate as a percentage.
* @param {number} days - The time to maturity in days.
* @return the Black-Scholes calculation for an option's Rho.
* @customfunction
function OPTIONRHO(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days, optiontype) {
var time = days/365;
var ert = Math.exp(-interest * time);
if (optiontype == "Put")
var nNegD2 = NORMDIST_(-D2_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days));
return -strike * time * ert * nNegD2/100;
var nNegD1 = NORMDIST_(-D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days));
return strike * time * ert * nNegD1/100;
* Calculates Option Price using the Black-Scholes Model.
* @param {number} price - The spot price of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} strike - The strike price of the option.
* @param {number} volatility - The volatility of returns of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} interest - The input the risk-free interest rate.
* @param {number} dividend - The dividend rate as a percentage.
* @param {number} days - The time to maturity in days.
* @param {string} optiontype - The the type of option, Call or Put.
* @return the price of an Option.
* @customfunction
function OPTIONPRICE(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days, optiontype) {
var time = days/365;
var xert = Math.exp(-interest * time) * price;
var seqt = Math.exp(-dividend * time) * strike;
if (optiontype == "Put")
var nNegD1 = NORMDIST_(-D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days));
var nNegD2 = NORMDIST_(-D2_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days));
return xert * nNegD2 - seqt * nNegD1;
var nD1 = NORMDIST_(D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days));
var nD2 = NORMDIST_(D2_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days));
return seqt * nD1 - xert * nD2;
* Calculates D1 using the Black-Scholes Model.
* @param {number} price - The spot price of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} strike - The strike price of the option.
* @param {number} volatility - The volatility of returns of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} interest - The input the risk-free interest rate.
* @param {number} dividend - The dividend rate as a percentage.
* @param {number} days - The time to maturity in days.
* @return the value of D1.
* @customfunction
function D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days) {
var time = days/365;
var lnsx = Math.log(price/strike);
var trqa = (interest - dividend + (Math.pow(volatility, 2))/2)*time;
var asqrtT = volatility * Math.sqrt(time);
return (lnsx + trqa)/asqrtT;
* Calculates D2 using the Black-Scholes Model.
* @param {number} price - The spot price of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} strike - The strike price of the option.
* @param {number} volatility - The volatility of returns of the underlying asset.
* @param {number} interest - The input the risk-free interest rate.
* @param {number} dividend - The dividend rate as a percentage.
* @param {number} days - The time to maturity in days.
* @return the value of D2.
* @customfunction
function D2_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days) {
var time = days/365;
var d1 = D1_(price, strike, volatility, interest, dividend, days);
var asqrtT = volatility * Math.sqrt(time);
return d1 - asqrtT;
* Calculates an estimation of the normal distribution of a value.
* @param {number} d - The d value.
* @return the value of the normal distribution of d.
* @customfunction
function NORMDIST_(d) {
var z = (d)/Math.sqrt(2);
var t = 1/(1+0.3275911*Math.abs(z));
var a1 = 0.254829592;
var a2 = -0.284496736;
var a3 = 1.421413741;
var a4 = -1.453152027;
var a5 = 1.061405429;
var erf = 1-(((((a5*t + a4)*t) + a3)*t + a2)*t + a1)*t*Math.exp(-z*z);
var sign = 1;
if(z < 0)
sign = -1;
return (1/2)*(1+sign*erf);
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