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Created May 27, 2015 02:18
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  • Save go1dfish/4616ffa11da05bf37e92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save go1dfish/4616ffa11da05bf37e92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Reddit remover
// @namespace
// @description Removes some elements from reddit pages
// @author userstylishone
// @homepage
// @run-at document-start
// @version 0.20150526083346
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {var css = "";
css += [
"/* ",
"!!! IMPORTANT !!!",
"Be sure to DISABLE subreddit styles. ",
" -> Display Options -> []allow subreddits to show me custom themes",
"There are CSS watermarks in some subreddit styles. ",
"Make sure this style is activated. ",
"!!! IMPORTANT !!!",
"Highly suggested: Disable Reddit Enhancement Suite in addition.",
"It is up to you to verify and crop screenshot afterwards. CSS elements are subject to change. ",
"Rare, Moderator, & Gold elements may be missed.",
"Firefox has built in screenshotting: ",
"firefox instructions; shift-f2 , screenshot --clipboard --fullpage ",
"Chrome you\'ll have to find an add on that lets you do full page or selected parts of the page.",
"@namespace url(;"
if (false || (document.domain == "" || document.domain.substring(document.domain.indexOf("") + 1) == ""))
css += [
"/* Removes (edit) and other stuff below a comment */ ",
".flat-list {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
"/* Removes time related info */ ",
".live-timestamp {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
"/* Removes that you voted on an item */ ",
".score {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
".comment.noncollapsed .midcol {",
" visibility: hidden !important",
" ",
".midcol {",
" visibility: hidden !important",
"/* Removes tags you\'ve given somebody */ ",
".RESUserTag {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
" ",
".userattrs {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
".user {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
"/* Removes the reply area */ ",
".commentingAs {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
".panestack-title {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
".menuarea {",
" visibility: hidden;",
".usertext-edit {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
"/* Some variations of the above, fixing rarer stuff like friends, more checks to make it secure */",
".approval-checkmark {",
" visibility: hidden !important;",
"#viewImagesButton {",
" visibility: hidden;",
".thing .tagline .author.friend {",
" color: #369!important;",
" font-weight: normal!important;",
" padding: 0 0 0 0!important;",
" border-radius: 0px!important;",
" background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)!important;",
"span.userattrs.tb-history {",
" display:none!important;",
".comment .tagline .author.friend {",
" font-weight:bold!important;",
" padding: 0 0 0 0!important;",
".thing .tagline .author.submitter {",
" color: #FFFFFF !important;",
" font-weight: bold!important;",
" padding: 0 2px 0 2px!important;",
" border-radius: 3px!important;",
" background-color: #0055DF!important;",
".res .comment span:nth-child(3) {",
" display:none!important;",
".res .comment span:nth-child(6) {",
" display:none!important;",
".res .comment span:nth-child(7) {",
" display:none!important;",
".res .comment span:nth-child(8) {",
" display:none!important;",
".linkinfo .totalvotes {visibility:hidden;}",
"#header-bottom-right {display:none;}",
".side {visibility:hidden;} ",
".shortlink { visibility:visible;} ",
".titlebox h1 a { visibility:visible;}",
".side .md { visibility:visible;}",
".titlebox .bottom{visibility:visible;}",
".titlebox .age {visibility:hidden!important;}",
"time, #sr-header-area, .footer-parent, #tb-bottombar {",
" padding-top:19px;",
".gold-accent.comment-visits-box {visibility:hidden;}",
".flair {display:none;}",
".res .comment span:nth-child(8), .res .comments-page .linklisting .tagline span:nth-child(6), .res .comments-page .linklisting .tagline span:nth-child(7) {",
" display:none!important;",
"/* Finally the advertisement so people know where to find this */",
".content:after {",
" position:absolute;",
" font-size:14px;",
" color:black;",
" content: \"\";",
" top: 0px; ",
" z-index:99;",
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
var node = document.createElement("style");
node.type = "text/css";
var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (heads.length > 0) {
} else {
// no head yet, stick it whereever
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