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Created October 20, 2012 05:59
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Save goFrendiAsgard/3922241 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using Aptana as killer web-app (and python) IDE
Aptana is a killer editor, the one IDE to rule everything in web realms. It support PHP, Python, Rubby, Python, Javascript, CSS and HTML. It's free, so you can just use it and start to do wonderful things.
Base installation :
1. Install Eclipse
2. Run eclipse
3. Go to: Help > Install New Software
4. Press Add button
5. Add Location "", name it as "Aptana Plugin" or whatever
6. Back to Help > Install New Software (or just close the previous dialog)
7. Choose "Aptana Plugin" in Work With input
8. Install the plugin (check it, next-next-next and go)
9. You have a full power of web development (PHP, CSS, Javascript, HTML, RoR, and even my dear Python)
Add CodeIgniter auto-completion :
1. Download the newest CodeIgniter, extract it in an directory
2. Follow the guide here Apply it to your CodeIgniter directory
3. Run your eclipse, go to: Window > Preferences
4. Look for the left panel, choose Aptana Studio > editors > PHP > Libraries
5. Click "Add New User Library", add your CodeIgniter directory (from step #1)
Applying CodeIgniter auto-completion feature to your PHP project
1. Run eclipse, go to: File > New > PHP Project
2. Fill up the parameter (remember to choose C:\xampp\htdocs\your_directory or /var/www/your_directory as the location instead of default workspace)
3. Put your copy of CodeIgniter there
4. Open your project, right click on it, choose property > Project Natures, choose PHP, close the dialog
5. Right click on your project again, Choose "PHP BuildPath", go to Libraries, check the "Use project specific settings", check "CodeIgniter"
6. Now you are ready to make killep app with CodeIgniter
Add No-CMS (possibly also work for PyroCMS and other CodeIgniter based project) auto-completion
1. Download the newest No-CMS, extract it in an directory
3. Run your eclipse, go to: Window > Preferences
4. Look for the left panel, choose Aptana Studio > editors > PHP > Libraries
5. Click "Add New User Library", add your No-CMS directory (from step #1)
Applying No-CMS auto-completion feature to your PHP project
1. Do just as "Applying CodeIgniter auto-completion feature to your PHP project"
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great explanation !! .. what about add yii framework ?

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