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Last active December 29, 2015 08:59
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  • Save godDLL/7647338 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save godDLL/7647338 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Schedule a function to run as often as possible, featuring a difference_in_time from the last time it ran, an adjustable clock_with_velocity for bullet time, and a frame counter with which you can build your own FPS meter.
(function (win, undefined){
// Schedule a function to run as often as possible,
// featuring a difference_in_time from the last time it ran,
// an adjustable clock_with_velocity for bullet time,
// and a frame counter with which you can build your own FPS meter.
var gettime = function (){
return (new Date).getTime()
animate = (function(){ // animate(fn, starting_velocity)
// fn(
// dt,
// frame = Timeline.pos,
// Timeline = {time(), last_t, pos, vel}
// )
function Timeline(vel, pos){
this.last_t = gettime(),
this.vel = vel || 1,
this.pos = pos || 0
this.time = function (num){
// quantum time measurement, disturbs the time
if (num) this.pos = num
var t = this.last_t
this.last_t = gettime(),
this.pos = this.pos + this.vel * (this.last_t - t)
return this.last_t
return function(fn, vel){
// teh interface
var run = true, last_t, clock = new Timeline(vel),
Loop = function (t){
// needs requestAnimationFrame polyfill
if (run) window.requestAnimationFrame(Loop)
else return
last_t = clock.last_t || clock.time()
t = clock.time() // starts at 'frame 1' because
var dt = clock.vel * Math.abs(t - last_t)
run = fn(dt, clock, clock.pos)
dt = null
win.animate = animate
// USAGE example
animate(function(dt, t, frame){
// this is playing with the clock speed, ignore
if (t.set_vel === void 0)
t.set_vel = t.vel = t.vel * 2
if (frame > 200 && t.unset_vel === void 0)
t.unset_vel = t.vel = t.vel / 2
// why do I even import undefined if I never end up using it?
console.log(t.last_t, dt,
frame, t.vel) // frame == t.pos
if (frame < 300)
return true // stop animation at frame 300
}, .5) // starting at half speed
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