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Last active May 8, 2018 20:11
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Bollinger Bands
license: mit

Bollinger Bands are a technical analysis used in financial trading to provide an indication of highness and lowness relative to previous trades.

date close
9/13/2012 177.35
9/14/2012 175.85
9/17/2012 173.65
9/18/2012 175.4
9/19/2012 174.45
9/20/2012 175
9/21/2012 178.45
9/24/2012 178
9/25/2012 178.85
9/26/2012 177.4
9/27/2012 176.9
9/28/2012 175.75
10/1/2012 176.35
10/2/2012 176
10/3/2012 177.5
10/4/2012 178
10/5/2012 180.65
10/8/2012 180.35
10/9/2012 179.35
10/10/2012 178.05
10/11/2012 178.35
10/12/2012 174.8
10/15/2012 173.3
10/16/2012 173
10/17/2012 174.75
10/18/2012 176.8
10/19/2012 177.5
10/22/2012 177.05
10/23/2012 175
10/24/2012 172.45
10/25/2012 170.65
10/26/2012 169.7
10/29/2012 169.55
10/30/2012 171.05
10/31/2012 168.25
11/1/2012 170
11/2/2012 168.2
11/5/2012 167.45
11/6/2012 169
11/7/2012 167.7
11/8/2012 167.6
11/9/2012 167.6
11/12/2012 166.6
11/13/2012 162.5
11/14/2012 160.9
11/15/2012 159.15
11/16/2012 157.8
11/19/2012 160.5
11/20/2012 162.3
11/21/2012 159.15
11/22/2012 158.3
11/23/2012 158.7
11/26/2012 157.65
11/27/2012 156.9
11/28/2012 158.25
11/29/2012 160.3
11/30/2012 161.15
12/3/2012 160.9
12/4/2012 159.55
12/5/2012 159.35
12/6/2012 161.45
12/7/2012 161.85
12/10/2012 161.55
12/11/2012 161.3
12/12/2012 161.55
12/13/2012 162.5
12/14/2012 160.95
12/17/2012 158.2
12/18/2012 156.25
12/19/2012 156.65
12/20/2012 155.8
12/21/2012 155.6
12/24/2012 156.3
12/25/2012 156.3
12/26/2012 156.3
12/27/2012 156.05
12/28/2012 155.4
12/31/2012 154.45
1/1/2013 154.45
1/2/2013 157.45
1/3/2013 157.4
1/4/2013 160.05
1/7/2013 159.65
1/8/2013 162.4
1/9/2013 165.5
1/10/2013 164.5
1/11/2013 165.2
1/14/2013 163.85
1/15/2013 163
1/16/2013 160
1/17/2013 160.65
1/18/2013 161.85
1/21/2013 162.25
1/22/2013 162.4
1/23/2013 163.45
1/24/2013 168.65
1/25/2013 170.25
1/28/2013 171.1
1/29/2013 172.9
1/30/2013 173.5
1/31/2013 172.1
2/1/2013 173.45
2/4/2013 170.5
2/5/2013 171.25
2/6/2013 170.35
2/7/2013 171.85
2/8/2013 173.9
2/11/2013 173.65
2/12/2013 173.5
2/13/2013 171.65
2/14/2013 167.55
2/15/2013 167.8
2/18/2013 166.8
2/19/2013 163.5
2/20/2013 162.5
2/21/2013 160
2/22/2013 163.05
2/25/2013 164.1
2/26/2013 161.9
2/27/2013 165.1
2/28/2013 165.55
3/1/2013 168.3
3/4/2013 167.7
3/5/2013 168.6
3/6/2013 180
3/7/2013 178.6
3/8/2013 184.35
3/11/2013 185.75
3/12/2013 185
3/13/2013 182.25
3/14/2013 184.55
3/15/2013 183.25
3/18/2013 184.95
3/19/2013 187.6
3/20/2013 185.8
3/21/2013 183.55
3/22/2013 183.45
3/25/2013 187.2
3/26/2013 187.75
3/27/2013 186
3/28/2013 186.6
3/29/2013 186.6
4/1/2013 186.6
4/2/2013 192
4/3/2013 186.15
4/4/2013 184.8
4/5/2013 182.6
4/8/2013 184.8
4/9/2013 187.5
4/10/2013 189.2
4/11/2013 189.8
4/12/2013 190.55
4/15/2013 191
4/16/2013 189.9
4/17/2013 189.25
4/18/2013 192.5
4/19/2013 193.25
4/22/2013 194.8
4/23/2013 195.05
4/24/2013 193.2
4/25/2013 196.4
4/26/2013 197.2
4/29/2013 196.85
4/30/2013 196.2
5/1/2013 196.05
5/2/2013 193.95
5/3/2013 193.8
5/6/2013 193.8
5/7/2013 194.35
5/8/2013 193.05
5/9/2013 192.4
5/10/2013 194.35
5/13/2013 193.5
5/14/2013 193.5
5/15/2013 195.2
5/16/2013 197.05
5/17/2013 197.7
5/20/2013 197.6
5/21/2013 199.9
5/22/2013 196.8
5/23/2013 193.55
5/24/2013 194.55
5/27/2013 194.55
5/28/2013 197.7
5/29/2013 192.95
5/30/2013 193
5/31/2013 191.95
6/3/2013 188.6
6/4/2013 192.05
6/5/2013 187.5
6/6/2013 188.15
6/7/2013 191.85
6/10/2013 191.75
6/11/2013 192
6/12/2013 181
6/13/2013 178.7
6/14/2013 180.05
6/17/2013 182.7
6/18/2013 184.35
6/19/2013 181.45
6/20/2013 177.75
6/21/2013 175.85
6/24/2013 175.9
6/25/2013 180.2
6/26/2013 183.35
6/27/2013 186.35
6/28/2013 187.85
7/1/2013 188.6
7/2/2013 189.9
7/3/2013 187.35
7/4/2013 193.9
7/5/2013 191.75
7/8/2013 191.9
7/9/2013 193.95
7/10/2013 192.5
7/11/2013 191.55
7/12/2013 193.8
7/15/2013 195.5
7/16/2013 193.45
7/17/2013 192.3
7/18/2013 191.35
7/19/2013 193.85
7/22/2013 194
7/23/2013 192.9
7/24/2013 193.6
7/25/2013 193.5
7/26/2013 192.55
7/29/2013 194.4
7/30/2013 195.1
7/31/2013 197.5
8/1/2013 200.2
8/2/2013 199.35
8/5/2013 198
8/6/2013 198.15
8/7/2013 197.7
8/8/2013 196.8
8/9/2013 196.7
8/12/2013 196.2
8/13/2013 197.7
8/14/2013 195.3
8/15/2013 192.85
8/16/2013 192.3
8/19/2013 189.85
8/20/2013 190.2
8/21/2013 190
8/22/2013 190.05
8/23/2013 191.75
8/26/2013 191.75
8/27/2013 190.1
8/28/2013 189.3
8/29/2013 204.75
8/30/2013 206.25
9/2/2013 213.2
9/3/2013 202.5
9/4/2013 207
9/5/2013 210.55
9/6/2013 210.75
9/9/2013 210.4
9/10/2013 207.9
9/11/2013 210.15
9/12/2013 210.1
<!DOCTYPE html>
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body {
font: 12px sans-serif;
.axis path,
.axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #999;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.line {
fill: none;
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
.line.bands {
stroke: #6c949f;
stroke-opacity: 0.6;
.area.bands {
fill: #6c949f;
fill-opacity: 0.3;
stroke: none;
<script src=""></script>
var margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 50 },
width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
var n = 20; // n-period of moving average
var k = 2; // k times n-period standard deviation above/below moving average
var parseDate = d3.time.format("%m/%d/%Y").parse;
var x = d3.time.scale()
.range([0, width]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.range([height, 0]);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.tickSize(3, 0);
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.close); });
var ma = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
.y(function(d) { return y(; });
var lowBand = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.low); });
var highBand = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.high); });
var bandsArea = d3.svg.area()
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
.y0(function(d) { return y(d.low); })
.y1(function(d) { return y(d.high); });
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
d3.csv("data.csv", function(error, data) {
data.forEach(function(d) { = parseDate(;
d.close = +d.close;
var bandsData = getBollingerBands(n, k, data);
x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return; }));
y.domain([ d3.min(bandsData, function(d) { return d.low; }),
d3.max(bandsData, function(d) { return d.high; }) ]);
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("class", "area bands")
.attr("d", bandsArea);
.attr("class", "line bands")
.attr("d", lowBand);
.attr("class", "line bands")
.attr("d", highBand);
.attr("class", "line ma bands")
.attr("d", ma);
.attr("class", "line")
.attr("d", line);
function getBollingerBands(n, k, data) {
var bands = []; //{ ma: 0, low: 0, high: 0 }
for (var i = n - 1, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
var slice = data.slice(i + 1 - n , i);
var mean = d3.mean(slice, function(d) { return d.close; });
var stdDev = Math.sqrt(d3.mean( {
return Math.pow(d.close - mean, 2);
bands.push({ date: data[i].date,
ma: mean,
low: mean - (k * stdDev),
high: mean + (k * stdDev) });
return bands;
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