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Forked from TheFrankman/create.php
Last active June 3, 2021 15:37
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Programatically create an order in Magento 2.1
* @author Godric Cao
namespace Vendor\Namespace\Model\Subscription\Order;
class Create
public function __construct(
\Magento\Framework\App\Helper\Context $context,
\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductFactory $productFactory,
\Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteManagement $quoteManagement,
\Magento\Customer\Model\CustomerFactory $customerFactory,
\Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
\Magento\Sales\Model\Service\OrderService $orderService,
\Magento\Quote\Api\CartRepositoryInterface $cartRepositoryInterface,
\Magento\Quote\Api\CartManagementInterface $cartManagementInterface,
\Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\Rate $shippingRate
) {
$this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
$this->_productFactory = $productFactory;
$this->quoteManagement = $quoteManagement;
$this->customerFactory = $customerFactory;
$this->customerRepository = $customerRepository;
$this->orderService = $orderService;
$this->cartRepositoryInterface = $cartRepositoryInterface;
$this->cartManagementInterface = $cartManagementInterface;
$this->shippingRate = $shippingRate;
* Create Order On Your Store
* Sample Test Data
* $orderData=[
* 'currency_id' => 'USD',
* 'email' => '', //buyer email id
* 'shipping_address' =>[
* 'firstname' => 'jhon', //address Details
* 'lastname' => 'Deo',
* 'street' => 'xxxxx',
* 'city' => 'xxxxx',
* 'country_id' => 'IN',
* 'region' => 'xxx',
* 'postcode' => '43244',
* 'telephone' => '52332',
* 'fax' => '32423',
* 'save_in_address_book' => 1
* ],
* 'items'=> [ //array of product which order you want to create
* ['product_id'=>1,'qty'=>1],
* ['product_id'=>2,'qty'=>2]
* ]
* ];
* @param array $orderData
* @return int $orderId
public function createOrder($orderData) {
//init the store id and website id @todo pass from array
$store = $this->_storeManager->getStore();
$websiteId = $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getWebsiteId();
//init the customer
$customer->loadByEmail($orderData['email']);// load customet by email address
//check the customer
//If not avilable then create this customer
//init the quote
$cart_id = $this->cartManagementInterface->createEmptyCart();
$cart = $this->cartRepogitoryInterface->get($cart_id);
// if you have already buyer id then you can load customer directly
$customer= $this->customerRepository->getById($customer->getEntityId());
$cart->assignCustomer($customer); //Assign quote to customer
//add items in quote
foreach($orderData['items'] as $item){
$product = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($item['product_id']);
//Set Address to quote @todo add section in order data for seperate billing and handle it
// Collect Rates and Set Shipping & Payment Method
$shippingAddress = $cart->getShippingAddress();
//@todo set in order data
->setShippingMethod('flatrate_flatrate'); //shipping method
$cart->setPaymentMethod('checkmo'); //payment method
//@todo insert a variable to affect the invetory
// Set sales order payment
$cart->getPayment()->importData(['method' => 'checkmo']);
// Collect total and saeve
// Submit the quote and create the order
$cart = $this->cartRepogitoryInterface->get($cart->getId());
$order_id = $this->cartManagementInterface->placeOrder($cart->getId());
return $order_id;
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chi07 commented Nov 15, 2016

It's does not work with Table rate - Weight and Destination. Please give me the advice

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Please note that there is a spelling mistake in cartRepogitoryInterface. Should be cartRepositoryInterface on line 89.

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creative-git commented Aug 25, 2017

shipment method is not getting saved . order created but :Shipping & Handling Information show : No shipping information available in the backend

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mgomma commented Jan 26, 2018

I got "message": "Notice: Array to string conversion in ......./Magento/Framework/DB/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php on line 2930

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esguhan commented Feb 2, 2018

It doesn't work for multiple order items. It takes only the last one from an array. But the calculation of quantity works properly.

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lucasqm commented Aug 17, 2018

Thanks, you saved my life.

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It is only add one product bur quanity are multiple

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