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Created July 31, 2020 20:13
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Web {
    CSRF In Application-Wide{
        Csrf Normal
        Bypass Through {
             Chnage Method To GET-Based
             Change Value Of CSRF-Token To undefined
	     Add Parameter _method=PUT For Bypass CSRF Based PUT/DELETE
             Delete CSRF Token Value Or Delete Token Parameter
             Use The same CSRF Value In Different Accounts
             Replace Value CSRF Token with Same Length Characters
             Change Content-Type from application/json to text/plain
             Use Vulnerable-Subdomain To Bypass CSRF Token
    Session Management And Broken Auth {
         Missing Secure or HTTPOnly Cookie Flag	
         Login Http Protocol
	 Session Fixation ( Only Hackerone ) 
         Failure to Invalidate Session When ResetPassword/ChangePassword
    Reset Password Function {
        Try XSS Through Change Parameters to GET Method 
	Open Redirect 
        Reset Password Token URL Disclosed Through Referer To Thirdy Party
	Reset Password Token is not Invalidated After Use
    No Rate Limit {
        No Rate Limiting on Form	Registration
	No Rate Limiting on Form	Login
	No Rate Limiting on Form	Email-Triggering
	No Rate Limiting on Form        SMS-Triggering
	Profile {
	    Setting {
	         IDOR On All Functions In Setting : Edit Profile , Delete Profile , Deasctive  Notifications ....
	         Clickjacking On delete Account Or on Sensitive Action
	         SSTI Through ProfileName : {{7*7}} - ${7*7}
	         CSTI Through ProfileName : {{7*7}}
		 No Password Policy
	    View Account {
	         Web Cache Deception To Steal User Sensisitve-Data : /profile/dec.css
	         Exif Data IsNot Stripped From Images
	Upload File Function {
	    Remote Command execution : ImageMagic
	    Upload Malicious Such : SVG , PHP-PHTML,PhP,Php5 , HTMl-HTM
	    Change Content Type To  Diffrenets Content-Types Such : application/xml+svg , text/xml
	    Duplicate The content-type With Differents Values
	    Change Content-type Value To Valid-Content-Type-Value And Malicious-Content-Type-Value : Content-Type: 
	    Try XXE Through Uplaod File Xml Or SVG Or Microsoft OXML Files Such : docs , doc [ Maybe The server will parse the file if its XML ]
	    Path Traversal To OverWrite On Users-Files On Server-File
	    XSS Through FileName
	    Command Injection Through Filename : `sleep (10)` - ;sleep(10) - |sleep(10)  - &sleep(10)
	    SQL Injection Through filename: ' or sleep(10)-- - | " or sleep(10)-- - | ') or sleep(10)-- - | ") or sleep(10)-- -
	Login Place {
	    OAuth {
	        Open Redirect On redirect_uri
		Try Bypass Filtr With : 
		                         %09 - %2509
					 %2e - %252e
					 \@ - %5c%40
	        CSRF On OAuth Login By [ For Chaining In Future ] : Delete State Parameter Or Value
	        Steal Oauth Token Through Referer [ When Theres None-Open redirect in redirect_uri ] : redirect_uri=
	        Xss Through redirect_uri
	    SAML Auth {
	        Edit Email In SAMLResponse
	        Edit Email And Delete Tag [ <ds:Signature> ] Or Value Of The Tag
	    Brute-Force Attack [ If its not Out Of Scope ]
	    Blind-Xss Through IP Headers
	    Blind-SQL Through IP Headers
	    XSS Through GET-Method With Parameters
	    Open-Redirect On Login And On Logout
	Company {
	    Privilege Escalation {
	        Add User - Delete User - Delete Invitations - And Other Actions
	    Information Disclosure {
	        Steal High-Privilege Invites Through Invite Token Disclosure 
	    unauthorized Access {
	        Try To Repeate Requests After Delete The User-Member
	    CSRF in URL Invite 
	    IDOR On Invite Users - Delete Company - And Others Actions
	Apache Proxy - Nginx {
	    SSRF Through Host: Header
	    SSRF Through REQUEST-URI : GET http://collaborator/ 
	    Path Traversal On Nginx
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