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Forked from iCHAIT/
Last active February 24, 2016 20:28
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1. 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (GeoInformation stuff)

  • tags - geo , geospatial , java , gis , spatiotemporal , geoprocessing , traffic , environment , R , R-project , earth observation , geoprocessing , spatial data , geostatistics , sensor web , search , mobile , eventing , database

  • ideas - SPARQL endpoint and InterOperability for EnviroCar data Social Driving Stats

2. Africa Soil Information Service

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (Soil Analysis)

  • tags - afsis , soil , gis , agriculture , machine learning

  • ideas - Open-Source Agronomy Data Collection Open-Source UAV Processing For Ecological Research

3. Apache Software Foundation (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 47

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (given the number of projects)

  • tags - c , java , python , c++ , perl , opensource , apache , erlang , hadoop , big data

  • ideas - General bug fixing for Apache Derby Python based Command Line Tool (CLI) for Stratos


  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (solving small to very large mathematical models.)

  • tags - numerical , mathematics , simulation , C , C++ , python , GTK , linux , windows , mac , GUI , science , scientific software , parallel , programming language , education , engineering , math , scientific computing , high-performance computing , OSX

  • ideas - Numerical Algorithmic Enhancement: Dynamic Modelling in ASCEND GUI improvements


  • No. of proj accepted - 7

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (seeks to advance the state of open-source software.)

  • tags - javascript , html , robotics , android , chromium , chromeos , electronics

  • ideas - Android-based Remote Display BoneScript Web Pages With Live-Running Examples And Documentation

6. BEAM Community

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (group of OSS projects that run on the Erlang VM.)

  • tags - erlang , elixir , erlang vm , actors , ejabberd , disco , xmpp , distributed , mongoose im

  • ideas - Grapherl : stats aggregtion & graphing system Simplified and Secured Logins

7. Bika Open Source LIMS Collective

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (Laboratory Information Management System)

  • tags - python , plone , LIMS , LIS , laboratory management

  • ideas - Inventory Management Module Productivity, Management and Tracking Reports

8. Biomedical Informatics, Emory University

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (BMI stuff)

  • tags - biomedical , healthcare , clinical , imaging , informatics , machine learning , cloud , nosql , spatial databases , visualization , big data , data mining , web services , hadoop , spark , javascript , java , databases

  • ideas - Data Federation / Integration Tools Bulk Data Transfer

9. Boost C++ Libraries (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 7

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.)

  • tags - c++ , boost , peer-reviewed , portable , C++11 , C++14 , C++0x , C++0y

  • ideas - Improved compile-time associative data structures for Hana Boost Document Library Development

10. Boston University / XIA (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (Finding TCP/IP's successor is the ultimate goal.)

  • tags - Networking , future Internet , crowdsourcing , Future Internet Architecture , FIA , XIA , research , Linux , kernel , C , Ruby , Open vSwitch , OVS , containers , LXC

  • ideas - Implementing perfect hashing for mapping XID types to loaded principals


  • No. of proj accepted - 9

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (solid modeling system that includes interactive geometry editing)

  • tags - computer graphics , scientific computing , engineering analysis , visualization , CAD , CSG , SMP , signal processing , 3d , engine , 3d modeling , benchmark , raytracing , image processing , graphics , framebuffer , geometry conversion , computer vision , computer-aided design , symmetric multiprocessing , geometry , brlcad , ray tracing , constructive solid geometry , analysis , graphics conversion , mesh , solid modeling , web development , high-perforamnce computing , math , science , tcl , c , c++

  • ideas - Online Geometry Viewer (OGV) GPU Accelerated Ray Trace Rendering for BRL-CAD

12. Buildbot (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (framework for automating software build, test, and release processes.)

  • tags - python , twisted , continuous-integration , ci , releng , testing , angularjs , web , mq

  • ideas - Optimize communication between the backend and the frontend Migrate Buildbot’s Web UI to Angular Material

13. BuildmLearn

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (promote m-Learning with the specific aim of creating open source tools and enablers for teachers and students.)

  • tags - mLearning , Qt , C++ , Git , Android , Windows Phone , iPhone

  • ideas - Practice Handwriting Application Project Educational mobile application for BuildmLearn Label the Diagram for BuildmLearn

14. CCExtractor development

  • No. of proj accepted - 7

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (standard tool for closed captioning and subtitles in the open source community.)

  • tags - subtitles , closed captions , video , language , c , mpeg , h264 , teletext , ffmpeg , linux , multithreading , network , accessibility , low level , ccextractor

  • ideas - Adding translations to CCExtractor and Website for comparing statistics Constraint Based Speaker Diarization Module for Heterogeneous News data

15. CentOS Project

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very difficult (community that rebuilds Red Hat Enterprise Linux in to the well-known, stable, predictable, manageable, and reproduceable CentOS Linux core.)

  • tags - Linux , Python , yum , oVirt , OpenStack , OpenShift , Gluster , Ceph , Docker , container , Atomic

  • ideas - Lightweight Cloud Instance Contextualization Tool

16. Ceph Storage

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (Ceph is distributed, software-defined storage that allows users to turn commodity hardware into a massively scalable storage cluster with no single point of failure.)

  • tags - ceph , storage , software defined

  • ideas - Implement Google Cloud Storage APIs for Ceph Object Gateway

17. CERN SFT (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 14

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (focuses on providing common software for its experiments.)

  • tags - None

  • ideas - Static Analysis Suite(SAS) Enhancements

18. Cesium Community (WebGL LOL)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (develops an open-source JavaScript library for creating 3D globes and 2D maps in a web browser without a plugin.)

  • tags - geospatial , mapping , graphics , JavaScript , HTML5 , CSS , WebGL , GitHub

  • ideas - NASA's Data Curtains from Space Vector Data Visualization with Geography Markup Language

19. CiviCRM (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 8

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (web-based, open source, Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) software geared toward meeting the needs of non-profit and other civic-sector organizations)

  • tags - crm , ngo , fundraising , events management , membership management , social network , datamining

  • ideas - Social Media Integration Strategic Fundraising and Campaigning

20. Clojure (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (A dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine,JavaScript, and Microsoft's .NET framework.)

  • tags - Clojure , Lisp , Functional Programming , ClojureScript

  • ideas - A Common Clojure Source Metadata Model Typed Clojure Core Annotations

21. CloudCV

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (Large Scale Distributed Computer Vision as a Cloud Service)

  • tags - Computer Vision , Machine Learning , Distributed Computing , Python , Matlab , Javascript , Django , Node.js

  • ideas - Integrating Dropbox, Google Drive and S3 and building REST APIs for CloudCV To Develop the Matlab and Python API for CloudCV

22. Copyleft Games

  • No. of proj accepted - 8

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - C , Python , Games

  • ideas - Terrain Engine for Generating Procedural Terrains Cross Platform Bluetooth Integration

23. coreboot

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult(fast and flexible Open Source firmware.)

  • tags - firmware , BIOS , embedded , bootloader , x86 , arm , mips

  • ideas - End user flash tool

24. DBpedia & DBpedia Spotlight

  • No. of proj accepted - 8

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - Java , Scala , Python , Wikipedia , Wikidata , Natural Language Processing , Machine Learning , Knowledge Extraction , Entity Linking , Word Sense Disambiguation , Semantic Web , Linked Data

  • ideas - Dbpedia Live scaling and new interface Keyword Search on DBpedia

25. Debian Project (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 15

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - os , linux , distributions , web , qa , quality_assurance , shell_scripting , web_development , python , bsd , php , distribution , bash , c , operating_system , database , science , debian , c++ , sh , security , continuous_integration

  • ideas - Improve Debian reproducible builds

26. Department of Biomedical Informatics, Stony Brook University

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - Biomedial Informatics , medial imaging , bioinformatics , public health informatics , MapReduce

  • ideas - Large scale image viewing/editing module in 3D Slicer

27. Django Software Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 0 :/

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - django , python

  • ideas - None

28. Drupal (Ameen Dude) (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 9

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (open source content management platform)

  • tags - PHP , OO PHP , CMS , Database , Drupal 8 , Symfony , Web Development , Web Programming , Web Application , Web Framework , SQL , Object Oriented Programming , web

  • ideas - Port print module to Drupal 8 Making Drupal smarter by learning from users behavior

29. Encyclopedia of Life

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (a free, online collaborative encyclopedia intended to document all of the 1.9 million living species known to science.)

  • tags - encyclopedia , life , biodiversity , biology , taxonomy , devops , ruby , nlp , golang

  • ideas - Tools for Finding Scientific Names in texts

30. FFmpeg (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 7

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created.)

  • tags - multimedia , video , audio , movie , mp4 , mp3 , transcoding , streaming , libavcodec , libavfilter , ffplay , ffmpeg , ffserver , libavutil , c , asm , x86 , filter , decode , encode , subtitle

  • ideas - Implementing full support for 3GPP Timed Text Subtitles Browsing content on the server

31. FOSSASIA (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 17

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (A non-profit organization supporting developers and makers of the Free and Open Source technologies in Asia.)

  • tags - python , qt , Javascript , js , HTML , web , android , iOS , web apps , C , C++ , mobile , pattern , garment , CAD , social change , humanitarian software , linux , localization

  • ideas - Develop the FOSSASIA Event App

32. Foundation for Learning Equality

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (A non-profit organization that is committed to enabling every person in the world to achieve a quality basic education)

  • tags - learning , education , international development , ICT4D , social justice , edtech

  • ideas - Recode Khan Academy videos into a low-bandwidth vector format Improve accessibility of the KA Lite platform

33. FreeBSD (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 14

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - virtualization , hypervisor , os , operating system , bsd , web , compilers , qa , perl , ruby , drivers , shell_scripting , shell scripting , server , embedded , mips , arm , sparc , sparc64 , i386 , amd , amd64 , x86_64 , distribution , c , operating_system , database , pcbsd , freebsd , c++ , sh , security , clang , llvm , audit , wireless , wifi , wi-fi , desktop , server , sandbox , kernel , embedded

  • ideas - Couldn't select one. :/

34. Ganeti

  • No. of proj accepted - 1

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (A cluster virtual server management software tool built on top of existing virtualization technologies)

  • tags - Ganeti , Haskell , Python , Xen , Kvm , Virtualization , Cloud , Cluster

  • ideas - Improving location awareness of Ganeti

35. GCC - GNU Compiler Collection

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - gcc , compiler , c , c++ , toolchain , glibc , binutils , gdb

  • ideas - Addressing mode selection in GCC

36. Git

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - You know right.

  • tags - vcs , c , git

  • ideas - Make git-pull and git-am builtins

37. GitHub

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - YKR.

  • tags - coffeescript , javascript , c , c++ , shell , python , linux , win32 , ruby , git , unix , mac

  • ideas - Find and implement a better security model for Atom

38. Global Alliance for Genomics & Health

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - genomics , health , big data , medicine , APIs , visualization , file formats

  • ideas - Interactive Visualization of Genetic Data

39. GNOME (applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 22

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - application , banshee , boxes , c , clutter , desktop , easytag , game , glib , gnome , gnome-shell , gnu , gobject , gtk , gtk+ , gtg , gstreamer , desktop , evolution , javascript , latex , linux , mail , music , python , vala , virtual , wayland

  • ideas - UI Improvement and New Features Implementation for Gnome-Logs


  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - software radio , GNSS , GPS , Galileo , navigation

  • ideas - Run-time partitioning of SDR functions featuring hardware accelerators

41. GNU Mailman (applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - email , mailing-lists , python

  • ideas - A Dashboard for Admins/Owners/Moderators

42. GNU Project (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 12

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - gnu , gpl , free software , classpath , dmd , gettext , gnucap , gnunet , gnustep , guix , libredwg , kawa , octave , xaos , zile , hurd , wget

  • ideas - Physical memory management

43. Google Kubernetes

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (A system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts, providing basic mechanisms for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications.)

  • tags - kubernetes , docker , google , containers

  • ideas - A More readable template language implemented by Go

44. Google Open Source Programs Office

  • No. of proj accepted - 0 :/

  • difficulty level/Desc -

  • tags - research , google , open source programs office

  • ideas - None


  • No. of proj accepted - 18

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - non-strict , lazy , functional , programming language

  • ideas - Interactive widgets in IHaskell

46. HPCC Systems® (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - ECL , Python , Java , Parallel Processing , Big Data , C++ , Distributed File System , Scalable , Data Warehousing , High Performance Queries , ETL Processing , Git , JIRA , Machine Learning , Visualisations , NLP , High Performance Computing , Natural Language Processing , Data Science , Data Mining , Hadoop

  • ideas - Add statistics to Linear and Logistic Regression Module

47. Institute for Artificial Intelligence

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - AI , Robots

  • ideas - Report Card Generation from Robot Mobile Manipulation Activities

48. Interactive Spaces

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - interactivity , sensors , framework , synchronization , ROS , Java , cross-platform

  • ideas - Augmenting Interactive Spaces with UltraHaptics

49. International GeoGebra Institute

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - math , education , mathematics , Java , JavaScript , GWT , iOS , Android , canvas , html5 , geometry , algebra , 3D

  • ideas - Recognition of Handwritten Equations Implicit Curves and Surfaces

50. International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 12

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium

  • tags - brain , neuroscience , Python , C++ , Java , Javscript , JQuery , SQL , MySQL , NoSQL , XML , SOAP , REST , Git , GitHub , HTML5 , PHP , Django , RDF , R , WebGL , CUDA , Travis , Heroku , Ansible , WebRTC , BitTorrent

  • ideas - Ease of Deployment and Standalone Installation – BioStars

51. IP-over-P2P Project

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - (Open-source user-centric software virtual network allowing end users to define and create their own virtual private networks )

  • tags - virtual network , vpn , p2p , overlay

  • ideas - Implementing a controller framework for next gen IPOP controllers

52. JBoss Community (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 10

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - JBoss , Java , JavaEE , REST , Mobile , Ruby , Security

  • ideas - Couldn't pick one.

53. JdeRobot - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (A software development suite for robotics, home-automation and computer vision applications.)

  • tags - robotics , computer vision , home automation , android , google-glass , wear , smartwatch , glass

  • ideas - Interconnection of JdeRobot with Android Wear

54. jQuery Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - JavaScript , jQuery , CSS , HTML

  • ideas - jQuery Mobile: Upgrade and Refactor Test Suite

55. KDE (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 36

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - desktop , Qt , C++ , Marble , Plasma , education , PIM , Gluon , Krita

  • ideas - Couldn't pick one.

56. LabLua

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc -

  • tags - Lua , Céu , LabLua , scripting languages , programming languages

  • ideas - Elasticsearch Lua client Sailor: Web development in Lua Port Lua Test Suite to the NetBSD Kernel

57. LibreOffice (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 10

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - officesuite , c++ , spreadsheet , textprocessor , presentation , odf

  • ideas - Review of the sidebar & its functionality More and Better Tests Improving Automated Error Checking

58. Liquid Galaxy Project

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (A remarkably compelling panoramic display system.)

  • tags - google earth , virtual reality , 3d game engines , geospatial , street view , panorama

  • ideas - Re-architecturing and Random Panorama for the Peruse-A-Rue App

59. LLVM Compiler Infrastructure

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - llvm , clang , compiler , backend , optimization

  • ideas - Compile-Time Optimizations in Polly

60. lmonade: scientific software distribution

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - math , mathematics , algebra , science , scientific software , distribution , package , image , image processing , vision , bio , graphics , geometry , 3d , opengl , qt , graph , parallel , threads , openmp , c++ , cpp , python , java , shell , sh , bash , scripting , lmonade , flint , ilastik , vigra , fricas , singular , polybori , aldor

  • ideas - Integer Factorisation In Flint: Self Initialization Quadratic Sieve

61. lowRISC

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (A not-for-profit project to produce a completely open source SoC.)

  • tags - oshw , llvm , javascript , go , golang , verilog , hardware , lowrisc , riscv , education , graphics , c , musl , kernel , testing , verification , fpga , python , ocaml

  • ideas - Porting seL4 to RISC-V

62. MariaDB (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - MariaDB , MySQL , database , proxy , C , C++ , Perl , Java

  • ideas - Automatic provisioning of slave

63. MBDyn, Department of Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan

  • No. of proj accepted - 0

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - mbdyn , multibody , multibody dynamics , multibody system dynamics , numerical analysis , numerical modeling , structural dynamics , finite element method , aerospace , aerodynamics , helicopter , rotorcraft , wind energy , automotive , vehicles , vehicle dynamics , tires , trucks , engineering , mechanical engineering , aerospace engineering , robotics , mechatronics , C++ , university , free software , simulation , cosimulation , multiphysics , multidisciplinary analysis

  • ideas - None


  • No. of proj accepted - 1

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - health , medicine , space , ehealth , spring , maven , java , git , gwt , android , couchdb , database , tomcat , emf , ecore , oaw , eclipse , jpa , hibernate

  • ideas - Migrating Imogene to Acceleo

65. MetaBrainz Foundation Inc. (dufferzafar)

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium

  • tags - music , metadata , open data

  • ideas - Improvements to CritiqueBrainz Create a unified browse and search interface for MusicBrainz

66. MinnowBoard Project (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Looks Very Difficult (A project working on open hardware, and it's support.)

  • tags - C , Perl , Python , Bash , File Synchronization , Network Booting , UEFI , Firmware , SMBus

  • ideas - HTTP Accessor

67. MIT Media Lab

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - mobile computing , education , App Inventor , education technology

  • ideas - Undo Functionality for Blocks Editor Component Development Kit

68. Mono Project

  • No. of proj accepted - 13

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (Implements a powerful and productive developer platform based on the ISO standards for the Common Language Infrastructure and the C# language.)

  • tags - C# , C , C++ , Mono , VM , GC , Runtime , MonoDevelop , GTK , OSX , Linux , Windows , .Net

  • ideas - CPPSharp - C++ inline Code improvement Proposal to improve MonoDevelop IDE C/C++ capabilities

69. Moodle

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (An open-source Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Platform, Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).)

  • tags - education , elearning , CMS , LMS , VLE , learning , teaching , primary , secondary , tertiary , university , PHP , SQL

  • ideas - Moorsp Plagiarism Plugin

70. Network Time Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - ntp , ptpd , linuxptp , radclock , gpsd , network time

  • ideas - Study the usefulness of different clock models for NTP NTP Testing : Migration to Unity Framework & UnitTesting

71. Nmap Security Scanner

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - (A free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing.)

  • tags - security , networking , network , ipv6 , lua , c++ , c , python , gui , linux , windows , apple , mac os x , packets , hacking , nmap , cryptography , crypto

  • ideas - Web Scanning Specialist Nmap Scripting Engine — Vulnerability and exploitation specialist

72. NumFOCUS (applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (Supports and promotes world-class, innovative, open source scientific software.)

  • tags - scientific software , numerical computation

  • ideas - Enhance Amy, a workshop-management platform for Software Carpentry

73. OncoBlocks

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - cancer , bioinformatics , genomics , big data , nosql

  • ideas - Tumor Heterogeneity Tool - Visualising microevolution of cancer Extraction of Clinical Trial Biomarkers

74. Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV)

  • No. of proj accepted - 14

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - OpenCV , Computer Vision , Machine Learning , Image Processing , Computational Photography , Fun

  • ideas - Implementation of universal interface for deep neural network frameworks Improve and expand Scene Text Detection module in OpenCV

75. Open Source Robotics Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - robotics , gazebo , ros , middleware

  • ideas - RoboCup Soccer Humanoid Simulator using Gazebo and a Sample Soccer Agent

76. OpenKeychain (OpenPGP for Android)

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - android , java , pgp , openpgp , gpg , security , encryption , crypto , snowden , k-9 , mail

  • ideas - Enhancing Openkeychain Functionality

77. OpenMRS (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 14

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - medical_records , health , clinics , ehealth , hospitals , hfoss , healthcare , emr , ehr , hl7 , mhealth , africa , developing_world , poverty , global_health , dojo , spring , api , mysql , internationalization , l8n , mrs , i10n , openmrs , hr , android , node , xml , hibernate , localization , search , localisation , statistics , java , maven , ict4d , phr , tomcat , database , internationalisation , html5 , node , nodejs , ldap , express , groovy

  • ideas - Registration Module with a Master Patient Index integration Add Support for Open Web Apps

78. OpenStreetMap (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 7

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (A project that creates and distributes free geographic data for the world.)

  • tags - geo , maps , crowdsourcing , java , javascript , c++ , ruby , postgis , webgl , 3d , wmts , python , html

  • ideas - Redesign and reimplement road presentation in Default OSM map style

79. Openwall

  • No. of proj accepted - 7

  • difficulty level/Desc -

  • tags - assembler , disassembly , c , cryptography , cuda , fpga , gpu , hashing , hpc , john , opencl , openmp , password , radare2 , reverse-engineering , security , simd , xeon-phi

  • ideas - Couldn't pick one

80. Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL) (iCHAIT)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - virtualization , kvm , xen , django , twistd , osuosl , ganeti , ganeti web manager , gwm , python , bash , api

  • ideas - What’s Fresh version 2.0

81. OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 13

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - postgres , c , gis , live-disc , algorithm , java , c# , graph , javascript , mapping , maps , c++ , ajax , geospatial , mysql , http , php , geo , mssql , 3d , osm , openstreetmap , cartography , science

  • ideas - Image Enhancement/Background Suppression for Opticks Integration of geospatial OSS in educational notebooks

82. (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc -

  • tags - Live Video Streaming , P2P , Multimedia , Streaming , Protocol , Internet , Video , Python , Socket , WebRTC , Android

  • ideas - Implementation of Content Integrity Set of rules for P2PSP INTEGRATION OF GUI,PLAYER AND PEER FOR THE P2PSP PYTHON IMPLEMENTATION

83. PaGMO / PyKEP

  • No. of proj accepted - 1

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - C++ , Python , optimization , genetic algorithms , evolutionary computation , parallel computing , meta-heuristics , artificial intelligence , astrodynamics , space systems engineering

  • ideas - :/

84. Pencil Code Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - (Pencil Code is a programming tool for beginning coders.)

  • tags - education , programming language , visualization , graphics , ide

  • ideas - Block Editing for HTML and CSS Visual Thumbnails of Projects

85. phpMyAdmin (applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - mysql , php , html , ajax , javascript , sql

  • ideas - Parser and Analyzer Rewrite Page-related settings and other user interface improvements

86. Pidgin, Finch, and libpurple

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - pidgin , finch , libpurple , instant messaging , im , networking , gtk , glib , c

  • ideas - Rewrite chat log backend and frontend Facebook Messenger Protocol for libpurple

87. PLASMA @ UMass

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc -

  • tags - Domain-Specific Languages , DSL , Scala , Java , Mechanical Turk , JavaScript , TypeScript , JVM , Python , R , interpreter , compiler , networking , crowdsourcing

  • ideas - Improving Ninia: A Web-Based Python Interpreter Blocks Language Front-end

88. Portable Native Client

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (Native Client is a sandbox for running compiled C and C++ code in the browser efficiently and securely, independent of the user’s operating system.)

  • tags - nacl , pnacl , chrome , llvm , c , c++ , compiler , compilers , systems , security , performance

  • ideas - Couldn't pick one.

89. Portland State University

  • No. of proj accepted - 11

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - new projects , academic , odd projects , spatial , GIS

  • ideas - Face Detection and Recognition in videos

90. PostgreSQL Project

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - database , postgres , postgresql , C , C++ , PHP , Perl , Python , Java , SQL , json

  • ideas - Couldn't pick one.

91. Privly Foundation (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - privacy , security , browser extensions , javascript , cryptography , android , HTML5 , Chrome , Firefox , Jetpack , Python , Ruby , Selenium , Webdriver , Content Scripts , Browser , Web

  • ideas - Add locally served injectable application support to the Safari Extension

92. Python Software Foundation (applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 62

  • difficulty level/Desc - YKR

  • tags - python , pydy , mailman , MNE , Moin , MoinMoin. Networkx , DyPy , Scipy , Numpy , Sympy , TARDIS-SN , Theano , Vispy , web , compiler , mathematics , wiki. magnetoencephalography , ECG , dMRI , email , mailman , astropy , dipy , gns3 , Mars , Italian Mars Society , kivy , hdl , MyHDL , Qtile , pgmpy , plone , PyPy , scikit , scikit-image , scikit-learn , scrapinghub , statsmodel , Sunpy

  • ideas - Couldn't pick one

93. QEMU (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 7

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - emulator , emulation , virtualization , lowlevel , os , bootloader , compiler , kernel , kvm , xen , c

  • ideas - Enhancing libvirt-designer

94. R Project for Statistical Computing

  • No. of proj accepted - 23

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - data , statistics , rstats , r , visualization

  • ideas - Advanced techniques in Risk and Asset Allocation Implementing Statistical Fitting Algorithms for R through NIMBLE Test timings on Travis

95. Red Hen Lab

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (An international consortium for research on multimodal communication.)

  • tags - linguistics , discourse , nlp , multimodal , communication , computation , statistics , search , opencv , audio , video , body language , cluster , corpus , archive , university , universities , global , multilanguage

  • ideas - A web-based front-end for the mwetoolkit multiword expression tagger Commercial detection

96. RIOT

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (An open source operating system that can run on tiny communicating devices typically found in the Internet of Things (IoT).)

  • tags - RIOT , IoT , Internet of Things , Operating System , Open Source , Embedded

  • ideas - Dynamic linking support for RIOT Support for Bluetooth Low Energy in RIOT

97. RoboComp

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (An open-source Robotics framework providing the tools to create and modify software components that communicate through public interfaces.)

  • tags - robotics , framework , computer vision

  • ideas - Computer vision components and libraries management RoboComp Building and deployment system design

98. RouteFlow

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (An open source project to provide virtualized IP routing services over OpenFlow enabled hardware.)

  • tags - routing , virtualization , cloud , networking , sdn , openflow

  • ideas - RouteFlow Unified Tests

99. Rspamd spam filtering system (awhitesong && m2n)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (A sophisticated spam filtering system that is designed to achieve high performance.)

  • tags - spam filtering , email , high performance , event model , C , machine learning , lua , cryptography

  • ideas - Support of HTTPCrypt in the Web interface Implement Meta-Statistics Algorithm

100. RTEMS Project

  • No. of proj accepted - 9

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - real-time , realtime , real time , operating system , OS , RTOS , kernel , FreeBSD , NetBSD , BSD , POSIX , C , C++ , Ada , Go , Lua , Python , Erlang , space , robotics , unmanned systems , OSAL , embedded , Beagleboard , RaspberryPi , gdb , gcc , compilers , clang , llvm , x86 , i386 , ARM , MIPS , SPARC , LEON , PowerPC , multicore , SMP , synchronization , security , filesystems , tracing , GUI , graphics , Qemu , Simulation , Simulator , Waf , Automation , Testing , Standards

  • ideas - Raspberry Pi 2 Support Raspberry Pi Low Level Peripherals and SD Card

101. Ruby

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - language , oop

  • ideas - Filesystem monitoring support for nio4r Breaking Changes and New Features for Bundler 2.0

102. Ruby on Rails

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - web development , web , ruby , rails , ruby on rails

  • ideas - Evented File System Monitoring Improve Rails Testing Speed by Predicting Test Failures

103. Ruby Science Foundation (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - science , ruby , engineering , data visualization , scientific computing , c , c++ , java , space , biology , chemistry , physics , graph theory , statistics , bioinformatics

  • ideas - Increasing the capabilities of daru (Data Analysis in Ruby)

104. Sage Mathematical Software System (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (An open-source mathematical software system.)

  • tags - mathematics , math , python , cython , c , cpp , html , javascript

  • ideas - Performance Improvements for the Graph Module of Sagemath Extending Game Theory in Sage

105. Samba

  • No. of proj accepted - 0 :/

  • difficulty level/Desc - :/

  • tags - C , CIFS , SMB , kernel

  • ideas - Lol

106. Saros

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (An Open Source IDE plugin for distributed collaborative software development.)

  • tags - collaborative programming , distributed programming , java , xmpp , plugin , eclipse , intellij idea

  • ideas - Implement an IDE plugin that checks archetecture using Archnemisis rules

107. Scala Team (applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 8

  • difficulty level/Desc -

  • tags - scala , functional programming , language design , ide , sbt

  • ideas - Automated refactorings for scala.meta Improving the Scala interpreter

108. Scilab Enterprises

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (The official publisher and professional services provider of Scilab software.)

  • tags - None :/

  • ideas - Enhancing Image Processing ToolBox of Scilab

109. strace

  • No. of proj accepted - 1

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (A system call tracer, i.e. a debugging tool which prints out a trace of all the system calls made by another process/program.)

  • tags - linux , syscall , strace , tracing , C , qemu

  • ideas - Reliable multiarchitecture support

110. Subsurface

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - divelog , C , C++ , qt , ios , android

  • ideas - Native Bluetooth support for Linux and/or Windows

111. Sugar Labs (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - children , learning , Python , Javascript

  • ideas - Interactive Javascript Shell Sugar WebBasic Activity Set

112. Sustainable Computing Research Group ( SCoRe )

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - IoT , wireless sensor networks , embedded systems , mobile applications , e-learning

  • ideas - Text and Graphic extraction Module for OpenDF Search optimization/Text Indexing + Report Generation for AndroSpy

113. Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 22

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - Systers , Anita Borg Institute , Women in Computing , python , django , ruby on rails , android , iOS , automated testing , selenium , Mailman , web development , mobile development

  • ideas - Malaria Prevention Application Android Photo Language Translation project


  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (A tool that creates synthetic observations (spectra) for exploding stars (supernovae).)

  • tags - astronomy , c , python , git

  • ideas - Implementation of new features into the new Tardis plasma module framework.

115. TEAMMATES @ National University of Singapore

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (Online feedback management system for teachers/students.)

  • tags - java , app engine , SaaS , PaaS , cloud , education , JavaEE , JavaScript , GitHub , JavaFx

  • ideas - Email Customizer Performance Optimization for HubTurbo

116. The Concord Consortium

  • No. of proj accepted - 1

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - education , nonprofit , STEM , science , math , engineering , big data , analytics , simulations , modeling , mobile , responsive Web design , JavaScript , Ruby , HTML5 , WebGL , Require.js , D3 , CoffeeScript , SVG , Vows , Amazon Web Services , Capistrano , SASS , Haml , WebCL , Pixi.js , AgentScript , AgentBasedModeling , git , GitHub , iPad , Android , Tablet , Mobile

  • ideas - Create new interactives for Investigations curriculum units

117. The Eclipse Foundation (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 15

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - eclipse , java , ide , recommenders , ecf , development , rcp , orion , javascript , c/c++

  • ideas - Visualized Statistics from the Developer Workspace Project News Feeds for / in Eclipse

118. The Fedora Project (Hammad Dude)

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - linux , kernel , php , C , bash , ruby , python , rails , buildservices , dnf , rpm , distribution , cloud

  • ideas - Mozilla Thunderbird - Integrate JMAP into AskFedora UX/UI & Functionality Overhaul

119. The Honeynet Project (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 7

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - Android , C , C++ , CSS , D3.js , DB , DDoS , DNP3 , DNS , DNS , DOM , Data mining , Database , Denial of Service , Design , Distributed Denial of Service , Distributed system , Django , DoS , Driver , Exploit , FTP , Fragmentation , GUI , Graphics , HTML , HTML5 , HTTP , Hadoop , Honeynet , Honeypot , Hypervizors , ICS , IDS , IEC 60870 , IP , IPv4 , IPv6 , Java , Javascript , Kernel , Lamson , Linux , Malware , MITM , Modbus , MySQL , Networking , OS , OSX , Operating system , PHP , Packet , Processing , Processing.js , Proxies , Proxy , Python , Queue , Rails , RDBMS , Research , Reverse engineering , Ruby , Ruby On Rails , SCADA , SNMP , SOCKS , SQL , SSL , Sandbox , Security , Shellcode , Spam , Splunk , TCP , UI , VM , Virtual machine , Virtualization , Visualization , VoIP , Web , Web browser , Web development , Windows , Wireshark , iOS

  • ideas - Adding a scoring system in peepdf Online Android Sandbox with Automatic App Testing

120. The MacPorts Project

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (A ports collection and packaging system for OS X.)

  • tags - Mac , OS X , Apple , Darwin , package management , distribution , C , Tcl , porting , cross , cross-compilation , scripting , BSD , SAT , system programming , Xcode , LD_PRELOAD , DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES , operating system , os , clang , llvm

  • ideas - MacPorts: Improve Dependency Calculation using SAT solver. Revitalizing Pallet

121. The ns-3 Network Simulator Project (applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - ns3 , network simulation , emulation , C , C++ , Python

  • ideas - Carrier Aggregation support for the LTE module Implementing multipath TCP (MPTCP) in ns3

122. The OpenBSD Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - OpenBSD , OpenSSH , OpenCVS , OpenSMTP , OpenBGPD , LibreSSL

  • ideas - Automating Module Porting Improving USB userland tools and ioctl(2)

123. The OpenCog Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 14

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - Artificial Intelligence , C++ , Python , Scheme , Machine Learning , NLP

  • ideas - Unsupervised Language Learning

124. The Processing Foundation (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 14

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - processing , java , javascript , python , art , design

  • ideas - Python Mode Integration with Processing 3.0

125. The STE||AR Group (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc -

  • tags - parellelism , performance , scalability , standardization , distributed computing , high performance computing , C++

  • ideas - Application/Counter CSV files Implement a Plugin Mechanism for thread schedulers

126. The syslog-ng project

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (A popular open-source logging solution.)

  • tags - syslog , logging , event processing , security , C , Java , Python

  • ideas - Java language binding for syslog-ng syslog-ng configuration editor using Qt

127. The Visualization Toolkit

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult (An open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization.)

  • tags - C++ , OpenGL , Visualization , Science , Parallel

  • ideas - Improvements to Earth and Space Science Shared Memory Parallelism in VTK

128. The Wine Project (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 4

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - c , linux , windows , games

  • ideas - Implement the Visual C++ iostream library

129. Tox (applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 8

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult (A free and open source replacement to the well used proprietary application Skype.)

  • tags - Skype , secure , communications , messaging , im , distributed , hash table , decentralized , encryption , chatting , free , gpl , C , C++ , Qt , Android , iOS , UDP , TCP , networking , groups , video , audio , chatting , java , C# , .net , python , objective C , OS X , iOS

  • ideas - WinTox – A Windows Store client for Tox Video Support for Toxic

130. Tux4Kids

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Medium (A volunteer project dedicated to creating fun and educational software for children.)

  • tags - C , C++ , Android , SDL , HTML 5 , iOS , JavaScript

  • ideas - Tux4ME - Web App

131. University of Nebraska - Helikar Lab

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - bioinformatics , computational biology , systems biology , image analysis

  • ideas - Visualisation of Large Scale Biological Networks with Interactivity Mobile­-based Blood­-Sample Image Analysis Interactive Platform for Statistical Computing

132. Wikimedia Foundation (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 8

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - wikipedia , wikimedia , mediawiki , wiki , php , javascript , html , css , opendata , i18n , input methods , jQuery , media , web , bugzilla , semantic

  • ideas - Implement Flow support in Pywikibot Extension to identify and delete spam pages

133. WSO2 (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 9

  • difficulty level/Desc - Difficult

  • tags - SOA , Cloud , Middleware

  • ideas - Recommendation Solution for WSO2 Machine Learner

134. X.Org Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 5

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - Graphics drivers , X11 , Wayland , Mesa , DRI , OpenGL , OpenCL

  • ideas - Apitrace: Add support for performance counters in the profiling view.

135. XBMC Foundation (Applying)

  • No. of proj accepted - 3

  • difficulty level/Desc - (An open source media center with support for Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, the Raspberry Pi, Android, and Android TV.)

  • tags - Kodi , XBMC , Retroplayer , raspberry pi , upnp , media center , multimedia

  • ideas - On-the-Fly Transcoding Creating cross-platform room correction for Kodi NVIDIA GameStream

136. Xiph.Org Foundation

  • No. of proj accepted - 2

  • difficulty level/Desc - Very Difficult

  • tags - media , streaming , audio , video , compression

  • ideas - Couldn't pick.

137. XMPP Standards Foundation (Ishan Khanna dude)

  • No. of proj accepted - 6

  • difficulty level/Desc - (An open technology for real-time communication, which powers a wide range of applications including instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, voice and video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and generalized routing of XML data.)

  • tags - xmpp , python , java , c++ , c , IoT , Things , erlang , chat , messaging , social , crypto , security

  • ideas - Add support for XMPP Serverless Messaging (XEP-174) to Smack Prototyping tools, for Internet of Things

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