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Created November 3, 2013 03:42
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A reference implementation of the Quicksort algorithm. Should be easy to translate to other languages.
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Reference implementation of Quicksort on an integer array """
__author__ = 'Michael Goerz'
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as nprnd
import random
import math
random.seed() # initialize the random number generator
def partition(a, left, right, debug=False):
""" Partition the section of the array a between indices `left` and
`right`. A random pivot is chosen and the array is re-ordered such that
all entries left of the pivot are smaller or equal to the pivot, and
all element right of it a larger or equal. Returns the index of the
pivot element in the re-ordered array. Elements before `left` or after
`right` remain unchanged.
Algorithm follows
C. A. R. Hoare. Quicksort. Computer Journal 5, 10 (1962)
See also
Cormen et al. Introduction to Algorithms. 3rd Edition -- Problem 7.1
# The implementation follows the pseudocode found in Cormen. Confusingly,
# the pseudocode did not seem to work out of the box, so it is modified
# here: the pivot element is kept untouched on the left, and is only moved
# into the partitioned list at the very end.
# One could start with the a[left] as the pivot element, but if the array
# is already sorted, this leads to worst-case runtime. An alternative is to
# choose a random pivot element, simply move it to the left, and then
# proceed in the normal way.
# The implementation does not try to be pythonic in any way, but instead to
# translate easily into other languages.
p = random.randint(left, right)
ap = a[p] # pivot value
# move pivot element to the left
a[p] = a[left]
a[left] = ap
if debug:
print " chosen %d at position %d as pivot element" % (ap, p)
l = left # Cormen pseudo-code would seem to say 'l = left - 1'
r = right + 1
while (True):
while (True):
# move in from the right until an element that is smaller than the
# pivot element is found
r = r - 1
if (a[r] <= ap or r <= l): break
while (True):
# move in from the left until an element that is larger than the
# pivot element is found
l = l + 1
if (a[l] >= ap or l >= r): break
if (l < r):
# switch the two elements
temp = a[r]
a[r] = a[l]
a[l] = temp
# move the pivot into place (Cormen doesn't have this)
p = r
a[left] = a[p]
a[p] = ap
if debug:
print " done partitioning: a = %s" % str(a)
print " p = %d" % p
break # return p (except we also want to execute the debug block)
if (debug):
# check that the pivoting worked
assert a[p] == ap, "Pivot value is not in the correct place"
for l in range(left, p):
assert a[l] <= ap, "Values left of pivot larger than pivot"
for r in range(p+1, right+1):
assert a[r] >= ap, "Values right of pivot smaller than pivot"
return p # index of the pivot element
def qsort(a, debug=False):
""" Perform a Quicksort on a given integer array """
# For small lists, insertion-sort is more efficient. As soon as we
# encounter arrays with less or equal to INSERT_LIMIT element, we sort the
# remaining list with insertion-sort.
INSERT_LIMIT = 10 # according to Wikipedia, "between 8 and 20"
# Variables used (assuming the partitioning is in-lined):
# integer n : length of array `a`
# integer level : Quicksort recursion level
# integer left : left boundary for section in current level
# integer right : right boundary for section in current level
# integer l : loop-index from left in partitioning/insertion-sort
# integer r : loop-index from right in partitioning/insertion-sort
# integer p : pivot-index
# (integer) ap : pivot value
# (integer) temp : temporary variable for swapping
# The last two variables are of the same type as the elements of the array
# `a`, i.e. integers in this example, but whatever if you're sorting
# non-integer arrays.
# Lastly, there are two integer stack arrays which need to be allocated to
# lg(n). They keep track of the section of the array that is processed at
# each recursion level of Quicksort.
# integer left_stack[] : stack for left boundary of section per level
# integer right_stack[]: stack for right boundary of section per level
n = len(a)
left_stack = np.empty(math.log(n, 2), dtype=int) # allocate
right_stack = np.empty(math.log(n, 2), dtype=int) # allocate
level = 0
left_stack[level] = 0
right_stack[level] = n - 1
while (level >= 0):
left = left_stack[level]
right = right_stack[level]
# if left < right: # for INSERT_LIMIT == 0
if (right - left) > INSERT_LIMIT:
# do a normal Quicksort iteration
if debug:
print "Level %d: calling partition on %s between %d and %d" \
% (level, str(a), left, right)
p = partition(a, left, right, debug) # pivot element ends up at p
# Recursively sort the lists left and right of the pivot element
# The shorter of the two sublists should be pushed to the next
# stack level. The other one is done via tail recursion.
# This guarantees that the stack goes at most to depth
# log(n, 2)
# Note that in an actual implementation the partitioning should be
# in-lined.
if (p-left < right-p):
# left partition to next level
left_stack[level+1] = left
right_stack[level+1] = p - 1
# afterwards, right partition (replacing the current level)
left_stack[level] = p + 1 # right[level] unchanged
# right partition to the next level
left_stack[level+1] = p + 1
right_stack[level+1] = right
# afterwards, left partition (replacing the current level)
right_stack[level] = p - 1 # left[level] unchanged
level = level + 1
else: # we're below the INSERTION_LIMIT
# do an insertion sort for elements between `left` and `right`
if debug:
print "Level %d: performing insertion-sort" % level
print " between %d and %d" % (left, right)
for l in range(left+1, right+1): # starting at the 2nd element
temp = a[l]
# insert a(l) into the previous sorted elements
r = l - 1
while (r >= left and a[r] > temp):
a[r + 1] = a[r]
r = r - 1
a[r+1] = temp
# done with insertion sort -- the list is now fully sorted.
# we're done at this level (also when doing Quicksort all the way)
level = level - 1
if debug:
# Test that the array is actually sorted
for i in range(1, n):
assert a[i] >= a[i-1], "Output array is not fully sorted"
def test_partition(n, max_val, debug=True):
""" Call the partition function on a random array of length `n` with values
between 0 and `max_val`
a = nprnd.randint(0, max_val, n)
print "Input: %s" % str(a)
partition(a, 0, n-1, debug)
print "Output: %s" % str(a)
def test_qsort(n, max_val, debug=True):
""" Generate a random array of integers of length n with values between 0
and max_val and sort it
a = nprnd.randint(0, max_val, n)
print "Input: %s" % str(a)
qsort(a, debug)
print "Output: %s" % str(a)
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_qsort(100000, 100000, debug=False)
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goerz commented Nov 13, 2013

It might be better to do the insertion sort at the very end, over the entire array

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