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Created March 9, 2016 16:04
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Creating Combined tikz/png Plots
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# (c) 2010 Michael Goerz <>
# This code is in the public domain
# Usage:
# infile.tikz infile.png
# replace infile.tikz with "combined" version
my $tikzfile = '';
my $pngfile = '';
if (@ARGV == 2){
$tikzfile = $ARGV[0];
$pngfile = $ARGV[1];
} else {
print "Usage: \n";
print " infile.tikz infile.png\n";
my $nw = '';
my $sw = '';
my $se = '';
my $ne = '';
my $bottom_color = '';
my $top_color = '';
my $white_color = 'color=\gprgb{1000}{1000}{1000}';
my $bottom2white_box_sw = '';
my $bottom2white_box_ne = '';
my $white2top_box_sw = '';
my $white2top_box_ne = '';
# copy file, get size of drawing area + position/colors of legend (first pass)
open(INFILE, $tikzfile) or die ("Coudn't open $tikzfile for reading\n");
open(OUTFILE, ">$tikzfile~") or die ("Coudn't open $tikzfile~ for writing\n");
#$| = 1; # switch off buffering
my $reached_border = 0;
while(my $line = <INFILE>) {
print OUTFILE $line;
chomp $line;
if ($line eq '\gpsetlinetype{gp_lt_border}'){
$reached_border = 1;
if ($reached_border){
if ($line =~ m'\\draw\[gp path\] \(([0-9.,]+)\)--\(([0-9.,]+)\)--\(([0-9.,]+)\)--\(([0-9.,]+)\)--cycle;'){
$nw = $1 if ($nw eq '');
$sw = $2 if ($sw eq '');
$se = $3 if ($se eq '');
$ne = $4 if ($ne eq '');
if ($line =~ m'\\gpfill\{(color=\\gprgb\{1000\}\{1000\}\{1000\})\} (\([0-9.,]+\))--(\([0-9.,]+\))--(\([0-9.,]+\))--(\([0-9.,]+\))--cycle;'){
# the white box in the middle defines top of bottom2white_box and
# bottom of white2top_box
$white2top_box_sw = $2;
$bottom2white_box_ne = $4;
} elsif ($line =~ m'\\gpfill\{(color=\\gprgb\{[0-9]+\}\{[0-9]+\}\{[0-9]+\})\} (\([0-9.,]+\))--(\([0-9.,]+\))--(\([0-9.,]+\))--(\([0-9.,]+\))--cycle;'){
$bottom_color = $1 if ($bottom_color eq '');
$top_color = $1;
$bottom2white_box_sw = $2 if ($bottom2white_box_sw eq '');
$white2top_box_ne = $4; # overwrite each time, final result from last gpfill line
close OUTFILE;
close INFILE;
# replace plot commands with png graphic + legend with gradient (second pass)
open(INFILE, "$tikzfile~") or die ("Coudn't open $tikzfile~ for reading\n");
open(OUTFILE, ">$tikzfile") or die ("Coudn't open $tikzfile for writing\n");
my $started_plot = 0;
my $started_legend = 0;
my $finished_plot = 0;
my $finished_legend = 0;
while(my $line = <INFILE>) {
if ($line =~ m'^\\gpfill'){
if (not $started_plot){
$started_plot = 1;
print OUTFILE "\\node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at ($nw)\n";
my $width = 0;
if ($ne =~ m'([0-9.]+),([0-9.]+)') {
$width = $1;
} else {
die ("ne point '$ne' has unexpected format\n");
if ($nw =~ m'([0-9.]+),([0-9.]+)') {
$width = $width - $1;
} else {
die ("nw point '$nw' has unexpected format\n");
my $height = 0;
if ($nw =~ m'([0-9.]+),([0-9.]+)') {
$height = $2;
} else {
die ("nw point '$nw' has unexpected format\n");
if ($sw =~ m'([0-9.]+),([0-9.]+)') {
$height = $height - $2;
} else {
die ("sw point '$sw' has unexpected format\n");
print OUTFILE " {\\includegraphics[width=${width}cm,height=${height}cm]{$pngfile}};\n";
if ($finished_plot and not $started_legend){
$started_legend = 1;
print OUTFILE "\\shade[bottom $bottom_color,top $white_color] $bottom2white_box_sw rectangle $bottom2white_box_ne;\n";
print OUTFILE "\\shade[bottom $white_color, top $top_color] $white2top_box_sw rectangle $white2top_box_ne;\n";
} else {
$finished_plot = 1 if ($started_plot);
$finished_legend = 1 if ($started_legend);
unless ( ($started_plot and not $finished_plot)
or ($started_legend and not $finished_legend) ) {
print OUTFILE $line;
close OUTFILE;
close INFILE;
unlink "$tikzfile~";
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