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Last active February 21, 2018 11:13
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namespace Permutive {
class dataCollection {
protected $collection = array();
public function __construct()
public function setData($data = null, $transformer = null)
// save $data, $transformer
$collection[] = array(
"data" => $data,
"transformer" => $transformer
public function getData()
for_each($collection as $item) {
// transform $data
$transformed = array_map($item["data"],$item["transformer"]);
// merge $data
$array = array_unique(array_merge($array,$transformed))
// insert into template for data island javascript as Javascript object creation NOT JSON
// return templated data
// Example
$permutive_data = new Permutive/dataCollection();
// site specific data already retreived
$some_data = {
"section" => "news",
"sub_section" => "policing",
"article_id" => "45",
"article_title" => "The name of the thing",
"internal_hash" => "g234343dsfsg4",
"recipe_keys" => "123|456|789"
// send data and transformer in
$permutive_data->setData($some_data, function($data) {
return {
"channel" => $data->section,
"category" => $data->sub_section,
"subcategory" => "misc",
"title" => $data->article_title,
"article" => array(
"id" => $data->article_id
"recipe" => array(
"keywords" => explode('|',$data->recipe_keys
// get text to render out
$out = $permutive_data->getData();
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