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Created January 14, 2024 13:12
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Inboxpirates Helper Functions
const htmlToFormattedText = require("html-to-formatted-text");
export const stringToBoolean = (string) => {
if (!string) {
return false;
switch (`${string}`?.toLowerCase().trim()) {
case "true":
case "yes":
case "1":
return true;
case "false":
case "no":
case "0":
case null:
return false;
return Boolean(string);
export const getQueryParamsAlone = ({url = ""}) => {
const match = url?.match(/(\?|\&)([^=]+)\=([^&]+)/gm) ?? ""
if (!match) {
return ""
if ((match ?? "").toString().length < 1) {
return ""
return match?.join("")
// modified on my own :cowboy: 🤠 //
// //
export const remove_multiple_brs = ({text = ""}) => {
const TAG = "remove_multiple_brs"
let result;
result = text?.replace(/(<br \/>\s*){2,}/gi, '<br />');
if (result?.trim()?.indexOf('<br />') === 0) {
console.debug(`[INFO] ${TAG} :: Removing first br`)
result = result?.slice(result?.indexOf('<br />') + 6, result?.length);
} else {
console.debug(`[INFO] ${TAG} :: No first br`)
return result?.trim()
export function nl2br(str, is_xhtml) {
var breakTag = (is_xhtml || typeof is_xhtml === 'undefined') ? '<br />' : '<br>';
return (str + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1' + breakTag + '$2');
export function sanitizeToPlainText(email_body_text) {
try {
console.debug(`bg :: before ${email_body_text}`)
const stripped_html = stripeNonTextTags(stripScripts(email_body_text))
console.debug(`inboxpirates :: santizeToPlainText :: after remove style tags :: ${stripped_html}`)
const email_body_text_nlbred = nl2br(htmlToFormattedText(stripped_html))
console.debug(`bg :: after nl2br ${email_body_text_nlbred}`)
//Replace all soft hyphens which is not allowing multiple brs to be detected! -
const email_after_removing_multi_brs = String(remove_multiple_brs({text: email_body_text_nlbred?.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "")?.replace(/[\u00AD\u002D\u2011]+/g, '')}))
console.debug(`bg :: after removing brs ${email_after_removing_multi_brs}`)
return String("" + `${email_after_removing_multi_brs}` + "").replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "");
} catch (e) {
console.debug(`bg :: unable to convert`)
return email_body_text
//Remove script tags from element when copying innerhtml for content
export function stripScripts(s = "") {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = s;
const scripts = div?.getElementsByTagName('script');
let i = scripts?.length;
while (i--) {
return div?.innerHTML;
function stripeNonTextTags(s = "") {
const div = document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = s;
const styles = div?.getElementsByTagName('style');
let i = styles?.length;
while (i--) {
const titles = div?.getElementsByTagName('title');
let j = titles?.length;
while (j--) {
const metas = div?.getElementsByTagName('meta');
let k = metas?.length;
while (k--) {
return div?.innerHTML
//We need to add new line for non formatting html (non formatting html tags are like <p> <b> <u>)
//If it has real html like table, div iframe, we won't add <br/> for every new line.
export const stringHasNonFormattingHTML = (str) => {
if (document === undefined) {
return false;
} else {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = str;
const divs = div?.getElementsByTagName('div')?.length ?? 0;
const tables = div?.getElementsByTagName('table')?.length ?? 0;
const iframe = div?.getElementsByTagName('iframe')?.length ?? 0;
const embed = div?.getElementsByTagName('embed')?.length ?? 0;
return (divs > 0 || tables > 0 || iframe > 0 || embed > 0)
//There is no easy official way to do it, it is still in discussion among contributors.
// That said, there is a way. Next-auth does refresh session if you click on another tab, then on the one of your app. It happens, it is a javascript event we can reproduce.
// So just define a method to do it :
export const reloadSession = () => {
try {
const event = new Event("visibilitychange");
} catch (e) {
export const getTimeZone = () => {
try {
return Intl?.DateTimeFormat()?.resolvedOptions()?.timeZone ?? "no timezone"
} catch (e) {
return "no timezone"
export async function isExtensionInstalled(extensionId="angdoeeofmfhhecbfnnclelbiodppmlf") {
const TAG = "isExtensionInstalled"
try {
return await loadImageAndResolveTrueIfExists("chrome-extension://" + extensionId + "/icon16.png")
} catch (e) {
console.error(`${TAG} :: Unexpected error Happened!`)
return false;
function loadImageAndResolveTrueIfExists(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const img = new Image();
img.src = url;
img.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(true));
img.addEventListener('error', () => {
} catch (e) {
export function getDateInGmailFormat(date = new Date()) {
return date.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', {
day: 'numeric', month: 'short'
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