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# Based on thread:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libfprint-2-tod1 -y
sudo dpkg -i ./libfprint-2-tod1-broadcom_5.12.018-0ubuntu1~22.04.01_amd64.deb
sudo pam-auth-update
goforbroke1006 / docker-compose.yaml
Last active October 6, 2023 20:05
Setup Vue on Ubuntu/Mac
version: "3.9"
# http://localhost:8080/
ports: [ "8080:80" ]
image: nginx:stable
- ./dist/:/usr/share/nginx/html/:r
# Store this file to flash-drive.
# Run as
# bash ./
# All images from list below will are installed.
# Also it keep dump nearby of flash-drive to reduce installation time with slow internet connection.
# fix
# you are missing the recommended JDK, no matter how many I install the module
# go to Unity Editor installation dir
chmod ug+x ./Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/OpenJDK/bin/*
chmod ug+x ./Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/SDK/tools/bin/*
chmod ug+x ./Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/NDK/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/*
chmod ug+x ./Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/SDK/platform-tools/adb
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
sudo update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache
xdg-desktop-menu forceupdate
set -e
PACKAGE_NAME=$1 # ca-certificates for example
cd /var/lib/dpkg/info
sudo rm ${PACKAGE_NAME}.*
sudo apt-get install -f && sudo dpkg --configure -a
git reset --hard HEAD~10 # move to old commit (HEAD minus 10)
git merge --squash HEAD@{1} # merge all new commits posted after old commit
git commit -m "Initial commit" # set commit message
git push --force # force push to ignore origin commits' history
#include <wiringPi.h>
int main() {
// Red LED: Physical pin 37, BCM GPIO26, and WiringPi pin 25.
const int led = 25;
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

How to install Ubuntu on new laptop with locked SSD disk (and keep Windows)

Windows 10, Ubuntu, Intel RST, BitLocket,

Switch Windows 10 from RAID/IDE to AHCI

origin article