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Last active May 2, 2018 01:47
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  • Save gohci-bot/21d9e018641d9c24d37115324979d6ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gohci-bot/21d9e018641d9c24d37115324979d6ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ go test -race ./... (exit:0 in 619.6ms)
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
ok (cached)
ok (cached)
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ go vet ./... (exit:0 in 487.7ms)
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ go install ./cmd/... (exit:0 in 630.1ms)
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ d2xx (exit:0 in 238.4ms)
Using library 3.2.20
Found 1 device
- Device #0
Type: ft232h
Vendor ID: 0x0403
Device ID: 0x6014
Manufacturer: Adafruit
ManufacturerID: FT
Desc: FT232H
Serial: FT2DYA3X
MaxPower: 100mA
SelfPowered: false
RemoteWakeup: false
PullDownEnable: false
CSlowSlew: false
CSchmittInput: false
CDriveCurrent: 0mA
DSlowSlew: true
DSchmittInput: false
DDriveCurrent: 0mA
Cbus0: 0x04
Cbus1: 0x00
Cbus2: 0x00
Cbus3: 0x00
Cbus4: 0x00
Cbus5: 0x00
Cbus6: 0x00
Cbus7: 0x00
Cbus8: 0x00
Cbus9: 0x07
FT1248Cpol: true
FT1248Lsb: false
FT1248FlowCtrl: false
IsFifo: false
IsFifoTar: false
IsFastSer: false
IsFT1248: false
PowerSaveEnabl: false
DriverType: 0x00
D0: In/High
D1: In/High
D2: In/Low
D3: In/Low
D4: In/Low
D5: In/Low
D6: In/Low
D7: In/High
C0: In/High
C1: In/High
C2: In/Low
C3: In/High
C4: In/High
C5: In/High
C6: In/High
C7: In/High
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ go install -tags periphextra (exit:0 in 743.2ms)
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ headers-list (exit:0 in 225.9ms)
ft232h(0): 18 pins
Pos Name Func
1 D0 In/High
2 D1 In/Low
3 D2 In/Low
4 D3 In/High
5 D4 In/High
6 D5 In/High
7 D6 In/High
8 D7 In/High
9 C0 In/High
10 C1 In/High
11 C2 In/Low
12 C3 In/Low
13 C4 In/High
14 C5 In/High
15 C6 In/High
16 C7 In/High
17 C8
18 C9
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ gpio-list (exit:0 in 228ms)
Commit: 98f341184c56e9994743b5c1d943337507347dc2
CPUs: 4
RAM: 8087.3Mib
Version: go1.10.1
GOROOT: c:\go
GOPATH: C:\Users\gohci\gohci\periph_extra
PATH: C:\Users\gohci\gohci\periph_extra\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\gohci\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;c:\go\bin;c:\users\gohci\go\bin;
Removed $GOPATH/bin
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ git fetch --prune --quiet origin (exit:0 in 1.255s)
$GOPATH\src\\go-ole\go-ole $ git fetch --quiet --prune --all (exit:0 in 1.094s)
$GOPATH\src\\go-ole\go-ole $ git checkout --quiet -B master origin/master (exit:0 in 145.5ms)
$GOPATH\src\\StackExchange\wmi $ git fetch --quiet --prune --all (exit:0 in 1.195s)
$GOPATH\src\\StackExchange\wmi $ git checkout --quiet -B master origin/master (exit:0 in 118.7ms)
$GOPATH\src\\maruel\ansi256 $ git fetch --quiet --prune --all (exit:0 in 1.271s)
$GOPATH\src\\maruel\ansi256 $ git checkout --quiet -B master origin/master (exit:0 in 118.6ms)
$GOPATH\src\\mattn\go-isatty $ git fetch --quiet --prune --all (exit:0 in 1.283s)
$GOPATH\src\\mattn\go-isatty $ git checkout --quiet -B master origin/master (exit:0 in 98.55ms)
$GOPATH\src\\mattn\go-colorable $ git fetch --quiet --prune --all (exit:0 in 1.294s)
$GOPATH\src\\mattn\go-colorable $ git checkout --quiet -B master origin/master (exit:0 in 96.54ms)
$GOPATH\src\\x\periph $ git fetch --quiet --prune --all (exit:0 in 1.475s)
$GOPATH\src\\x\periph $ git checkout --quiet -B master origin/master (exit:0 in 102.3ms)
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ git checkout --quiet -B _gohci 98f341184c56e9994743b5c1d943337507347dc2 (exit:0 in 76.99ms)
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ git checkout --quiet -B _gohci2 _gohci (exit:0 in 70.32ms)
$GOPATH\src\\x\extra $ go get -v -d -t ./... (exit:0 in 417.9ms)
Using worker specific checks from the repo's .gohci.yml
Commands to be run:
go test -race ./...
go vet ./...
go install ./cmd/...
go install -tags periphextra
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