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Last active March 30, 2016 18:34
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Code solution for Redmart's coding challenge see
import sys
def create_map(filename):
f = open(filename, "r")
lines = f.readlines()
rows = int(lines[0].split()[0])
cols = int(lines[0].split()[1])
skimap = [[int(c) for c in lines[i].split()] for i in range(1,len(lines))]
return skimap, rows, cols
def go_north(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c):
return get_lg_lvl(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r-1,c)
def go_east(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c):
return get_lg_lvl(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c+1)
def go_south(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c):
return get_lg_lvl(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r+1,c)
def go_west(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c):
return get_lg_lvl(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c-1)
def get_lg_lvl(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c):
''' if current cell length and level have been calculated, retrieve and return from memory '''
if lengths[r][c] != 0:
return skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,lengths[r][c],levels[r][c]
''' initialize local memory storage for comparison later '''
local_lgs = [0 for x in range(4)]
local_lvls = [0 for x in range(4)]
curr_height = skimap[r][c]
''' for each direction, if hit the boundary, length is 1 and level is 0 '''
''' if current cell level is greater than adjacent cell level, retrieve the max length and step of the adjacent cell '''
if r-1 <= 0:
local_lgs[LOCAL_NORTH] = 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_NORTH] = 0
north_height = skimap[r-1][c]
if curr_height > north_height:
skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,local_lgs[LOCAL_NORTH],local_lvls[LOCAL_NORTH] = go_north(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c)
local_lgs[LOCAL_NORTH] = local_lgs[LOCAL_NORTH] + 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_NORTH] = local_lvls[LOCAL_NORTH] + (curr_height - north_height)
local_lgs[LOCAL_NORTH] = 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_NORTH] = 0
if c+1 >= cols:
local_lgs[LOCAL_EAST] = 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_EAST] = 0
east_height = skimap[r][c+1]
if curr_height > east_height:
skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,local_lgs[LOCAL_EAST],local_lvls[LOCAL_EAST] = go_east(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c)
local_lgs[LOCAL_EAST] = local_lgs[LOCAL_EAST] + 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_EAST] = local_lvls[LOCAL_EAST] + (curr_height - east_height)
local_lgs[LOCAL_EAST] = 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_EAST] = 0
if r+1 >= rows:
local_lgs[LOCAL_SOUTH] = 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_SOUTH] = 0
south_height = skimap[r+1][c]
if curr_height > south_height:
skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,local_lgs[LOCAL_SOUTH],local_lvls[LOCAL_SOUTH] = go_south(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c)
local_lgs[LOCAL_SOUTH] = local_lgs[LOCAL_SOUTH] + 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_SOUTH] = local_lvls[LOCAL_SOUTH] + (curr_height - south_height)
local_lgs[LOCAL_SOUTH] = 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_SOUTH] = 0
if c-1 <= 0:
local_lgs[LOCAL_WEST] = 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_WEST] = 0
west_height = skimap[r][c-1]
if curr_height > west_height:
skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,local_lgs[LOCAL_WEST],local_lvls[LOCAL_WEST] = go_west(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c)
local_lgs[LOCAL_WEST] = local_lgs[LOCAL_WEST] + 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_WEST] = local_lvls[LOCAL_WEST] + (curr_height - west_height)
local_lgs[LOCAL_WEST] = 1
local_lvls[LOCAL_WEST] = 0
''' get the max length from the 4 adjacent cells, if current length equals max length, compare current level with max level '''
curr_max_lg = 1
curr_max_lvl = 0
for i in range(len(local_lvls)):
lg = local_lgs[i]
lvl = local_lvls[i]
if lg > curr_max_lg:
curr_max_lg = lg
curr_max_lvl = lvl
elif lg == curr_max_lg:
if lvl > curr_max_lvl:
curr_max_lg = lg
curr_max_lvl = lvl
''' store the current max length and level in memory '''
levels[r][c] = curr_max_lvl
lengths[r][c] = curr_max_lg
return skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,curr_max_lg,curr_max_lvl
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "try 'python <filename>'"
filename = sys.argv[1]
skimap, rows, cols = create_map(filename)
lengths = [[0 for x in range(cols)] for y in range(rows)]
levels = [[0 for x in range(cols)] for y in range(rows)]
curr_max_lg = 1
curr_max_lvl = 0
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
skimap, lengths, levels, rows, cols, max_lg, max_lvl = get_lg_lvl(skimap,lengths,levels,rows,cols,r,c)
if max_lg > curr_max_lg:
curr_max_lg = max_lg
curr_max_lvl = max_lvl
elif max_lg == curr_max_lg:
if max_lvl > curr_max_lvl:
curr_max_lg = max_lg
curr_max_lvl = max_lvl
print curr_max_lg, curr_max_lvl
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