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Created August 4, 2019 08:52
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Block restrict content
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { Fragment } = wp.element;
const { InspectorControls } = wp.editor;
const { InnerBlocks } = wp.editor;
const { PanelBody, SelectControl } = wp.components;
registerBlockType( 'block-restrict-content/block-restrict-content', {
title: 'Restrict Content',
icon: 'lock',
category: 'layout',
edit: ({ attributes, setAttributes } ) => {
const { rolesSelected, roles } = attributes;
const template = [ 'core/paragraph', { placeholder: 'Enter the content...' } ];
return (
value={ rolesSelected }
onChange={ ( rolesSelected ) => {
setAttributes( { rolesSelected } )
} }
options={ role => {
return {
value: role,
label: role
} ) }
<div style={ { padding: "20px 20px 2px", backgroundColor: "#f4f4f4" }}>
<div style={{ textTransform: "uppercase", marginBottom: "10px", fontSize: "12px"}}>
Available to { rolesSelected.join(", ") }
<InnerBlocks template={ [template] } />
save: () => <InnerBlocks.Content />
} );
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