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Created December 20, 2017 07:27
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Convert human-readable time ('1 min 3 sec', '0.58 hr', etc) to milliseconds
interval_dict = OrderedDict([
('hr', 3600*1000),
('min', 60*1000),
('sec', 1000),
('ms' , 1),
def convert_to_ms(string):
interval_regex = re.compile( "^[<]?(?P<value>(\d\.)?[0-9]+) (?P<unit>({0}))".format("|".join(interval_dict.keys())) )
milliseconds = 0
while string:
match = interval_regex.match(string)
if match:
value, unit = float("value")),"unit")
if value == 0:
return milliseconds
if float(value) and unit in interval_dict:
milliseconds += int(value * interval_dict[unit])
string = string[match.end():].strip()
raise Exception("Not a float value '{0}', or unable to find interval '{1}' for string '{2}'".format(value, unit, string))
print "WARN:Unable to match string '{0}'".format(string)
return -1.0
return milliseconds
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