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Programmatically trigger a pipeline run (with custom data) in Jenkins
import jenkins.model.*;
import hudson.model.Job;
import hudson.model.Run;
import hudson.model.queue.QueueTaskFuture;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.replay.ReplayAction;
String text = "node('some-node') { echo 'hi'; }"
Job test_job = Jenkins.getInstance().getItemByFullName("pipeline-job-name", hudson.model.Job);
ReplayAction action = test_job.getLastBuild().getAction(ReplayAction.class)
QueueTaskFuture<? extends Run> f =, action.getOriginalLoadedScripts())
Run b = f.waitForStart()
println "Started job"
while (b.isBuilding()) {
println "Job completed"
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