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Last active May 25, 2017 06:11
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local configuration file for electron-release-server
* Local environment settings
* Use this file to specify configuration settings for use while developing
* the app on your personal system: for example, this would be a good place
* to store database or email passwords that apply only to you, and shouldn't
* be shared with others in your organization.
* These settings take precedence over all other config files, including those
* in the env/ subfolder.
* local.js is included in your .gitignore, so if you're using git
* as a version control solution for your Sails app, keep in mind that
* this file won't be committed to your repository!
* Good news is, that means you can specify configuration for your local
* machine in this file without inadvertently committing personal information
* (like database passwords) to the repo. Plus, this prevents other members
* of your team from commiting their local configuration changes on top of yours.
* In a production environment, you probably want to leave this file out
* entirely and leave all your settings in env/production.js
* For more information, check out:
module.exports = {
// The full base url at which your site will be primarily available.
// Include an http:// prefix
// ex. ''
appUrl: 'http://localhost',
auth: {
// Provide a set of credentials that can be used to access the admin interface.
static: {
username: 'adminuser',
password: 'adminpass'
// You can also specify an ldap connection that can be used for authentication.
//ldap: {
// usernameField: 'USERNAME_FIELD', // Key at which the username is stored
// server: {
// url: 'ldap://LDAP_SERVER_FQDN:389',
// bindCredentials: 'INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE',
// searchBase: 'USER_SEARCH_SPACE', // ex: ou=Our Users,dc=companyname,dc=com
// searchFilter: '(USERNAME_FIELD={{username}})'
// }
jwt: {
// Recommended: 63 random alpha-numeric characters
// Generate using:
connections: {
postgresql: {
adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
host: 'localhost',
user: 'electron_release_server_user',
password: 'testpass', // your password here
database: 'electron_release_server'
session: {
// Recommended: 63 random alpha-numeric characters
// Generate using:
secret: '3EBD4D5EEFC9611D0DFD6BB6A31E28E5298D31315831D7B2C6C4294123456789', // your secret here
database: 'electron_release_server',
host: 'localhost',
user: 'electron_release_server_user',
password: 'testpass', // your password here
port: 5432
files: {
// Folder must exist and user running the server must have adequate perms
dirname: 'PATH_FOR_ASSETS',
// Maximum allowed file size in bytes
// Defaults to 500MB
// maxBytes: 524288000
* Your SSL certificate and key, if you want to be able to serve HTTP *
* responses over https:// and/or use websockets over the wss:// protocol *
* (recommended for HTTP, strongly encouraged for WebSockets) *
* *
* In this example, we'll assume you created a folder in your project, *
* `config/ssl` and dumped your certificate/key files there: *
// ssl: {
// ca: require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + './ssl/my_apps_ssl_gd_bundle.crt'),
// key: require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + './ssl/my_apps_ssl.key'),
// cert: require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + './ssl/my_apps_ssl.crt')
// },
* The `port` setting determines which TCP port your app will be *
* deployed on. *
* *
* Ports are a transport-layer concept designed to allow many different *
* networking applications run at the same time on a single computer. *
* More about ports: *
* *
* *
* By default, if it's set, Sails uses the `PORT` environment variable. *
* Otherwise it falls back to port 1337. *
* *
* In env/production.js, you'll probably want to change this setting *
* to 80 (http://) or 443 (https://) if you have an SSL certificate *
// port: process.env.PORT || 1337,
* The runtime "environment" of your Sails app is either typically *
* 'development' or 'production'. *
* *
* In development, your Sails app will go out of its way to help you *
* (for instance you will receive more descriptive error and *
* debugging output) *
* *
* In production, Sails configures itself (and its dependencies) to *
* optimize performance. You should always put your app in production mode *
* before you deploy it to a server. This helps ensure that your Sails *
* app remains stable, performant, and scalable. *
* *
* By default, Sails sets its environment using the `NODE_ENV` environment *
* variable. If NODE_ENV is not set, Sails will run in the *
* 'development' environment. *
// environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'
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