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Created September 11, 2020 19:44
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cs50 my vigenere task solution
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
bool checkKeyword(string key);
int shiftValue(char c);
void cipher(char plainText, int key);
int main(int argc, string argv[])
if(argc == 2)
bool isNumber = checkKeyword(argv[1]);
int count = 0;
//printf("%i",shiftValue(argv[1][0])); //baz
string plainText = get_string("plain text: ");
printf("ciphertext: ");
for(int i=0; i < strlen(plainText); i++)
if(i >= strlen(argv[1]))
for(int j=count; j <= count; j++)
if(j < strlen(argv[1]))
if(plainText[i] == 44)
count -= 1;
}else if(plainText[i] == 32)
cipher(plainText[i],0); count -= 1;
// printf(" i: ( %i )", i);
// printf(" j: ( %i )", j);
// printf(" [ %c ] ", plainText[i]);
if(count == strlen(argv[1])-1)
count = -1;
return 0;
printf("Usage: ./vigenere keyword\n");
return 1;
plainText: plaintext (düz metin)
key: shift value (kayma değeri)
void cipher(char plainText, int key)
int shiftValue = plainText; // harfin ascii konumu
// printf("plaintext: %c ", shiftValue);
// printf("ascii: %i ", shiftValue);
// printf("shift value: %i\n ",key);
if(shiftValue >= 65 && shiftValue <= 90) // A...Z
for(int i=0; i < key; i++)
if(shiftValue < 90)
shiftValue += 1;
}else if(shiftValue == 90)
shiftValue = 65;
//printf("%c : \n", shiftValue);
else if(shiftValue >= 97 && shiftValue <= 122) // a...z
for(int i=0; i < key; i++)
if(shiftValue < 122)
shiftValue += 1;
}else if(shiftValue >= 122)
shiftValue = 97;
//printf("%c : \n", shiftValue);
printf("%c", shiftValue);
bool checkKeyword(string key)
for(int i=0, n = strlen(key); i < n; i++)
printf("invalid keyword\n");
return false;
return true;
int shiftValue(char c)
int getKey = c;
int count = 0;
if(getKey > 90) // a...z
for(int x=97; x<=122; x++)
if(getKey == x)
{getKey = count; break;}
return getKey;
for(int x=65; x<=90; x++) // A...Z
if(getKey == x)
{getKey = count; break;}
return getKey;
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