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Forked from montanaflynn/easyget.go
Created August 27, 2017 06:11
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GET JSON array in Golang
package easyget
import (
// Define Request struct
type Request struct {
BaseUrl string
Endpoint string
QueryString string
Headers map[string][]string
// Define Response struct
type Response struct {
RawBody []byte
Body Body
Headers map[string][]string
Status int
Protocol string
// Define Body struct that goes in Response
type Body struct {
Bytes []byte
String string
func Get(req Request) (Response, error) {
// Build the URL
var url string
url += req.BaseUrl
url += req.Endpoint
url += req.QueryString
// Create an HTTP client
c := &http.Client{}
// Create an HTTP request
r, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil { return Response{}, err }
// Add any defined headers
if req.Headers != nil {
r.Header = http.Header(req.Headers)
// Add User-Agent if none is given
if r.Header["User-Agent"] == nil {
r.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Golang easyget")
// Send the request
res, err := c.Do(r)
// Check for error
if err != nil { return Response{}, err }
// Make sure to close after reading
defer res.Body.Close()
// Limit response body to 1mb
lr := &io.LimitedReader{res.Body, 1000000}
// Read all the response body
rb, err := ioutil.ReadAll(lr)
// Check for error
if err != nil { return Response{}, err }
// Build the output
responseOutput := Response{
Body: Body {
Bytes: rb,
String: string(rb),
Headers: res.Header,
Status: res.StatusCode,
Protocol: res.Proto,
// Send it along
return responseOutput, nil
package main
import (
// Define response data
type Data struct {
Date string
Cases int
Status string
func main() {
// Create any headers we want to send
headers := make(map[string][]string)
headers["X-Header-Info"] = []string{"Something"}
headers["X-Header-Array"] = []string{"One", "Two"}
// Build the Request struct
req := unirest.Request{
BaseUrl: "",
Endpoint: "ebola/project",
QueryString: "?distance=5",
Headers: headers,
// Send the request
res, err := unirest.Get(req)
// Print error if it exists
if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) }
// Print the stuff in Response struct
// Since we have a JSON array lets turn it into a Go array
var data []Data
json.Unmarshal(res.Body.Bytes, &data)
// Print what we got with keys
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", data)
// Loop over array and print some stuff we found
for _, e := range data {
fmt.Printf("%v total %v cases: %v \n", e.Date, e.Status, e.Cases)
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