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Created April 1, 2019 11:18
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Rabbit send message
#!/usr/bin/env node
const rabbit = {
uuid: "229aaca7-51f3-43bd-a306-95e13d190bc4",
fullname: "Ikki de Fênix",
email: "",
network_email: "",
cpf: "111.111.111-11",
gender: "male",
languages: {
spanish: "basic",
english: "intermediary"
location: {
city: null,
state: "Rio de Janeiro",
country: null
slack: {
id: "U90418USW",
username: "fenix"
rocket_chat: {
id: "cjhEp6WL9CdPPvyAN",
username: "ikki",
last_login_at: null
bank_account: {},
skills: [
label: "Frontend - JS",
macro_area: "Frontend",
value: "18.5",
skill_value: 2,
experience_time: "Entre 1 e 3 anos"
label: "Frontend - HTML/CSS",
macro_area: "Frontend",
value: "18.5",
skill_value: 3,
experience_time: "Entre 1 e 3 anos"
label: "Backend - Java",
macro_area: "Backend",
value: "22.0",
skill_value: 1,
experience_time: "Entre 1 e 3 anos"
label: "Backend - Javascript",
macro_area: "Backend",
value: "22.0",
skill_value: 2,
experience_time: "Entre 1 e 3 anos"
label: "Backend - Python",
macro_area: "Backend",
value: "22.0",
skill_value: 2,
experience_time: "Entre 1 e 3 anos"
label: "Backend - Ruby",
macro_area: "Backend",
value: "22.0",
skill_value: 3,
experience_time: "Entre 1 e 3 anos"
referrer: null,
impulso_on_linkedin: false,
linkedin: {
uid: "CqCSWoiePw"
projects: [],
opportunities_feed: [],
created_at: "2018-12-13T17:01:41.708Z",
maturity_levels: [
area: "Geral",
level: null
area: "Backend",
level: null
area: "Frontend",
level: null
area: "Mobile",
level: null
area: "Design",
level: null
area: "Gest√£o",
level: null
area: "QA",
level: null
area: "Infra",
level: null
current_plan: null
const url = process.env.CLOUDAMQP_URL;
const queue = process.env.CLOUDMQP_QUEUE;
require("amqplib/callback_api").connect(url, (err, conn) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
conn.createChannel((err, ch) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
ch.assertExchange(queue, "fanout", { durable: false });
ch.sendToQueue(queue, new Buffer(JSON.stringify(rabbit)));
console.log(" [x] Sent %s ", JSON.stringify(rabbit));
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
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