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Created August 25, 2023 19:25
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{-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors, NamedFieldPuns, DuplicateRecordFields, DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module UpdateSections where
import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
newtype SectionPos = MkSP Int
deriving newtype (Show, Enum)
initialSectionPos :: SectionPos
initialSectionPos = MkSP 1
data Section = MkS
{ title :: String
, reset_lesson_position :: Bool
, sec_position :: Maybe SectionPos
, lessons :: [Lesson]
deriving Show
newtype LessonPos = MkLP Int
deriving newtype (Show, Enum)
initialLessonPos :: LessonPos
initialLessonPos = MkLP 1
data Lesson = MkL
{ name :: String
, less_position :: Maybe LessonPos
deriving Show
type Accumulator = (SectionPos, LessonPos)
renumberSections :: [Section] -> [Section]
renumberSections = snd . mapAccumL go_section (initialSectionPos, initialLessonPos)
go_section :: Accumulator -> Section -> (Accumulator, Section)
go_section (sec_pos, less_pos) sec@(MkS { reset_lesson_position, lessons }) =
((succ sec_pos, less_pos'), sec')
less_pos0 | reset_lesson_position = initialLessonPos
| otherwise = less_pos
(less_pos', lessons') = mapAccumL go_lesson less_pos0 lessons
sec' = sec { sec_position = Just sec_pos, lessons = lessons' }
go_lesson :: LessonPos -> Lesson -> (LessonPos, Lesson)
go_lesson less_pos less = (succ less_pos, less { less_position = Just less_pos })
exampleInput :: [Section]
exampleInput = [
MkS { title = "Getting started"
, reset_lesson_position = False
, sec_position = Nothing
, lessons = [ MkL { name = "Welcome", less_position = Nothing }
, MkL { name = "Installation", less_position = Nothing } ] }
, MkS { title = "Basic operator"
, reset_lesson_position = False
, sec_position = Nothing
, lessons = [ MkL { name = "Addition / Subtraction", less_position = Nothing }
, MkL { name = "Multiplication / Division", less_position = Nothing } ] }
, MkS { title = "Advanced topics"
, reset_lesson_position = True
, sec_position = Nothing
, lessons = [ MkL { name = "Mutability", less_position = Nothing }
, MkL { name = "Immutability", less_position = Nothing } ] } ]
exampleOutput :: [Section]
exampleOutput = renumberSections exampleInput
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