#!/bin/bash |
if [ ! -z "$VM_NUM" ]; then |
echo "This is already a container. Quitting." |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [ "root" != "$USER" ]; then |
VM_NUM=$container_num source .bashrc |
exec sudo -E PATH="$PATH" "$0" "$@" |
fi |
cmd="$1" |
container_num="$2" |
containers_path="/containers" |
container_path="${containers_path}/${container_num}" |
merge_path="${container_path}/merge" |
ns_path="${container_path}/ns" |
vnet="vnet${container_num}" |
veth_ns="veth${container_num}" |
veth_host="br-veth${container_num}" |
net_path="/var/run/netns" |
vnet_path="${net_path}/${vnet}" |
chain_forward="container${container_num}-forward" |
chain_preroute="container${container_num}-preroute" |
user=goldfita |
hostname="$(hostname)" |
br="br1" |
eth="eth0" |
offset=1000 |
subnet=192.168.200 |
namespace_dirs_excl_net=(mount pid) |
namespace_dirs=("${namespace_dirs_excl_net[@]}" net) |
ports_excl_web=(22) |
ports_web=(80 443) |
ports=("${ports_excl_web[@]}" "${ports_web[@]}") |
overlay_paths=(/home/"$user" /var/log) |
octet=$container_num |
for nsd in "${namespace_dirs_excl_net[@]}"; do |
namespace_flags_excl_net="${namespace_flags_excl_net} --${nsd}=${ns_path}/${nsd}"; |
done |
namespace_flags="${namespace_flags_excl_net} --net=${ns_path}/net" |
pid_search="unshare.*${container_path}" |
switch_user=(sudo -i --preserve-env="VM_NUM,WSL_DISTRO_NAME,WSL_INTEROP,PATH" -u "$user" VM_NUM=$container_num) |
if [[ ! "$container_num" =~ [[:digit:]]+ ]]; then |
echo "You forgot to specify a container number (${container_num})." |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Network namespaces |
# https://superuser.com/questions/1715273/wsl2-two-separate-centos-distributions-have-same-eth0-inet-addres/1715457#1715457 |
# https://www.gilesthomas.com/2021/03/fun-with-network-namespaces |
#################################################################### |
function none_mounted_excl_net { |
for nsd in "${namespace_dirs_excl_net[@]}"; do |
mountpoint -q "${ns_path}/${nsd}" && return 1 |
done |
return 0 |
} |
function none_mounted { |
mountpoint -q "${ns_path}/net" && return 1 |
none_mounted_excl_net |
return $? |
} |
function unmount_ns_excl_net { |
for nsd in "${namespace_dirs_excl_net[@]}"; do |
umount "${ns_path}/${nsd}" 2> /dev/null |
done |
} |
function unmount_ns { |
unmount_ns_excl_net |
umount "$vnet_path" 2> /dev/null |
umount "${ns_path}/net" 2> /dev/null |
umount "$ns_path" 2> /dev/null |
} |
function remove_vnet { |
rm "$vnet_path" 2> /dev/null |
ip link delete "$veth_host" 2> /dev/null |
} |
function add_bridge { |
ip link add name br1 type bridge |
ip addr add "${subnet}.0/24" brd + dev "$br" |
ip link set "$br" up |
} |
function add_net { |
if [ ! -e /sys/devices/virtual/net/br1 ]; then |
ip addr add "" dev "$eth" 2> /dev/null |
add_bridge |
add_forwarding |
fi |
} |
function add_forwarding { |
iptables -P FORWARD DROP |
iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i "$br" -j ACCEPT |
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o "$br" -j ACCEPT |
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s "${subnet}.0/" -o "$eth" -j MASQUERADE |
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 > /dev/null |
} |
function add_port_forwarding { |
dest_ip="${subnet}.${octet}" |
# Add/replace chains |
iptables -F "$chain_forward" 2> /dev/null |
iptables -F "$chain_preroute" -t nat 2> /dev/null |
iptables -N "$chain_forward" 2> /dev/null |
iptables -N "$chain_preroute" -t nat 2> /dev/null |
if [[ ! "$(iptables -S)" =~ $dest_ip ]]; then |
iptables -A FORWARD -d "${dest_ip}" -p tcp -m tcp -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j "$chain_forward" |
fi |
if [[ ! "$(iptables -S -t nat)" =~ ${eth}.*${chain_preroute} ]]; then |
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i "$eth" -p tcp -m tcp -j "$chain_preroute" |
fi |
# These will be handled by nginx |
for port in "${ports_excl_web[@]}"; do |
new_port=$(($port + $container_num * $offset)) |
iptables -t nat -A "$chain_preroute" -p tcp -m tcp --dport $new_port -j DNAT --to-destination "${dest_ip}:${port}" |
echo "Forwarding from ${subnet}.0:${new_port} to ${dest_ip}:${port}." |
done |
for port in "${ports[@]}"; do |
iptables -A "$chain_forward" -p tcp -m tcp --dport $port -j ACCEPT |
done |
} |
function add_host_net { |
ip link add "$veth_ns" type veth peer name "$veth_host" |
ip link set "$veth_ns" netns "$vnet" # bind mount needs to already exist |
ip link set "$veth_host" up |
ip link set "$veth_host" master "$br" |
} |
function link_vnet { |
mkdir -p "$net_path" |
if [ ! -f "$vnet_path" ]; then |
# can also use bind mount, but it needs to happen after unshare |
ln -s "${ns_path}/net" "$vnet_path" |
chmod 0 "$vnet_path" |
fi |
} |
function make_paths { |
echo "Creating namespace paths." |
mkdir -p "$merge_path" "$ns_path" |
mount --bind "$ns_path" "$ns_path" |
mount --make-rprivate "$ns_path" |
for nsd in "${namespace_dirs[@]}"; do |
touch "${ns_path}/${nsd}" |
done |
} |
function start_services { |
echo "Starting services." |
mkdir -p /var/run/mongodb |
/sbin/sshd 2> /dev/null |
} |
function enter_ns { |
exec nsenter --net="${ns_path}/net" \ |
unshare --kill-child -f --mount-proc $namespace_flags_excl_net "$0" ns $container_num & |
timeout 2 bash -c "while [[ -z \"$(pgrep -f "$pid_search")\" ]]; do sleep 0.1; done" |
if [ $? != 0 ]; then |
echo "Starting namespaces failed. Quitting." |
exit 1 |
fi |
echo "Entering namespaces in new shell." |
exec "$0" up $container_num |
} |
function create_ns { |
make_paths |
link_vnet |
echo "Adding net namespace ${vnet} and virtual device ${veth_host}." |
unshare --net="${ns_path}/net" true |
add_host_net |
add_port_forwarding |
enter_ns |
} |
function add_proxy_ports { |
echo "Adding proxy ports: ${ports_web[@]}" |
lines=$( |
for port in "${ports_web[@]}"; do |
printf "%-8s%8s;\n" $(($port + $container_num * $offset)) $port |
done) |
echo "${lines[@]}" > "/etc/nginx/conf.d/port-map${container_num}.map"; |
lines=$( |
for port in "${ports_web[@]}"; do |
printf "listen%8s ssl;\n" $(($port + $container_num * $offset)) |
done) |
echo "${lines[@]}" > "/etc/nginx/conf.d/port${container_num}.conf"; |
} |
function remove_proxy_ports { |
rm "/etc/nginx/conf.d/port-map${container_num}.map" \ |
"/etc/nginx/conf.d/port${container_num}.conf" 2> /dev/null; |
} |
#################################################################### |
if [ "$cmd" = "delete" ]; then |
pkill -9 -f "$pid_search" |
unmount_ns |
remove_vnet |
remove_proxy_ports |
rm -rf "$container_path" |
elif [ "$cmd" = "kill" ]; then |
pkill -9 -f "$pid_search" |
elif [ "$cmd" = "up" ]; then |
if [ ! -d "$container_path" ] || none_mounted; then |
if [ -e "$vnet_path" ]; then |
echo "The ${vnet_path} net namespace already exists. Deleting." |
remove_vnet |
fi |
add_net |
add_proxy_ports |
nginx -s reload |
create_ns |
else |
nsenter -F $namespace_flags --wd=/home/"$user" "${switch_user[@]}" #2> /dev/null |
if [ $? = 1 ]; then |
echo "Unable to enter namespaces. Attempting to unmount." |
unmount_ns_excl_net |
if ! none_mounted_excl_net; then |
echo "Unable to unmount." |
exit 1 |
fi |
echo "Entering namespaces." |
enter_ns |
fi |
fi |
elif [ "$cmd" = "ns" ]; then |
# container paths |
upper="${merge_path}/upper" |
work="${merge_path}/work" |
merge="${merge_path}/root" |
mkdir -p "$upper" "$work" "$merge" |
# network |
ip="${subnet}.${octet}" |
device="$(ip addr ls "$veth_ns")" |
if [[ ! "$device" =~ "$ip" ]]; then |
ip addr add "${ip}/24" dev "$veth_ns" |
ip link set "$veth_ns" up |
ip route add default via "${subnet}.0" |
ip link set up dev lo |
sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647" > /dev/null |
sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0 > /dev/null |
cp "/etc/hosts" "${merge_path}/hosts" |
echo "${ip} ${hostname}" >> "${merge_path}/hosts" |
fi |
# mounts |
mount -o ro,bind "${merge_path}/hosts" "/etc/hosts" |
mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=/,upperdir="$upper",workdir="$work" "$merge" |
for op in "${overlay_paths[@]}"; do |
mount --bind "${merge}${op}" "$op" |
done |
start_services |
sleep infinity |
fi |