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Created November 6, 2020 15:28
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Retrieve on demand audio files from Radio Free America rackspace (no longer in use)
@echo off
set wget="C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe" --no-check-certificate
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem @echo "Merge MP3" (Downloads) to combine, Kid3 (Start) to change tags
if "%1"=="" goto usage
:@echo off
set date=%1
if "%1"=="next" (
rem Get the already retrieved date
for /F "tokens=2 delims=_-" %%i in ('dir /b *202004*-*.mp3') do set date=%%i
rem echo date=!date!
rem FIXME: Add a week to it;
rem goto :EOF
rem Customize hours for desired defaults
:Note: 07:00 at PST8PDT7 is 14 in summer, 15 in winter; Loop syntax: (start,step,end)
set hours=14,1,15
rem set hours=15,1,16
rem Thanksgiving: 6am (14 UTC) for 6 hours
rem set hours=14,1,19
rem set hours=14,1,17
if not "%2"=="" set hours=%2
echo Looping through %hours% | find ","
if ERRORLEVEL 1 set hours=%hours%,1,%hours%
set minutes=00 15 30 45
if not "%3"=="" set minutes=%3
rem Customize these for desired defaults
set host=
set station=knhc
set filesize=14400366
rem Iterate through the requested files
set bytes=0
set count=0
for /L %%h in (%hours%) do (
for %%m in (%minutes%) do (
if not exist %station%_%date%-%%h%%m00.mp3 %wget% %host%/%station%_%date%-%%h%%m00.mp3
set /A count += 1
set /A bytes += %filesize%
rem Separate thousands calculations, hoping for enough luck to not need zero padding
set /A MB=%bytes% / 1000 / 1000
set /A kB=%bytes% / 1000 %% 1000
set /A B=%bytes% %% 1000
rem Present downloaded files results; store to a file instead of performing a command twice
if "%2"=="" dir %station%_%date%-* | findstr "%date% bytes" | findstr /V "free" > _dir.txt
if not "%2"=="" if "%3"=="" dir %station%_%date%-%2* | findstr "%date% bytes" | findstr /V "free" > _dir.txt
if not "%3"=="" dir %station%_%date%-%2%3* | findstr "%date% bytes" | findstr /V "free" > _dir.txt
type _dir.txt
rem Put the sum in an environment variable
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (_dir.txt) do set "totals=%%A"
del _dir.txt
rem Display a downloaded files results check line for visually comparing byte count.
title %totals% // %count% File(s) %MB%,%kB%,%B% bytes
rem Add padding depending on count's one vs two digits & MB's two vs three digits.
rem (A closing parenthesis in an echo is interpreted as ending an open one, so must escape.)
rem echo Should read: 12 file(s) 172,804,392 bytes; if not then:
if %count% GEQ 10 (
echo Expected: %count% File^(s^) %MB%,%kB%,%B% bytes ^(%bytes%^); if much less then
) else if %MB% GEQ 100 (
echo Expected: %count% File^(s^) %MB%,%kB%,%B% bytes ^(%bytes%^); if much less then
) else (
echo Expected: %count% File^(s^) %MB%,%kB%,%B% bytes ^(%bytes%^); if much less then
echo %wget%
echo %host%/%station%_%date%-
choice /M "Combine 15 minute blocks into hour blocks"
title Command Prompt
for /L %%h in (%hours%) do (
call combine %date% %%h
goto :EOF
echo Downloads a radio station's on demand files, e.g.
echo %0 date [h [m]]
echo h Specifies an hour (e.g. 14) or start,step,end syntax (e.g. 14,1,16)
echo m Specifies a two digit minute (e.g. 00).
echo start,step,end syntax yields a sequence of numbers from start to end by step.
echo So 14,1,6 would generate the sequence 14 15 16.
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