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Created June 6, 2013 05:02
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JScript example for JOSM ext_tools plugin (
/* An example script for the JOSM ExtTools (ext_tools) plugin.
After installing the ext_tools plugin, copy this script to your JOSM plugins/ext_tools.
Find the External Tools preferences panel, and within, set a new tool with this CmdLine:
cscript.exe //nologo exttools_example.js {lat} {lon} {PPD}
var pixels=5; //This number is only accurate for horizontal scaling; that's how PPD is calculated.
if (WScript.Arguments.length != 3) {
WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("Syntax: " & WScript.ScriptName & " {lat} {lon} {PPD}" + vbLF
+ WScript.Arguments.Count + " parameters provided, need 3!");
var lat = Number(WScript.Arguments(0));
var lon = Number(WScript.Arguments(1));
var ppd = Number(WScript.Arguments(2));
//WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("Parameters: lat='" + lat + "' lon='" + lon + "' PPD='" + ppd + "'");
var d = new Date();
var id = 0 - d.getHours() * 360000 - d.getMinutes() * 60000 - d.getSeconds() * 100 - d.getMilliseconds() * 10; //Hope that, if editing continues past midnight, no seconds collision
function WriteNode(id, lat, lon, tags) { //tags is a "|" delimited string with key=values
WScript.StdOut.Write("<node id='" + id + "' lat='" + Coord(lat) + "' lon='" + Coord(lon) + "'");
if (0 == tags.length) {
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" />");
a = tags.split("|");
for (t in a) {
function Coord(n) {
return n.toFixed(7); //OSM Node lat/lon has 7 decimal places;
function WriteTag(tag) { //Pass a "key=value" string; assumes more than one "=" is part of the value
//This assumes that any passed tag is already properly escaped (if needed) for XML use.
var a = tag.split("=");
WScript.StdOut.Write(" <tag k='" + a[0] + "'");
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" v='" + a.slice(1).join("=") + "' />");
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("<osm version='0.6'>");
//Put a node in the center, name it for debugging purposes.
WriteNode(id, lat, lon, "name=PPD=" + ppd.toString());
//Put nodes at offset extents
var offset = pixels / ppd / 100000; //This was arrived at by trial and error; YMMV.
WriteNode(id-1, lat+offset, lon-offset, "");
WriteNode(id-2, lat+offset, lon+offset, "");
WriteNode(id-3, lat-offset, lon+offset, "");
WriteNode(id-4, lat-offset, lon-offset, "");
//Make a closed way out of the fudged extents.
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("<way id='" + id + "'>");
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" <nd ref='" + (id - i).toString() + "' />");
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" <nd ref='" + (id - 1).toString() + "' />");
//Close out the XML
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goldfndr commented Jun 6, 2013

See also for a nearly identical example written in VBScript. (No idea why search isn't bringing it up).

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