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Created June 17, 2014 17:12
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Rough sketch of ZOON modular structure
# _____________ ____________ ____________ ___________________
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# (Greg, I edited your lovely ASCII art to bring it under the 80 character
# line limit for the Google R style guide)
# This is a *really* rough sketch of a modular structure for the ZOON workflow.
# In this version, a workflow consists of 5 types of modules, representing the
# key steps in an SDM workflow:
# occurrence module
# covariate module
# process module
# model module
# map module
# The user must select one module for each of these module types. These are
# then passed to the workflow wrapper function which runs through each step.
# Every module type should have a protocol determining what it takes as input
# and what it gives as output. Different modules for each module type could
# be stored in a community repositories, enabling users to quickly drop in a
# newly developed model or processing step and run it with their data. The
# structure also makes it very easy to compare different models against a
# standard dataset.
# These modules are just functions and wherever possible they should be self-
# contained, taking no arguments other than those used in the workflow.
# Clearly this is very simplistic, obvious next steps include modules for
# validation statistics and plots, the ability to predict to different
# covariate rasters than are used to train the model, etc.
# OK, let's go....
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# clear the workspace
rm(list = ls())
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# define the modules fir each module type
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# occurrence modules
# input: a numeric vetor of length 4 giving the coordinates of the rectangular
# region within which to carry out the analysis, in the order: xmin, xmax,
# ymin, ymax.
# output: a dataframe with four columns:
# value - a numeric value which may give 1 for presences, 0 for absences or a
# positive integer for count data
# type - a character value saying what is in the value column
# lon - the longitude of the record
# lat - the latitutude of the record
# ~~~
# occurrenceCp:
# occurrence module to grab *Culex pipiens* (a mosquito) occurrence (i.e.
# presence-only) data from GBIF, in the area bounded by extent.
# Perhaps this should have temporal interval too for future-proofing?
occurrenceCp <- function (extent) {
require (dismo)
raw <- gbif(genus = 'Culex',
species = 'pipiens',
ext = extent)
occurrence <- raw[, c('lon', 'lat')]
occurrence$value <- 1
occurrence$type <- 'presence'
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# covariate modules
# input: a numeric vetor of length 4 giving the coordinates of the rectangular
# region within which to carry out the analysis, in the order: xmin, xmax,
# ymin, ymax.
# output: a Raster* object (class from the raster package) with the gridded
# covariates used to train and predict from the SDM.
# ~~~
# covariateAir:
# covariate module to grab a coarse resolution mean air temperature raster from
# January-February 2001-2002 for the given extent.
covariateAir <- function (extent) {
c1 <- NCEP.gather(variable = 'air',
level = 850,
months.minmax = c(1:2),
years.minmax = c(2000,2001),
lat.southnorth = extent[3:4],
lon.westeast = extent[1:2],
reanalysis2 = FALSE,
return.units = TRUE)
avg <- apply(c1, c(1, 2), mean)
ras <- raster(avg)
extent(ras) <- c(extent)
return (ras)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# process modules
# input:
# occ - occurrence data, the output from an occurrence module
# ras - covariate data, the output from a covariate module
# output: dataframe with at least 5 columns
# value - a numeric value which may give 1 for presences, 0 for absences or a
# positive integer for count data
# type - a character value saying what is in the value column
# lon - the longitude of the record
# lat - the latitutude of the record
# columns 5-n - the values of the covariates for each records (the names of
# these columns should correspond exactly to the names of the layers in
# ras)
# ~~~
# processA:
# process module to generate up to 100 background records at random in
# cells of ras and return these along with the ppresence only data.
processA <- function (occ, ras) {
require (dismo)
if (!all(occ$type == 'presence')) {
stop ('this function only works for presence-only data')
# generate pseudo-absence data
pa <- randomPoints(ras,
npres <- nrow(occ)
npabs <- nrow(pa)
# extract covariates
occ_covs <- as.matrix(extract(ras, occ[, c('lon', 'lat')]))
pa_covs <- as.matrix(extract(ras, pa))
covs <- rbind(occ_covs,
# combine with the occurrence data
df <- data.frame(value = rep(c(1, 0),
c(npres, npabs)),
type = rep(c('presence', 'background'),
c(npres, npabs)),
lon = c(occ$lon, pa[, 1]),
lat = c(occ$lat, pa[, 2]),
names(df)[5:ncol(df)] <- names(ras)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# model modules
# input:
# df - a dataframe, the output from a process module
# output: a model object with a valid predict method
# note that the current set up only works for models with a predict method
# which takes the argument: type = 'response'
# obviously we'll have to work around that.
# ~~~
# modelLR:
# model module to fit a simple logistic regression model
modelLR <- function (df) {
if (!all(df$type %in% c('presence', 'absence', 'background'))) {
stop ('only for presence/absence or presence/background data')
covs <-[, 5:ncol(df)])
names(covs) <- names(df)[5:ncol(df)]
m <- glm(df$value ~ .,
data = covs,
family = binomial)
return (m)
# modelRF:
# model module to fit a simple RandomForest classification model
modelRF <- function (df) {
require ('randomForest')
if (!all(df$type %in% c('presence', 'absence', 'background'))) {
stop ('only for presence/absence or presence/background data')
covs <-[, 5:ncol(df)])
names(covs) <- names(df)[5:ncol(df)]
m <- randomForest(df$value ~ .,
data = covs,
weights = rep(1, nrow(covs)),
size = 1)
return (m)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# map modules
# input:
# model - a model object, the output from a model module
# ras - a Raster* object, the output from a covariate module
# output: a Raster object giving the probabilistic model predictions for each
# cell of ras
mapA <- function (model, ras) {
vals <- data.frame(getValues(ras))
colnames(vals) <- names(ras)
pred <- predict(model,
newdata = vals,
type = 'response')
pred_ras <- ras[[1]]
pred_ras <- setValues(pred_ras, pred)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
# workflow wrapper function
# input: an extent and one of each of the modules
# output: a list with the extent, the results of each module and a copy of the
# code used to execute the workflow (what's there now should be source-able
# though I'm sure there is a much neater approach than the one I took - the
# ultimate aim would be a much nicer way of enhancing reproducibility).
workflow <- function(ext,
mapFn) {
# small helper function to dump the code for a function to a text string
getSource <- function (object) {
paste(deparse(object), collapse = '\n')
occ <- occurrenceFn(ext)
cov <- covariateFn(ext)
df <- processFn(occ, cov)
m <- modelFn(df)
map <- mapFn(m, cov)
# get the command used to call this function
bits <-
call <- paste0(bits[1],
collapse = ', '),
# sorry about this spaghetti...
workflow <- paste0(paste(bits[-2],
sep = ' <- ',
collapse = '\n\n'),
' <- c(',
paste(ext, collapse = ', '),
'\nans <- ',
collapse = '\n\n\n')
return(list(extent = extent,
occ = occ,
cov = cov,
df = df,
m = m,
map = map,
workflow = workflow))
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# test drive it!
# define the extent in lat and long
UKextent <- c(xmin = -10,
xmax = 10,
ymin = 45,
ymax = 65)
# run a workflow, using the logistic regression model
ans1 <- workflow(ext = UKextent,
occurrenceFn = occurrenceCp,
covariateFn = covariateAir,
processFn = processA,
modelFn = modelLR,
mapFn = mapA)
# switch the model to a RandomForest
ans2 <- workflow(ext = UKextent,
occurrenceFn = occurrenceCp,
covariateFn = covariateAir,
processFn = processA,
modelFn = modelRF,
mapFn = mapA)
# look at the contents of these lists
str(ans1, 1)
str(ans2, 1)
# plot the resulting maps
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
zlim = c(0,1),
main = 'LR')
points(ans1$occ[, 1:2],
pch = 16,
cex = 0.3)
zlim = c(0,1),
main = 'RF')
points(ans2$occ[, 1:2],
pch = 16,
cex = 0.3)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# test run the script it outputted
# save the workflow script somewhere
write(ans1$workflow, file = '~/Desktop/ans1_code.txt')
# clear everything in the workspace
rm(list = ls())
# call the script!
# plot the first map again
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
zlim = c(0,1),
main = 'LR')
points(ans$occ[, 1:2],
pch = 16,
cex = 0.3)
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