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Created March 11, 2009 13:17
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11:43 < thehunfromoz> Hey Guys, I just bumped into the work being done on jboss-rails, in my meanderings. I'm coming from a Ruby on Rails background (well 2 years of it) ... with maybe 3 years of java
under my belt back in the days of Java 1.2 and 1.3. I'm trying to get my head around JBoss, and seeing I have a fairly good working knowledge of RoR, I thought it worth at least
trying out jboss-rails.
11:52 < mgoldmann> thehunfromoz: hi! sure jboss-rails stuff is really worth taking a look :) If you have any technical questions, please wait for bobmcw on this #, he can give you all you need :)
11:53 < mgoldmann> there is also a good documentation:
11:55 -!- thehunfromoz_ [n=attila@] has joined #jboss-rails
11:58 < mgoldmann> thehunfromoz_: have you received my msgs?
12:00 < thehunfromoz_> @mgoldmann, sorry, my first time using IRC, and just looking at the email address attributed to me by my irc client, I'm not sure its correct. Thought I'd see someones response
online ?
12:01 < mgoldmann> np, if you're answering just type first letters of my name and hit tab
12:02 < mgoldmann> so, I wrote earlier:
12:02 < thehunfromoz_> mgoldmann: gotya :0)
12:02 < mgoldmann> thehunfromoz: hi! sure jboss-rails stuff is really worth taking a look :) If you have any technical questions, please wait for bobmcw on this #, he can give you all you need :)
12:02 < mgoldmann> there is also a good documentation:
12:02 < mgoldmann> thehunfromoz_: beeter, huh? :)
12:02 < mgoldmann> s/beeter/better
12:05 -!- thehunfromoz [] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
12:05 < thehunfromoz_> mgoldmann: Yeah, I was looking at the docs just now, and that's what piqued my interest, and I'll definitely have a play with the downloads ... I was just I suppose pre-empting the
question about horsepower requirements ... since it's one of the realities of deploying on a VPS
12:07 < mgoldmann> maybe bobmcw has a better answer, but I think there is nothing more than JBoss AS requirements
12:09 < mgoldmann> you can wait here for him, he's project lead and has answer for all questions (almost :))
12:10 < mgoldmann> he will be here, I don't know, maybe today, tomorrow (is doing a preso at
12:10 < thehunfromoz_> mgoldmann: I was thinking that, though as I said I've no feeling for what JBoss requires, though I'll go do some reading for sure. What's attractive is that from what I've read thus
far, I know that jRuby rocks in terms of it's comparison to the standard ruby interpreters since it's leveraging the java JIT stuff, so I figured maybe that might counter any overhead
the JBoss AS adds ?
12:11 < mgoldmann> you can run JBoss with 256 MB ram, no problem
12:11 < mgoldmann> or even less
12:12 < thehunfromoz_> mgoldmann: Thanks for the response regardless. I'll go have a play with jboss and jboss-rails in the next few days and keep an eye on this chat room. Cheers.
12:12 < mgoldmann> thehunfromoz_: great! have fun! :)
12:14 < mgoldmann> thehunfromoz_: I'm sorry I can't help you with jboss-rails as you want, I'm in jboss-cloud project and all rails stuff is fairly new for me
12:18 < thehunfromoz_> mgoldmann: No probs, I'm not really looking for help just yet ... just wanted a heads up with what to expect, that's all. One last "STUPID" question ... I'm a IRC newbie ... I
presume I have to keep my IRC client window open to partake in this room ?. Is there usually an email notification thing, or is it normal just to have the IRC client open all day ?.
12:22 < mgoldmann> Just keep it open or leave a session on a server somewhere. We haven't set up logs for our channels, yet.
12:22 < thehunfromoz_> mgoldmann: thanks ...
12:24 < mgoldmann> you're welcome!
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