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Last active October 17, 2020 08:18
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An implementation of Depth First Search in Python
This is a search algorithm implementation.
It takes a text file used to construct the tree
(use the example one exampletree.txt or your own)
To run:
$ python <textfile.txt>
Class Node is a tree node that stores data, a parent, and a list of children
Samantha Goldstein 2015
class Node:
def __init__(self, data, parent=None, children=None):
#setup of default variables. Only need the node's data to construct = data
if parent is None:
self.parent = None
self.parent = parent
if children is None:
self.children = []
self.children = children
def __str__(self):
string = + " " + "[ "
for i in range(len(self.children)):
string += str(self.children[i]) + ", "
string +="]"
return string
def getData(self):
def setData(self, data): = data
def getChildren(self):
return self.children
def addChild(self, node):
return node
def getParent(self):
return self.parent
def setParent(self, par):
self.parent = par
if __name__ == '__main__':
This program is an implementation of Depth First Search in Python
Samantha Goldstein 2015
from node import *
from tree import *
import sys
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Invalid, need two arguments. e.g.\n\t$ python <textfile.txt>"
filename = sys.argv[1]
tree = Tree()
print "\nLet's Search!"
find = raw_input("Give me a character to search for: ")
if len(find)>1:
print "Sorry that's invalid"
result = DFS(tree, find)
if result == -1:
print "We could not find the element you are looking for. Sorry"
print "Found your node! \n" + str(result)
def DFS(tree, item):
This is an implementation of depth first search that takes two parameters
tree: a tree structure to search from
item: an element to search the tree for
returns a node if the item is found, else returns -1
#Initialize vars
stack = []
curr = tree.getRoot()
while len(stack)> 0:
#Pop off the most recently added element
curr = stack.pop()
#If the current element is our search item, then return that node
if curr.getData() == item:
return curr
[stack.append(elem) for elem in curr.getChildren()[-1::-1]]
return -1
An implementation of a tree structure.
Trees can be constructed independently or given a file
to create the tree from
Samantha Goldstein 2015
from node import *
class Tree:
def __init__(self):
#Initialize a tree structure
self.root = None
def getRoot(self):
#Accesses root element
return self.root
def setRoot(self, root):
#Sets root element
self.root = root
def isEmpty(self):
#Bool for status of tree
if self.root == None:
return True
return False
def makeTree(self, textfl):
Creates the tree structure based on input from a file.
elements in brackets represent child nodes
Text File Ex: a[b[cd]ef[g]]
Represents tree:
b e f
/\ |
c d g
textfl: a text file that houses a tree data structure
tree: an initialized tree structure
Returns: nothing, -1 if empty file
#Initialization, open file, set vars
text = open(textfl, "r")
curr = None
line = text.readline()
#Confirm valid file, not empty
if len(line) == 0:
return -1
#Initialize vars
nd = Node(line[0])
self.root = nd
curr = nd
place = 1 #will be used to traverse text
#Traverse text file to set up tree
while place < len(line):
#'[' means the following char will represent a child node
# so we create a node for the following char, update current node
if line[place] == '[':
place += 1
nd = Node(line[place], curr)
curr = nd
#']' means we've just finished the whole array of children
#for an element, so we reset current to a parent element which
#may still need to add child elements
elif line[place] == ']':
curr = curr.getParent()
#Else we create a node for the char, and set it's parent
curr = curr.getParent()
nd = Node(line[place], curr)
curr= nd
place += 1 #update position in text
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