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Created November 18, 2012 16:13
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Lua 5.2 html generator
--[[ ©2012 Tangent128
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to
do so, subject to the Conditions of the MIT License as specified here:
Lua 5.2's _ENV functionality naturally expedites some fun syntax tricks;
partly for a side project, and partly for the fun of it, I wrote a
module that creates an _ENV object with a metatable to synthesize
HTML-wrapping functions. Thus,
local _ENV = require"htmlua".new()
return html {
body {
div {
class = "class",
p "Hello"
would yield "<html><body><div
So then, for more fun, I had it generate callable tables instead of raw
functions. As tables, the HTML-wrappers can be further indexed to get
more-specific, class-tagged versions to fit a little more nicely with
today's CSS frameworks:
return html {
body {
div.class {
p "Hello"
yields "<html><body><div class=" class"><p>Hello</p></div><div class="
two classes"></div></body></html>"
-- module for easy production of HTML via Lua table constructors
-- nice usage pattern:
local htmlua = require"".new()
local result
-- set userData, htmlData
do _ENV = htmlua
result = html{
head {
title "Page"
body {
div.class {
p {
"User data: ", userData, " (escaped)"
p.class {
"Raw HTML: ", rawHTML(htmlData)
-- use tostring(result)
local concat, tostring, string = table.concat, tostring, string
local setmetatable, getmetatable, pairs, type = setmetatable, getmetatable, pairs, type
local _ENV = {}
local gen_mt, tag_mt, safe_mt, genHTML, safeHTML, escapeHTML, rawHTML
-- create HTML from a table
function genHTML(tag, content)
-- convenience; can call with table or string parameter
if type(content) == "string" then
return genHTML(tag, {content})
local name = tag._name
local tagClass = tag._class
content.class = content.class and ((tagClass or " ") .. content.class) or tagClass or nil
local attTable = {}
local bodyTable = {}
for k,v in pairs(content) do
local t = type(k)
if t == "string" then
attTable[#attTable + 1] = ('%s="%s"'):format(k,safeHTML(v))
elseif t == "number" then
bodyTable[#bodyTable + 1] = safeHTML(v)
local atts = concat(attTable, " ")
if #atts > 0 then atts = " " .. atts end
local body = concat(bodyTable)
local html = ("<%s%s>%s</%s>"):format(name, atts, body, name)
return rawHTML(html)
-- autocreates callable tables that generate HTML for a tag
gen_mt = {
__index = function(context, name)
local tag = setmetatable({
_name = name,
_class = false
}, tag_mt)
context[name] = tag
return tag
-- make callable HTML generating tables, which can be autoindexed
-- for versions which autoadd class attributes
tag_mt = {
__call = genHTML,
__index = function(tag, class)
local oldClass = tag._class or ""
local tagWithClass = setmetatable({
_name = tag._name,
_class = oldClass .. " " .. class
}, tag_mt)
tag[class] = tagWithClass
return tagWithClass
-- make object that wraps a string known to be safe HTML
safe_mt = {
__tostring = function(self)
return self.html
function rawHTML(html)
if type(html) == "string" then
return setmetatable({
html = html
}, safe_mt)
-- get printable HTML, escaping unless marked to be used raw
function safeHTML(text)
if getmetatable(text) == safe_mt then
return text.html
return escapeHTML(text)
-- always escape HTML content
function escapeHTML(text)
-- escape special chars (<, >, ", and &)
-- double quotes are assumed for attributes
text = tostring(text):gsub("&", "&amp;")
text = text:gsub("<", "&lt;")
text = text:gsub(">", "&gt;")
text = text:gsub('"', "&quot;")
-- unescape numeric entities and explicit &amp;
-- disabled due to expected confusion, belongs elsewhere
--[[ text = text:gsub("&amp;#(x%x+);", "&#%1;")
text = text:gsub("&amp;#(%d+);", "&#%1;")
text = text:gsub("&amp;amp;", "&amp;") ]]
return text
-- construct new context
function new()
return setmetatable({
rawHTML = rawHTML,
safeHTML = safeHTML,
escapeHTML = escapeHTML,
}, gen_mt)
return _ENV
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