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Forked from lenalebt/
Created February 12, 2023 11:25
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"Rollover Daily Todos" for Obsidian Templater

Rollover Daily Todos for Obsidian, but with the Templater Plugin

Rollver daily todos is a really nice extension for that takes TODOs from yesterdays daily notes and rolls them over to today's notes. It has support for Obsidians built-in templates, but does - to my understanding - not really work well with the Templater Plugin. At least, I was unable to get it to work :-). Also, I wished it had some way to tell me that TODOs have been rolled over a few times already. Doing it this way is my way of working around these limitations.

I took some of the code of that "rollover daily todos" plugin and made it into a templater user script.

How to use

  • Copy rollover_daily_todos.js into your templater user scripts directory.
  • Include it in your daily notes template, like so:
# Tasks

<% await tp.user.rollover_daily_todos() %>

If your folder id different from "Tasks/Daily", you might need to call it like this:

# Tasks

<% await tp.user.rollover_daily_todos(folder="My/Daily/Notes/Folder") %>
  • Activate templater plugin in the settings. Make sure to tick "Trigger templater on new file creation" (2), enable folder templates (3) and add your daily notes template image

  • Import the user script like this in the settings (1): image

async function getAllUnfinishedTodos(file, tasksHeader) {
const contents = await;
const contentsForDailyTasks = contents.split(tasksHeader)[1] || contents;
const unfinishedTodosRegex = /\t*- \[ \].*/g
const unfinishedTodos = Array.from(contentsForDailyTasks.matchAll(unfinishedTodosRegex)).map(([todo]) => todo)
return unfinishedTodos;
function getLastDailyNote(folder, format) {
const { moment } = window
// get all notes in directory that aren't null
const dailyNoteFiles =
.filter(file => file.path.startsWith(folder))
.filter(file => file.basename != null)
// remove notes that are from the future
const todayMoment = moment()
let dailyNotesTodayOrEarlier = []
dailyNoteFiles.forEach(file => {
if (moment(file.basename, format).isSameOrBefore(todayMoment, 'day')) {
// sort by date
const sorted = dailyNotesTodayOrEarlier.sort((a, b) => moment(b.basename, format).valueOf() - moment(a.basename, format).valueOf());
return sorted[1];
async function rollover_daily_todos(folder = "Tasks/Daily", format = "YYYY-MM-DD", tasksHeader = "# Tasks", rolloverMarkCharacter = "❗") {
return (await getAllUnfinishedTodos(getLastDailyNote(folder, format), tasksHeader)).map(task => `${task}${rolloverMarkCharacter}`).join('\n');
module.exports = rollover_daily_todos;
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