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Last active November 22, 2019 11:02
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class Switcher {
public static $calls = [];
public static function register($case, Closure $callback){
self::$calls[$case] = new Executor($callback);
public static function onCase($case){
return isset(self::$calls[$case]) ? self::$calls[$case] : new Executor(function(){});
class Executor {
public function __construct(Closure $callback){
$this->callback = $callback;
public function call(...$args){
$callback = $this->getCallBack();
return call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
public function getCallBack(){
return $this->callback;
class BrainFucker{
const MAX_REGISTER = 8;
public $register = [];
public $pointer = 0;
function __construct($string){
$this->register = array_fill(0, self::MAX_REGISTER, 0);
$this->string = $this->cut_space($string);
$self = $this;
Switcher::register("+", function() use($self) {
$self->register[$self->pointer] += 1;
Switcher::register("-", function() use($self) {
$self->register[$self->pointer] -= 1;
Switcher::register(">", function() use($self) {
$self->pointer += 1;
Switcher::register("<", function() use($self) {
$self->register[$self->pointer] -= 1;
Switcher::register(".", function() use($self) {
echo chr($self->register[$self->pointer]);
function cut_space($string){
return str_replace([" ", " "], "", $string);
function go(){
$exe = $this->string;
foreach(str_split($exe) as $p){
$bf = new BrainFucker("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.");
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