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Created October 22, 2022 08:23
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package converter
import java.math.BigInteger
private const val MAXIMUM_OCTAL_SYSTEM = 10
private const val CAPITAL_LETTER_A = 64
class NumberConverter(
private val sourceBase: BigInteger,
private val targetBase: BigInteger
) {
private fun convertFromDecimal(decimalNumber: String): String {
var tempNumber = decimalNumber.toBigInteger()
var result = ""
do {
val currentResult = tempNumber.divideAndRemainder(targetBase)[1]
result += if (currentResult >= MAXIMUM_OCTAL_SYSTEM.toBigInteger()) {
(CAPITAL_LETTER_A.toBigInteger().plus(currentResult - (MAXIMUM_OCTAL_SYSTEM.toBigInteger() - BigInteger.ONE))).toString()
} else {
tempNumber = tempNumber.divide(targetBase)
} while (tempNumber >= BigInteger.ONE)
return result.reversed()
* This function converts the input string to decimal number
* system
private fun convertToDecimal(numberInput: String): String {
var result = BigInteger.ZERO
for (i in numberInput.indices) {
// leftIndex is the index of current symbol from
// left to right.
// EG:
// In number 123456 if `i` is equal to zero
// it will be 6
val leftIndex = (i - numberInput.lastIndex) * -1
val currentSymbol = numberInput[i]
// \u0030 and \u0039 are the UTF codes of the numbers
// 0 and 9
result += if (currentSymbol in '\u0030'..'\u0039') {
currentSymbol.toString().toBigInteger() * sourceBase.pow(leftIndex)
} else {
val number = 9 + (currentSymbol.code - CAPITAL_LETTER_A)
number.toBigInteger() * sourceBase.pow(leftIndex)
return result.toString()
fun convert(input: String): String {
val decimalNumber = convertToDecimal(input)
return convertFromDecimal(decimalNumber)
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